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Islam to use 'ghostbusters'

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posted on May, 6 2007 @ 06:26 AM
Malaysia and Islamic 'ghostbusters'

The officials of Islam in that country claim that they are now going to use 'ghostbusters'. They claim that they will send these people who are well versed in the quran to be exorcists to drive out evil from those who 'stray from traditional Islam'.

So .... they really aren't 'ghostbusters' or exorcists at all ... they are people who will grab those Islamists who aren't in lock step with the traditionalist Islamics and they will haul them away to be whipped and 'reeducated' into being good little traditional Islamists.

Sounds political to me. Sounds like a nightmare. I also had to give a sad chuckle when I read that they are using 'ghostbusters' to rid these independent people of 'evil'. What those Islamists in charge are doing is evil. They should exorcise themselves.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 09:47 AM
Seems like middle ages in Europe. Islam needs to change, so does Christianity and almost all other religions. We need to change them all IF you want peace. If not, we need to make more bombs and end this planetary infestation.

One funny history fact: Holy Church believed cats are as dangerous as witches 700 years ago and they told people to exterminate (burn) all cats and poor innocent women. Shortly after rats multiplied like mad and black plague killed 1/3 (one third) of Europe population. God always provides cure for stupidity, you see.

posted on May, 6 2007 @ 11:33 AM
It seems like they maybe in favour of a very religious islamic fundamental rule. Looks like there maybe an Islamic Inquisition happening there soon...hmmm.... might be interesting to watch what happens there next.

As far as I know, religious inqusitions normally caused lots of suffering to the people.... it may be best to avoid that country, unless you don't mind being involved in one of those trails.

Thanks for the heads up.

[edit on 6-5-2007 by ixiy]

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