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Spiderman 3 sucks the big one.

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posted on May, 16 2007 @ 08:28 AM

My wife and I didn't pay for out tickets, so all I can complain about is my a** falling asleep in the theater, oh and the stomach ache I got from eating too much icecream.

Sorry but Peter dancing like a Special Ed student was TERRIBLE. Did anyone else notice the black eyeliner they used on him whenever he had the black suit on?

Anyway..those were minor points to the movie sucking. It was just terrible. I agree it should have been at LEAST a 1/2 hour shorter.

I dont mind a movie with a plot, but damn if i wanted all that romance, I would have stayed home and watched LIFETIME for Women!

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 12:01 PM
So far, everyone I've spoken to was unimpressed with Spidey3, apart from an 11 year old girl.

And she didn't really get it. "I think I should watch the other 2 now!"

posted on May, 16 2007 @ 09:17 PM
I found the only thing in this movie that really sucked was venom. He is my favourite supervillain and I think they screwed it up. First of all, no offence to Topher Grace but wrong actor for the job. Eddie Brock is bigger than spidey without the symbiote. Secondly, venom himself is huge about twice as big as spiderman. Thirdly, they didn't even alter his voice even when he talked through Venoms mouth. Last but not least they killed him what a buzzkill that was. Ok done my rant and no offence to those who thought hollywoods Venom was cool I just wish they would stick to the comic book more.

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