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Do you belive in aliens?

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posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:38 PM
Do you belive in aliens?

I have done research and found that in the bible it says God is most like humans, God is the smartest "thing" ever. That would mean humans are the smartest living thing next to Him. Aliens are not as smart but still come to Earth. They are not smarter but want to learn more. Humans can't travel lightyears away to other planets because we are to cheap and lazy. Someone out there can make an aircraft that can get from here to Thuban in less than a year, but no one wants to spend money on building it or use up their time building it. Aliens might not have currency and none of them are lazy, so they can get here from who knows where.

What do you think?

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 05:47 PM
Ok God and Aliens? Hmm. It would seem space travel would require a lot of intelligence if it didn�t the red necks would already by there. I don�t think man is lazy. It�s in mans nature to explore. If we had the technology to build it we would. Technology requires intelligence.

[Edited on 23-12-2003 by DiRtYDeViL]

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 06:28 PM
i fell god may have been a metaphor for a more adavnaced alien race who showed us the way millenia ago

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 06:32 PM
I believe in Aliens.

I'm still confused as to why there are UFO's in old paintings that depict biblical times..

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 06:50 PM
I am of the opinion that extraterrestrials are visiting this planet. Enough intelligent and sane people who should be in the know about this subject have talked regarding its reality for me to form that opinion without second guessing myself.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:06 PM
I don't think the question should be as much "do you believe in Aliens", but rather, "do you believe they visit or have visted earth?".
It is so insanely conceited for humanity to look out at the stars, and know there are literally billions upon billions that we can see, and millions and millions of galaxies...each with proably millions of planets capable of supporting life. The odds that WE are the only life in the UNIVERSE is infinitesemally small...probably incalcuable. There is DEFINETLY more life out there, so yes, I belive Aliens do exsist.
As far as religion goes, I don't think it conflicts at all. If there is a god, why would he create this unfathomably vast, unending universe so intricate and beautiful, if we on earth were all that mattered? That's like the people in the 1300's who believed earth was the centre of the universe and everything orbited us. It was so conceited and ignorant we laugh at it now, but some people still try and bring that up.

Now, do aliens or have aliens visited this planet? I'm still undecided on that one. There is quite a large amount of substantial, believable evidence to SUPPORT such claims, but they don't prove anything. And the lack of solid proof to this day in the public eye raises eyebrows, either about our government as many seem to think, or the very probablity of alien visitations.
I will say this though, nothing would be more fantastic then proof we are not alone. And I will certainly continue to watch and keep and open eye and mind.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:10 PM
I believe that extraterrestrial life exists, and that this planet has been visited in the past, and will continue to be visited by extraterrestrials.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:23 PM
There must be aliens and I am in constant conflict with my Faith is God and my belief in aliens. Are they just another creation of God? Are they like "angels" or "evil spirits"? Will they function one day as the "anti-christ"? Perhaps, is God and his son, Alien beings? I think its all very possible. I am intrigued and that will be the first thing I ask about when I arrive in heaven.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 11:47 PM
Anyone who honestly thinks that extraterrestrial life does not exist SOMEWHERE else in the universe, is out of touch with reality..

Do I think that we have been visited by aliens?
Perhaps...but I would need more proof to say so.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 02:47 AM
Yes, but why not believe?


posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 02:49 AM
God is most like humans due to the soul connection primarily.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 07:43 AM

Do you belive in aliens?

I have done research and found that in the bible it says God is most like humans, God is the smartest "thing" ever. That would mean humans are the smartest living thing next to Him. Aliens are not as smart but still come to Earth. They are not smarter but want to learn more. Humans can't travel lightyears away to other planets because we are to cheap and lazy. Someone out there can make an aircraft that can get from here to Thuban in less than a year, but no one wants to spend money on building it or use up their time building it. Aliens might not have currency and none of them are lazy, so they can get here from who knows where.

What do you think?

I think that (at least by ourselves), no matter what the money outlay, we couldn't, at present, travel interstellarly. Too lazy and too cheap? Hardly. Billions have spent on exploration, (and billions lost just to learn from mistakes). Even if we could travel light speed, it would take decades to reach other stars!!! Too lazy and too cheap to find a way to bend the laws of physics as we know them? No, not hardly. In order to perfect FTL travel, it would take MAJOR advances in human thought, and science breakthroughs.

For this reason, it is safe to assume that aliens are more advanced than we are, and maybe forcing us to consider that maybe the idea of a "God" watching over us, is better left in the cave along with our stone arrows and clay pots hmmm????

Yes, I believe in aliens. There is a mountain of damn good evidence to support it, as well as to conclude that whatever their aims, it isn't our best interests they have in their heart/lungs.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 08:14 AM
The formula for finding life is:

N=R* x fP x nE x fL x fI x fC x L

N= number of technically advance civilizations in the Milky Way that can brodcast radiowaves.
R*= rate of stars that can have a solar system. (found it is 4)
fP= how many solar systems besides ours.
nE= number of earth sixed planets.
fL= fraction of the Earth sized planets where life can devolpe.
fI= fraction of those life bearing planets which the life has itelligence.
fC= fraction of those itelligent life forms that can devlope technology to communicate.
L= lifetime of a technological civilization.

Mars fits up to fL but we don't know if the life forms are intelligent or not. We just found microorganisms on Mars. At least we found R* which is ~4.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 08:16 AM
The problem with the equation though, as it always has been, is that every single variable is a "guesstimate", thereby making the end result, a giant "guess"

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 08:21 AM
the laws of probability tell us that there has to be inteligent life out in the universe.In fact there is probably a place like earth with people just like earth. They are all so far away. There has to be other beings out there.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 09:52 PM
I believe in extra-terrestrial life visiting this planet. I also believe that aliens have always been on this planet from the beginning.

I have heard old legends that tell of a type of being that has been on this planet since the dawn of humans. Maybe, they have always been here and they just keep out of sight of humans and develop their air-flying capabilities on earth somewhere.

I don't believe that aliens have any relation to a god or the development of religion for humans. I believe that a human developed the religion who may have seen these beings that like to fly in the sky and have called them gods.

I believe that they are intelligent as they have the capability to evade the human contact.

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 10:01 PM
Yes, I believe in extra-terrestrial life. I don't see how I couldn't. In my opinion, there's too much evidence supporting them.

I don't really care what the bible says about aliens, it's invalid, as far as I'm concerned. I believe in aliens; it's impossible for us to be the only planet harboring life, intelligent or not, in my honest opinion.

posted on Dec, 25 2003 @ 06:06 PM
Yes, I do believe there ARE aliens.
Do I think they have ANYTHING to do with religion, god, satan or the buddha? nah, very unlikely..
Do I believe they talk to us through "Mind contact" and channeling?
Lol, no, really not. That is more the stuff that cults use to cover up their traces and sources. It's shady at most, imho.

Do I believe we will find life out there or life will find us?
Yes, with all my heart.

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 02:03 AM
Do I believe in aliens? Yes, yes i do. I believe with all of my heart and soul that there are alien beings somewhere else in the universe.
Do I believe that we, humans, will ever visit a planet that has a technologically (spelling??) advanced civlization on it. I doubt it, with the trend of human civilization since the beggining of recorded history no one civilization has lasted long enough to develop technology that advanced, and I don't think our civilization will last long enought either. But that is a whole different story. I think that the only way humans will ever visit an alien planet is if the aliens come to us first and 1.) Tell us how to travel interdimensionally or 2.) They come and take us there themselves.

Did aliens play a part in developing human civlization and religion, I don't know. It is too hard to tell. The human mindset is so fixed on what the past is that even if they did play a major part, I doubt we would ever admit it.

So there you go, those are my thoughts

posted on Dec, 26 2003 @ 02:18 AM
Does anyone remember the interview with the LUCIFERIAN on Coast to Coast AM? He said he was the best remote viewer ever and that he had viewed Lucifer. That he was the alien who created and loves us. He also said that the soul/body relationship was a function of the planet we live on and when the planet dies so does our soul. He went on to say that we should ask Lucifer to come back and be our savior. I do not remember whether it was George Noory or Art Bell doing the interview, but you could tell he was having a hard time being polite to this guy. I can tell you that although I am not a fan of religion, I WILL NOT BE PRAYING TO LUCIFER, or any other alien. Ok to be on topic I better say yes I believe we are being visited by aliens.

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