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There won't be any future?

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posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 03:06 PM
Hi all,

I am still new so i hope you will excuse me if I am posting that one in the wrong forum. This is just something that came in my mind, and i was surprised to hold on to it. It's just a ... "non commercial" theory


When you look at the world you see different persons, religions and habits, but all "we" really care of is our future, isn't it? Somebody is thinking of buying a new car, someone thinks about that maybe his kids will explore the stars - different stories, but all are about the future.

It seems, like we are living only to imagine things we will never see. (Think about the last line, it makes sense). So, as a normal citizen of a small country i make my future plans too, but I am thinking more of the far future like 100 - 200 years from now. I'll bet everyone has done the same - we do it a lot. We like to think about things we can't get an answer too - that's human. Sometimes getting no answer is better than getting one - i hope you understand what i meant.


But there is just this one little thought in my head that keeps me from thinking too far. It's not about the 2012 theories or anything similar. It's much more ... simpler. It's almost too simple, but yet it causes me a headache.

Now, 2007, most scientists are telling us that there will be a time machine in the future - theoretically they have build it, but it will take decades to understand and to build it finally. But it's for sure, that most of the people will tell you: YES, there will be a time machine (in 100, 1000, 10000 years) - I am sure you agree.


So, the key question, or the "crazy part" about my simple theory is:
If the future really brings us a time machine some day, why hasn't anyone being using it? And suddenly, that brings me to my answer: Because there is NO future (we talk about 100+ years)

It maybe sounds crazy - but when you think about it you will see the logic in there.

The most common argument against that theory will be: "They won't change history, thats because we don't see them, or they don't tell us, hey I am your grandson, coming from the future".

Maybe. But maybe there is just no such "big" future like we expect it to be. I would really love to hear your thoughts on that one. But please remember, I am not defending that theory, I just want to hear what do you think. Personally, I am undecided.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 06:31 PM
you've got an interesting point... if a time machine was built in the future, then we would've been visited... and nothing happened so far, leading to the conclusion to, there is no future (or as you said, "there is just no such "big" future like we expect it to be", with which I agree). This is something to really ponder about, thanks.

Ow yeah, welcome to ATS.

and don't worry about saying anything that might seem crazy... you might think your idea/theory sounds crazy... until you read someone else's idea/theory and calling either the person crazy, or his idea/theory is crazy.

enjoy your stay at the ATS-asylum (hehehe)

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 07:14 PM
then there's Watchers or another department in the Angelic realm
who intercept the time travelers and quarenteen those disrupters
of the Law - so that karma, destiny and prophecy can proceed undisturbed.

there's nothing wrong with the line of reasoning presented,
but....your assuming that time travel is a pragmatic, scientific, technical feat, which operates exclusively within normal, but advanced, physics

and is not nor can it be influenced/regulated by forces we describe as spiritual or etheral...
with that view, a totally freeflowing, holistic universe is not a possibility!

respond if you will,

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
then there's Watchers or another department in the Angelic realm
who intercept the time travelers and quarenteen those disrupters
of the Law - so that karma, destiny and prophecy can proceed undisturbed.

there's nothing wrong with the line of reasoning presented,
but....your assuming that time travel is a pragmatic, scientific, technical feat, which operates exclusively within normal, but advanced, physics

and is not nor can it be influenced/regulated by forces we describe as spiritual or etheral...
with that view, a totally freeflowing, holistic universe is not a possibility!

respond if you will,

It might be that time travel is impossible and so save us all?

Are you an insignificant speck of dust in the time frame?

A single grain of sand - not on Earth but on another planet?

Are you a piece of a spiders leg that just fell to the ground after a fly won a round?

HOPE is all we have, no fancy games etc.

I have tried to tell it as it is.';;; But "The END is Nigh"

"Rich folk die too". "A Heart stops forever only once".


posted on Apr, 9 2007 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
there's nothing wrong with the line of reasoning presented,
but....your assuming that time travel is a pragmatic, scientific, technical feat, which operates exclusively within normal, but advanced, physics
and is not nor can it be influenced/regulated by forces we describe as spiritual or etheral...
with that view, a totally freeflowing, holistic universe is not a possibility!

respond if you will,


thanks for your interesting input - and i agree with you, the "formula" of my theory is just based on todays and tomorrows physics. But as you said, there is the spiritual part that always can switch everything we know to 180 degrees.

So maybe we will achieve a higher spiritual mind much earlier than we expect? Maybe with using more than 4-5% of our brain we will understand a "time machine" as a totally different thing then we do it now.

But i remember watching a documentary about some scientists, "sending an atomic particle back in time", i have to check my bookmarks.

Maybe the spiritual argument weight's a lot against this theory. More thoughts?

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 12:52 AM
Perhaps we haven't seen people coming back and forth through time is because time travel is impossible?

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 02:51 AM
I'm of three opinions:

1. The aforementioned 'time travel is impossible'.

2. Any attempts at returning to the past, and meddling with it, has resulted in alternate universes being created entirely separate from our own.

3.There is a law/are laws governing entry to the past.
Think about it:As 'cool' as going back in time, meeting Jesus, killing Hitler etc are everything they would do, even minor events, would result in a momentous change in our timeline.

What if one of the travellers is infected with the common cold, the flu or any superbug?
What if the machine is highjacked by religious extremists/racists?
What if 'future tech' is brought/left in the past?

Personally I see too many 'what ifs' to leave it without even basic regulations.

posted on Apr, 16 2007 @ 03:16 AM
Time and space are one. So any "time machine" would also have to travel through space as well. If you wanted to go back in time and witness the assasination of Julius Ceasar you'd have to know not exactly when it happened but where as well. You'd need to know exactly where the earth was in space at that exact instant.

Go outside and look at the sun. You are looking back through time and space 8 minutes. The light you see took 8 minutes to travel here so you are essentially looking "back" in time by 8 minutes. Not only that, you can only see where the sun was 8 minutes ago. Time and space.

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