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Cell cure booster...gets ride of herpes, lesser known stds and other viruses..FDA aprroved

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 06:50 PM
I was trying to find more info on this when i came across this site:

Inventor late Dr. Keith Maxwell said , “We’ve seen success rates of 85% in the treatment of herpes 1 and 2, above 85% in cytomegalovirus and above 95% in a number of the coxsackie B viruses. We’ve tested the device on more than 300 patients with consistently positive results that have been backed up by findings of Lancet Laboratories, which tested subjects before and after treatment.”

He emphasizes that a particular strength of this treatment is that the acyclovir is conveyed straight to the cells, bypassing the bloodstream. “In the case of oral treatments, what isn’t destroyed by the gastric juices is metabolized by the liver and continues to circulate in the blood.

However, herpes, cytomegalovirus and the coxsackie viruses are not present in blood in their latent stages, so oral medication is unlikely to be effective. The tablets can also be very expensive. With Cell CURE Booster, a tube of acyclovir, which costs R90, can be used to treat approximately 20 patients. So not only is it a superior treatment – it’s also cost- effective.”

The next step will be to publish these findings in a clinical paper in a medical journal. “Once they’re generally known and accepted, the Merck manual will have to be rewritten where, next to herpes and cytomegalovirus, it says "Therapy – none".

It says that this product has been approved by the FDA, and is considered a cure for herpes or any other viruses...why it doesnt work for hiv or why there isn't any study on hiv yet with this i don't really know but it is remarkable...but it could be a scam. What do you guys think

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:21 PM
It sounds too good to be true, and you know what they say about THAT.

But what interests me, and makes me very suspicious, is that they haven't written it up for a medical journal yet. They're talking about it online or in the press without having published. I don't think they usually do things that way in Medical World. I could be wrong, but I'm very snarky on this one.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:37 PM
The thing that really surprises me was that they say it is FDA approved. I still haven't found any testimonies except the two on the site, i don't think this got very much publicity, but it claims to gt ride of certain diseases like herpes FOR LIFE>>>

THe cost seems rather expensive, but if you think about it may be worth it to who ever needs it if you count how much they spend on meds...this may good to try and experiment with, i wish we had a bigger medical research area on ats, if not does anyone know any good sites for people with Herpes or what not, maybe we can convince them to try it and see if it works therefore debunking this product.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 10:32 PM
would it be possible for any of the mods to move this into the medical issues thread in the abovetopsecret...we still don't no if this is just a money conspiracy or an actual cure...

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 01:10 PM
If only it prevented the serious STDs too, like AIDs, and prevented unplanned pregencies, that it'd be the stuff!

Aw man, I'll just stick to condoms. I'm starting to get allergic to using them, they need a replacement

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:16 PM
Where does it say that it is FDA approved?

It looks like a total scam and the only other site I found that mentions the Lyndale-Adler system looks like an offshoot of the site you posted.

The number of people infected with Herpes is something insanely high, like 20% or possibly higher. If this thing cured the user of the disease, it would be more well known. I'm going to go with scam.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:34 PM
Is herpes plural? I mean, can you just get a herpe?

And is that anything like genital string warts?

I'm asking for a friend. Acquaintance. Just idle curiosity.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:45 PM
if you have more than one herpe you have herpi and you are undateable until the oubreak clears up.

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