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the Golden Woman of Ugra

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posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 10:34 PM

This is the Ugra land, a place of some heretofore-unsolved ancient mysteries.

The land has populated by various tribes since ancient times, as far back as the Mesolithic age.

They left behind many tombs, settlements, artifacts and unsolved mysteries. One of them is the legend of the Golden Woman (Zolotaya Baba in Russian; baba is an archaic term for a woman; used today mostly as a slang word, demeaning to women; it also means grandma).

Let us look at the people who had worshipped the Golden Woman, and whose mythology may help us unlock her secrets.

read this article and found this interesting. Never heard of this one before. Siberia has so many secrets and mysteries that are not looked into because of its remoteness.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 10:54 PM
Any ATS members from Siberia, Tunguska, Taiga? If so, have any stories to share?

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 11:23 PM
written by

Paul Stonehill [email protected]
Author of The Soviet UFO Files (1998)

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 11:31 PM
Here's a heads up mate and its pretty much a law of lore, forget anything or any subject matter coming out of Russia or writings derived from *.ru as I have yet to read anything of substantiation from that region.

Russia seems to have a legacy passed on from the Cold War era whereby lies, deception and disinfo are the order of the day and to use as an example I exort anyone to prove me incorect.

posted on Mar, 29 2007 @ 11:40 PM
I will keep that in mind. Its just that I find the area of Siberia interesting.

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 07:37 AM

potsed by mazzroth
I exort anyone to prove me incorect.

there are two r's in incorrect

posted on Mar, 30 2007 @ 09:07 PM
Hrm. Well, he leads in with a good backing of fact about the Western Siberian peoples. I noticed problem when he started talking about the Kalevala.

First off, the Kalevala is an invention of the 19th century. It was compiled by Elias Lönnrot by going around collecting Folklore and stringing it together into a comprehensive story, and ending it with strong Christian themes that he created, himself. Imagine if the Brothers Grimm had tried to turn their collection into a single story, after all the editing they did to make it more kid-friendly. It's a great epic and it does have a lot of old mythology, but unlike Snorri's Prose Edda, it's hardly a good representation of ancient Finnish beliefs and practices.

The article goes on to state:

Yumala is the queen of the underworld in this epic. Stag is the favorite animal of Yumala... Kaleva is the mythical kingdom where most of the epic takes place. It is similar to Kalama of the Sumerians. Inanna, let us recall, abandoned the E-muc-kalama in Bad-tibira, and descended to the underworld.
This is yet another connection with the wondrous land of ancient Sumer and its mythology.

"Yumala" is either nonexistant in Kalevalan mythology, or is incredibly obscure. The queen of the Finnish underworld (Tuonela) is Tuonetar. The favored critter of Tuonela is the swan. I'm no expert in Sumerian myth, but from what I'm finding online, Irkalla is a very different place from Tuonela. Tuonela is portrayed as a VERY boring place where the dead rest in eternal sleep in a cave full of mist beneath a lake. Also unlike Irkalla, it has no "conservation of death" law, meaning that if you can get there you can bring a dead person back to the living world with no issue.

What the hell is it with everyone trying to connect everything to Sumer?

posted on Apr, 1 2007 @ 11:10 AM
I agree with what TheWalkingFox said, the author of that article does not seem to know much about Kalevala. He may have somehow confused the word "yumala" with the finnish word "jumala", which means "god". And the connection between Kalevala and ancient Sumer is also very far-fetched and definitely not supported by scholars specialised in Kalevala. If his background work regarding the other things mentioned in the article is of same quality, the article certainly does not look like credible at all.

Here's a link with more information about Kalevala in case someone is interested:

I'm not from Siberia, I'm from Finland, but there certainly are some stories
of golden pagan symbols being worshipped in here too. These stories however are mainly connected to a pretty controversial person named Ior Bock, who claims to be the last one of the old royal lineage of Finland, dating back to pagan times. Here is a link to the official site of his family saga that was published as a book few years ago:

Most people in Finland do not take his saga seriously (if you read some of it you'll surely see why..) It seems more like a mix of a very avtive imagination combined to viking sagas, Kalevala, and some other stories of the old finnish pagan mythology Bock might have heard. Here's one quote from his website, referring to a golden statue:

When the castel of Ra and Maia had been emptied and transfer of maia aesthetiques – majestics – to the most recently created salle chamber complex had been completed, its gold door would be closed (but not sealed) and before it placed a life-size gold statue of Lemminkainen, bar (naked), anatomically correct in minute detail as he stood at age 27, fully erect, when becoming the Bock, the breeder

Bock also tells about a statue of a golden goat (goat=Bock) that used to be some kind of a symbol of the pagan kings.

Bock claims that this Lemminkäinen's Temple he is referring to is located nearby Helsinki and contains religious artifacts, written records of the pagan times in Finland, and some sort of a treasury of the Bock family. He claims that the cave was sealed when Finns were converted to catholism, in order to protect and hide what lays inside from the greedy hands of catholic church. There actually is a cave going deep inside the rock, filled with sand, but it has not been excavated yet. There were some attempts 10 or 15 years ago, but the work ended due to lack of funding after all the sponsoring companies backed out when finnish media made a big deal out of Bock's followers using drugs next to the entrance to the cave. No evidence of the cave having something man-made in it exists so far. The current landowner is sort of a follower of Ior Bock and wants the cave to be properly excavated, so perhaps it'll happen some day if he finds someone willing to put money into it.

Whether these stories have some truth in them or not is quite difficult to confirm. The last documents supposedly containing information about pre-catholic times were destroyed when the stronghold of the last catholic bishop of Finland was burnt down when reformation took place in Scandinavia. And naturally the church was never very eager to speak or to remind anybody of the times when the people were worshipping other gods.

p.s. TheWalkingFox, are you also from Finland, or just otherwise familiar with Kalevala..?

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Jean Ange

I don't think the Bock saga is that hard to prove. I believe every word of the Bock saga. I use iridology to see health problems, according to iridology there are only 2 eye colors in the human race Blue and brown.
According to science blue eyes happened during an ice age, a meat diet and lack of sun caused a vitamin D deficiency that took the color from their skin and eyes between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago
"It's possible that it had something to do with vitamin D. We used to get most of our vitamin D from sunlight. The cloudy skies of Northern Europe make it hard for dark-skinned people to make enough vitamin D. So light-skinned people had an advantage over dark-skinned people living there. If there were a link between blue eyes and light skin, then this might be the reason."
"The most extreme OSR imbalance occurs among hunting peoples of the "steppe-tundra," where almost all consumable biomass is in the form of highly mobile and spatially concentrated herbivores such as caribou, reindeer, or muskox."

The Bock saga goes so far as to say that the Atlanteans were vegetarians, when that last ice age happened.
Cystic Fibrosis was a genetic disease that affect solely Scandinavians. In my opinion, that happen much later than 10,000 years ago, the Hopi said they met the blue eyed tribe well before that.
This post asked if the sphinx was European, I know the answer is yes so I didn't watch the video. When the sphinx was built they painted it with green eyes, brown eyes don't turn green, and in fact the Irish have a genetic liver problem, I knew that green eyes mean the person is toxic, my wife's eyes are green, it's one of those things I had to know, I didn't know it was genetic until my step daughter found her father, a doctor told him.
The water erosion debate tells me that the sphinx was probably sitting there for the last cosmic year, end of age.
Water erosion debate
Main article: Sphinx water erosion hypothesis:
The Sphinx water erosion hypothesis contends that the main type of weathering evident on the enclosure walls of the Great Sphinx could only have been caused by prolonged and extensive rainfall,[20] and that it must therefore predate the time of the pharaoh Khafra. The hypothesis is championed primarily by John Anthony West, an author and alternative Egyptologist, and Robert M. Schoch, a geologist and associate professor of natural science at the College of General Studies at Boston University; it is rejected by mainstream Egyptologists.

The Bock saga is about the Aser tribe, The first family", the Aser tribe was in Egypt and Greece Aeser and the Bock saga say's they started out in Finland.
If you read anything about the civilizations of Mu, check the descriptions, the Myths of the Asian Mu are the Atlanteans too.

Mrs. Ange
You said you were from Finland, I found a map with Loukinen Finland on it. The Bock saga talks about Loki, do you suppose that's a misspell? The nen at the end of a name stands for the place the family came from:
That would make it Louki Finland. Loukinen was my grand mothers maiden name, they migrated here from Finland in 1907, I think.

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