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Imus Shouldn't Have Been Fired

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posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 02:50 PM
Just for ***its and giggles I will bring this question forth.

What ever happend to freedom of speech ?

If I am a communists why can't I bring up those thoughts here ? They protect what the richer people want them to protect or ??
Do we just protect being gay ? Because I am totally against Gay Marriage and anything that has to do with saying that being GAY(HOMOSEXUAL) is right ?

Yet , they have a gay day at Disney World and so on and what not. Just telling my kids that it is ok to be Gay. And I am there to tell them that it is not and it goes against MY RELIGION .... Which there for goes against my freedom of Religion.

This will never go anywhere as freedom of speech and religion just runs in circles around itself. They should have written a basis of RELIGION on the Declaration of Independance and done away with anyone that didn't want to sign it.

Our short term resolutions will never be long term answers although we always want to get so technical with wording in such laws that we think it will fix everything.


posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 02:54 PM
You are absolutely right, it has become a game with these people Especially Rev. Al Sharpton. It is almost as if they are saying " Look at what I can do! " It is Pathetic !!! The bad part are that there are people who will stand behind them no matter what they say. Because of the simple minded people that follow these Political Figures. Almost like Mr. Bush ... This is what they want to get done and this is what they want to hear to get it in MOTION. By the time people see what this bill does it will be passed and who knows how hard it is to get a Bill Back through Legislation after it has been signed into affect ?

Well lets just say it like this .. They would rather put another bill through changing the bill that is already in affect rather than Take the bill out all together .... REDICULOUS !!!!!!!

Originally posted by Bleys

I didn't feel his comment was enough to warrant him getting fired but he should have been punished.

This is one of those areas where I think to myself - this guy has been spouting this garbage for years and NOW everyone is outraged?

Personally, for me Imus, Stern, Limbaugh, Matthews, etc. are all exercising their first amendment right to free speech. Like 'em or hate 'em - it is everyone's right to rant and look like a complete idiot to the majority of this country, even if that speech rises to the level of hate speech. Actions are prosecutable in this country not speech.

I watched Bill Mahr the other night sparring with Al Sharpton on getting his "scalp" referring to Imus's firing. Sharpton responded with something that I had to agree with. Imus has the right to say whatever he likes but the black and feminist communities also have the right to respond in kind. If the corporate execs are worried that their advertising revenue stream may be affected by possible boycotts and the like - someone is gonna get canned. Make no mistake here, Imus got the boot over someone's bottom line and Sharpton/Jackson know how to play that game like no one else.


posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 02:59 PM

OK OK OK ... Here goes ...

We use to be able to go out and petition and get things done. But what has changed what makes the media have the need to have someone fired to get thier way? (OR JUST TO MAKE A POINT)

THE REASON: Ones words are not worth a PLUGGED NICKEL anymore. USed to if someone said I am going to do this and this is right it was taken at what was stated. Now if someone says something of the like there are always people wanting to RECORD the statement or want you to sign on the dotted line because thier/yours/our words aren't worth the mouths they came out of ?!?!! When did this change ???

When did a handshake become OBSOLETE we should have known we were in trouble from that time FORWARD !!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Deus_Brandon
What ever happend to freedom of speech ?

Imus didn't get fired because of Free Speech. He has the freedom to say whatever he wants. He got fired because advertisers were pulling out. That's it. He got fired because of money.

However, When the public can and does put the kind of pressure on advertisers and the networks that cause them to fire someone after 30 years of like behavior, because they judge what he said as morally wrong to say, then I believe Freedom of Speech is an issue.

No, he wasn't fired because it's illegal to say what he said. But I'm concerned that the mad rush to judgment made by the public indicates that people are willing to shut down someone for their opinion. And that is where the freedom to express one's self comes into this story.

He shouldn't have been fired. I agree with the OP. I also think there's more to this, whether it's the 9/11 comments or the Bush/Cheney comments, I don't know, but there's more to this than meets the eye and Sharpton just jumped on for the ride.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 10:18 PM
Imus should have been fired. Could you or me go to our job and say what imus said and not be fired? so why should it be ok for him to say it? Is he above the law.

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by semperfoo
Could you or me go to our job and say what imus said and not be fired?

If we had been doing it for 30 years, I imagine we could.

Is he above the law.

What law?

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by semperfoo
Imus should have been fired. Could you or me go to our job and say what imus said and not be fired? so why should it be ok for him to say it?

He wasn't fired for what he said. NBC could have cared less. The sponsors pulled their advertising dollars, and that's why NBC fired him.

Is he above the law.

He didn't break any laws. The FCC didn't bat an eyelash. . .

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
If we had been doing it for 30 years, I imagine we could.

I agree with you. But alot of ppl would agree that Don Imus should have been fired a long time ago. Ive always been a big supporter of "if you dont like it dont pay any attention to it". But what he said came off as very racist. Could you or me go into our jobs and say the same thing and still be there?

What law?

That was more of an expression. So somehow he is supposed to be immune to scrutiny?

I guarantee that Imus will get his own show on Sirius or something just like howerd stern, and that one D-bag who has his own show on HBO.

[edit on 013030p://2004pm by semperfoo]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by 2PacSade
He wasn't fired for what he said. NBC could have cared less. The sponsors pulled their advertising dollars, and that's why NBC fired him.

I thought it was because what he had said that pulled the sponsors? Meaning he dug his own grave. Meaning his sponsors basically fired him because of what he said.

[edit on 013030p://2304pm by semperfoo]

posted on Apr, 17 2007 @ 05:11 PM
If we were goign to interview for the position of Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel ... Or Don Imus .. Yes .. You might say those things to get attention ... Those shows are to entertain and relay information to the younger generation that can't sit in fron tof the 9 O'Clock news. Guess what they figured out they got more of the message across at a later time making fun of people. Hmmmmmmmmmmm ..

Originally posted by semperfoo
Imus should have been fired. Could you or me go to our job and say what imus said and not be fired? so why should it be ok for him to say it? Is he above the law.

posted on Apr, 19 2007 @ 11:27 PM

Could you or me go into our jobs and say the same thing and still be there?

I have done worse at my job and still didnt get fired I was trying but no they couldnt take a hint I ended up putting in my 2 weeks notice. A week after I left they called wanting me to come back.

I dont think what he said was racist. The only reason people lok at it as racist now is because Al Sharpton said something other wise he would still have his job. All Al talkes about is equal rights but then doesnt say anything when his own race is making racist comments. The world will never change so we might as well get used to it minorities are always right not being racist here im a minority my self but come on when is Al sharpton going to fight for a white man to get free college.

posted on Apr, 20 2007 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by 19 Kilo
I have done worse at my job and still didnt get fired I was trying but no they couldnt take a hint I ended up putting in my 2 weeks notice. A week after I left they called wanting me to come back.

I dont think what he said was racist. The only reason people lok at it as racist now is because Al Sharpton said something other wise he would still have his job. All Al talkes about is equal rights but then doesnt say anything when his own race is making racist comments. The world will never change so we might as well get used to it minorities are always right not being racist here im a minority my self but come on when is Al sharpton going to fight for a white man to get free college.

You didnt think that was racist? "Nappy headed hos"? I found it to be racist, and thats how the Rutgers women basketball team took it as well.

Dont get me started on AL, hes a racist as is jesse jackson. They just got caught by the public as being to 'one sided'. So now to stay good in the publics eye they are pretending to care about rap music and the contents in it.

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