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Uncovering of the mystery (the conspiracy revealed)

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posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 12:28 PM
Judaism merges with Christianity. - The conspiracy uncovered.

On the left we have Judaism and on the right Christianity. (reverse it if you want, the side is not important here...the point is the division.)

For over 2k years we have had Christians trying to convert Jews to worship Jesus as God.
Jews have maintained a protective shell around them so as not to 'assimilate' and 'loose their identity'.

For this many years it has appeared, at least from a jewish perspective, that Judaism and Christianity have nothing in common. In fact the name of Jesus is used as a curse in Judaism...and if you cant curse his name, then you must be an 'undercover' Christian trying to convert the unsuspecting Jew.

A couple of issues here. Both sides have been wrong and lied to.
For political reasons, and more, the two sides have been 'pitted' against each other, so to speak.

The fact is, that Christianity, as practiced today, is not that which 'Jesus' taught.
Jesus was a Jew, and if Christians understood Judaism, they could read the N.T. and realize what is being said - in context. But instead evangelical Christians relay heavily upon doctrine of the church. They do not 'seek with all their hearts', they are told what to believe, and believe it.

This is what has caused the friction and the wall to go up on the end of the Jews.
They wanted to protect themselves from 'false' teachings...but instead of trying to reveal the true meaning and teachings of Judaism, they tried to separate themselves from Christianity altogether. - now, Im not saying Judaism is without is a religion like others and a pointer...again, the rabbi wont say is my words.

This may be in part that the Christian leaders tried to distance themselves from the Jewish point of view when canonizing the N.T. Take out all reference to Jewish Teachings of reincarnation, etc.

Either way...both sides both have had a certain way that they have seen their religion and the religion of the other...and have been taught and believe there are differences...vast differences.

And for a Jew looking at the modern day doctrine of the church, there is.

But, when looking at the teachings of Jesus for what they are along with the other text, it becomes clear that they are basically the same in theology.

A rabbi, Ariel bar Tzadok, of Kosher Torah, stated that the difference between Jesus and the rabbis were not theological, but political. Now I know the Christian standpoint...but for a rabbi to say this, about a man he is supposed to amazing.

He is trying to get to the root of this whole the root of the 'lies' and doctrines that divide.

I want to provide a link to his interview. The first half is about Purim, you may or may not find it interesting. The second half is about the finding of Jesus bones, and more about the true teachings and nature of Jesus...not actually being 'anti-jewish' - if you get where I coming from. He even links Jesus to the potential leader of Masada.

Here is the link dont know how long it will be posted.

I wanted to add...please take a listen to at least the last half of the interview before is what he says concerning Jesus that I would like to discuss here. - thanks (of course post anyway, but the interview was the reason I posted)

- let me also clarify...I hold NO religious point of view...religion to me is a pointer.
I bring the rabbis interview up, as it is showing the signs of religion cracking...(now I dont think he will say this.) Again, what I mean, is that its not that what he says is necessarily 'gospel', but it tends to show that a lot of 'dogma' has covered both sides for quite some time. (And some may find 'dogma' in what they listen to in the interview...but try to look at the bigger picture of what I have been pointing at...which is this: what is Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc. all saying beneath it all? One thing and that is...UNITY.



[edit on 7-3-2007 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 12:42 PM
Keep in mind, during and after you listen to the interview...that the purposeful placement of deceit by church leaders into 'doctrine' has caused not only division, but a 'prison' belief system for many unsuspecting 'victims' of religion. Both for Jews and Christian, etc. (the ones who are zealous to convert others to the 'faith')

But with every lie is a large amount of is with searching with all your heart...that the truth shines.

- note: as I added in my other post, it is not just Christianity that had lies and deceit...obviously Judaism does to, or there would not have been this division all the years. (Divide and control?) Again, look at religion, but go beyond it to what its pointing at.



[edit on 7-3-2007 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Maybe it is all about power, each side is worried that they will lose followers to the other side.

I don't think that they will see eye to eye anytime soon. Unless they are both willing to accept the fact that they may be wrong in some parts. It's going to be a very long long time before that happens, maybe never.

What makes you think that they will see any wrong doing in their religions?

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by ixiy
Maybe it is all about power, each side is worried that they will lose followers to the other side.

I don't think that they will see eye to eye anytime soon. Unless they are both willing to accept the fact that they may be wrong in some parts. It's going to be a very long long time before that happens, maybe never.

What makes you think that they will see any wrong doing in their religions?

Good points.

What would happen if they saw 'eye to eye'...could create more power.

Ideally it would be nice for everyone to open up and get past all the 'control' etc. that we have seen with religion, but as you said, it does feel as if this would take a long time.



- I wanted to add...revelations is of interest to me.
I do believe it holds some key will be interesting to see how everything plays out. But the ironic thing the end, none of it really matters, its just a game. lol

[edit on 7-3-2007 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:29 PM
You began with

Judaism merges with Christianity. - The conspiracy uncovered.

without the benefit of a tortureous spiel (interview)

Its not as much of a 'merging' as an exercise of Professionalism,
Each belief systems clergy desires to operate without restraints
and agrees to not focus a propaganda campaign against the other belief systems....(as did RadioFreeEurope against Communism as an example)

professionalism, ethics, respecting territories of a spiritual nature,
and not establishing geographic boundaries where a Jew, Christian, Muslim cannot practice their beliefs, is not a 'merging', imho

it's just an accepted practice, or gentlemen's agreement, for the continued
'fleecing' of the un-believers.... that are up-for-grabs

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

Its not as much of a 'merging' as an exercise of Professionalism,
Each belief systems clergy desires to operate without restraints
and agrees to not focus a propaganda campaign against the other belief systems...

...., for the continued 'fleecing' of the un-believers.... that are up-for-grabs

Basically here is where I am coming from after listening to the interview.
If you take any stock in revelations, could it be that jew and christian finally do unite.
(Though it may not be under the current 'doctrine' of the church...the view of Jesus would be more of a 'gnostic' view.)



posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 03:08 AM
After listening to some clips fro the jesusfamilytomb site (and reading some articles) I have a scenario that goes with what I posted here.

I see it now...All Jews do what Christians dream of...believing Jesus is the messiah!
(I hear rejoicing in the background...trumpets blowing)

But the trick is, Jewish leaders (certain #s among them, already did believe this and held it secret until now.)

CAVEAT: All Christians will then believe that Jesus is NOT God (if anything the virgin birth was a scientific genetic program by a group of higher beings/aliens/angels)

So with the Christians taking the view point of the Jews, that God is unknowable but through his attributes...and that Jesus is as human as you and I...then the 2 will merge.

Interesting what the site (jesusfamilytomb) said about the possibility of John being Jesus son. That they hid this so that the romans would not kill the heir to the lineage of David.

So this brings to light why some rabbis have cursed Jesus name only to secretly believe in him.

Impossible? No. look at the 'false messiah' in Judaism Shabtei Svei...'Im Islam in public but something else in private.

And Jacob Frank...'Im catholic outside but practice my Jewish Kabbalah secretly.

So its common practice in certain 'elite' circles to 'lie' in order to benefit what is seen as the good. Now if you are an evangelical Christian your mind will have a hard time grasping this. But I will tell you...leaders amongst you are NOT how they appear.

Take it for what it is...could it be some of these 'secret groups' helping to push out that which was 'hidden'

Peace all...


posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 03:26 AM
video: john son of jesus: (goes with post above)

[edit on 8-3-2007 by dAlen]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 03:31 AM
From what I have heard, nothing changes even should some religions merge. Claims that the NWO, the fase prophet, the new false religion will still continue to plague the faithful.

Somehow everything falls into their religious points of view. (If it was all a deception, it was done very well, very carefully planned and very intelligently, making sure the deception last to the very end, claiming all its victims.)

I know that there maybe some deception going on, even the religious have claimed that the evil one has spread lies amoungst humakind. The problem is discovering the truth from all the lies.

Is there a solution?

Maybe it is moral enlightenment of the human race without the influence of any known human/non-human religion.

Maybe a new found respect for all life and the universe at large.

[edit on 8-3-2007 by ixiy]

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 03:48 AM
First of all,"All religion's were created by the concept of a man's interpetation of there being a 'Greater' more reliable source of refuge due to the guilt's of one's life." Man has been in his 'Lonely' state since the beginning and has found a way to confront it by 'Creating' an alternate facade of a 'Higher' being of pure heart and understanding.
I am not sure where I had read this but, in the article it was a census of all the new religion's being formed for the past 100 yr's or so, any way, there turn's out to be at least 15 new religion's attempts of being reconized as religion by 'Religous' wanna be's every year.
I personally believe it is all a bunch of "Hooey" , religion is a capital gain facade for the right of individuals to claim 'Tax breaks' , 'Declalartion' for belief system and to be able to allow themselve's to think that they are there for the 'Greater Good' of humanity.
If you took religion out of the world today, we wouldn't be so disarrayed with war's and termoils around the globe. The 'Church' (Vatican,ect.) if you will, is one of the greatest earning facilities in the world. There are few that can rival the intake of currencies and other attributes of what the church can and does produce in a single fiscal year.Not to mention the 'Brain Thought Suggestive Patterns' of what they intend to deliver on with no extasential and reliable proof's.
"Get rid of the religion aspects of this planet, and you end up with a much self reliant world, with out the facde of 'Having to fight' for a cause called 'My/Our religion."
Just look at how many belief systems that are out there, it baffles the mind.

And as far as 'Faiths' go, "You get plenty of those as well. Some are similar, but yet not exact to one another as a refference ideology.

It is all 'Smoke and mirror's to say the least, if one can compile enough belief into what they contribute to the notion that "God" is the only salvation, then why not have a global belief in extrateresstrials and the fact there are other world's with alternative being's on them. I know there are 'Floating' religous one's out there, but why not the 'Whole Congergation' for the one concept?

A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.
A very handsome man.
A powerful ruler or despot.


If you have a hard time with yourself,"Make it better yourself."



To teach to accept a system of thought uncritically: indoctrinate, propagandize. See teach/learn.


IMHO, "Religion is the greatest mass marketed scheme of all time's, and probably the longest running 'Succesful' business in the history of the world."

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 04:02 AM
Allred & ixiy,

you both bring up valid points. The one point, which seems to bring more light to the whole subject at hand, which is this: Yes religion is all a 'facade' and points beyond itself.

Ixixy mentioned something that reminded me of eckhart, and Allred seemed to imply this to. - Basically its about time to leave religion behind and start to work 'internally', so to speak. I have been listening to Eckhart Tolles 'new earth', and quite honestly his section on 'ego' - 'painbody' as presented in this particular really hitting home for me now.

In the end, its all good. I suppose one could write until the cows come home about the conspiracy of relgion. But to come out of that, and get the practicality of life, really the essence of life itself. - not 'ego' based debates, which are only good for entertainment, as they never will lead to enlightment or a true change in nature. (just a change in one belief system to another)

This isnt saying all that I would like it to say...I would prefer to cut and paste what I was hearing from eckhart last night on audiobooks.

While listening, and reminded me of the futility of this whole argument.

Again, it is for enterainment purposes really...after living a life in religion, I suppose it 'entertains' me sometimes to try to get to the root - when there isnt really a root...the answer is within.

Well, without any quotes to help support what Im saying, Im not sure the essence has come out the way I intended. But that is fine...again, more and more people seem to be reaching similar conclusions when it comes to the topic of religion, and I think that says enough in itself.



posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by ixiy

Maybe it is moral enlightenment of the human race without the influence of any known human/non-human religion.

Maybe a new found respect for all life and the universe at large.

[edit on 8-3-2007 by ixiy]

one would hope thats the case!

Sananda and St Germain (I am not sure what category they fit into) claim that the changes when they come about will mean an era of truth. People will live the truth and truth will be the new religion, sounds a bit too good to be true...but we can live and hope.


posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 04:12 AM

In the end, its all good. I suppose one could write until the cows come home about the conspiracy of relgion. But to come out of that, and get the practicality of life, really the essence of life itself. - not 'ego' based debates, which are only good for entertainment, as they never will lead to enlightment or a true change in nature. (just a change in one belief system to another)

That is why I try to avoid discussions of Politics, religion and personal thoughts. It is an unwavring conversation with no real conclusive finality over the debate, but if you take a look at the history books of man kind, there are many ties to we/ourselves and the power's that may be to create this situation , just over '(One belief system to another)'.

This is a good thread by the way, it is just very 'contraversial' on the note from one religous belief to another, even with the skeptical of religion, there is always the 'Up and coming' Debate.....

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by dAlen
Jews have maintained a protective shell around them so as not to 'assimilate' and 'loose their identity'.

As far as not having eyes to see the Messiah. This is divinely given blindness in order for this Age to be carried out.

If they could have seen, the sacrifice wouldn't have been carried out. The vast majority can't see, but there are a certain few that can.

When this age ends, the blindness will be lifted and many of them will see.

Their soon to be Moshiach will stab them in the back, not only them but the rest of the world. Only a minority will survive and live through it.

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