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Merry Christmas India here take our jobs.

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posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 11:02 AM

AOL takes passage to India
America Online is quietly laying the groundwork to hire software engineers in Bangalore, India--a decision that is sparking some pointed criticism but also is becoming de rigueur among technology companies.

US companies moving more jobs to India but quietly
David Zielenziger (Reuters)
New York, December 24

US corporations are picking up the pace in shifting well-paid technology jobs to India, China and other low-cost centres, but they are keeping quiet for fear of a backlash, industry professionals said.

Morgan Stanley estimates the number of US jobs outsourced to India will double to about 150,000 in the next three years. Analysts predict as many as two million US white-collar jobs such as programmers, software engineers and applications designers will shift to low cost centers by 2014.

Free trade and politician�s that only have their corporate master�s best interest not yours at heart are causing this. Again I call for legislation to stop special interest and corporations from giving our politicians money. Also limit the amount of money any one person can give to the politicians to 100 dollars, and no one may donate money in someone else�s name. Punishable by death and considered treason! This is the only way to clean our country of corruption!

[Edited on 24-12-2003 by DiRtYDeViL]

[Edited on 24-12-2003 by DiRtYDeViL]

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 11:28 AM
Well, if we'd go back to the original idea of the office seeking the man, vs, the man seeking the office, we wouldn't be in this position....

Yep, I've seen this happening with a lot of big software/computer companies... India (because of sheer numbers, and general tech saavy of it's citizens), has got more hackers than anyplace else. If a cyber war is to be fought, I'd bet on India winning. Looks like they are taking the Japan route and conquering economically.

There is an upside though... consumers have already been experiencing sever language-barrier problems with Indian techs, as regards the accent, etc. Even ones who speak fluent English, still tick off customers by the millions. So, it might just be competitive to offer better service, versus the cheap service. This also goes for the upper levels mentioned in the article as well.


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