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Levitating someone in a pub

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posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 10:46 PM
Ok, forget the subject line. That was the location. But an interesting topic.

I just read the Criss Angel thread and noticed the comments on levitation, interesting. We levitated someone in a pub once, hence the title. And I think it worked because we'd had a few drinks and were relaxed and thought it really was a joke.

So, you sit someone in a chair, four people around them. Put your index fingers together to make a "point," put each person's fingers under the two armpits and two knee joints, try and lift them. Good luck!

Then, each take turns in placing one palm over the person's head... one palm at a time, go around in turn, do not touch palms. Then remove them in the same order.

Then, fingers under the armpits and knees. Lift. We did it and the person was as light as a feather, no joke, no wind-up for ATS readers. They were like a piece of paper, we lifted the person for about seven or eight seconds before we put them back down.

I'm not claiming that to be a hands-off levitation fo course, but it was really strange, and I now think that some sort of energy field, mind over matter -- whatever -- helps in bending physics somehow.

Agree? Disagree? I'm interested in hearing from others who have tried this.


posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 10:56 PM
It indeed does work, it is an old party trick.

Sorry for the one liner, but thats about all there is to it. There is an explanation to it i'm sure, but i don't know the exact science behind it.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 11:01 PM
I've never tried it but I'm amazed how many stories there are of this working at little girls slumber parties etc. I am one that loves anything occult or paranormal, but "light as a feather stiff as a board" is simply very hard for me to believe having not experienced it myself. The idea of a bunch of kids, or a group of friends having a few drinks and experiencing it at a pub (no offense intended,) just proves hard for me to believe.

Since you have a formula for how you got it to work you should be able to repeat it I would imagine, ATS key word, VIDEO. That was not condescending, I'd just love to see a video of it, given not even that serves as proof, looking at magicians and what not, but it goes a lot farther than posting a story.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:02 AM
I agree with you both. We were all joking around, had a few drinks... I understand your scepticism, welcome it here especially.

I disagree with the word "trick" in this context. We knew each other, weren't trying to pull a fast one, or do a "Criss Angel" illusion, so weren't trying to trick each other.

Maybe "naive" is a better word? No idea of the science behind it, but it worked, trust me. (No offence taken either! If you all said "Wow, that sounds great. Next." Then I'd be offended.)

Video? Could be an option, but from the great looking videos and photos I see here, I haven't got the energy to defend a 10-page-long thread on trying to prove it if we do it again. People would just say it's fake, or set up.

Just try it yourselves and report back.


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:17 AM
This was done by a group of us at school a few times (many years ago). it worked.

we went (5 or 6 of us) intoning in rounds, 'She looks ill', 'she looks dead'. and then lifting with fingertips.

there were other things we said before we got to the, 'She looks dead', bit, but i can't remember. i presume it was to relax the subject at the time (although why the 'ill' and 'dead' thing would be a relaxant, i don't know). i was once the subject and remember being lifted by fingertips with ease.

i don't know what's behind it, but it seemed to work in the 70s.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:26 AM
The pressure on the head got me to thinking of a trick I learned in a book when I was a kid:
Stand in a doorway arms straight and to your side and press the backside (palms in) of your hands against the door frame, press hard for about 30 seconds.

Then let go, and relax your arms.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 11:55 AM
all of criss angel's levitation tricks are only illusions. I watched several videos on how to perform the tricks and read some instructions. Tried them myself and it works. None of it is magic or physics, just optical illusion, and angles. I'm not sure about the light as a feather trick, i'll do some home work on it. You guys should research the king's levitation method, it'll blow friends and family away and it can be preformed anywhere, looks like you are levitating! Unfortunatly all of Chris's stuff is just illusions.

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:09 PM
warning foul language


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 12:31 PM
You know. I don’t know why I haven’t thought of posting this here before, but I have also had these experiences.

I am 140lbs’er, and the rest of my friends who tried this trick were also right around this size. Take it from me; the people who did the lifting are not really big people...

On the first attempt of this we choose one of our really large friends that used to play in the WHL for the Calgary Hitmen. This guy is about 6'-4" & 220 lbs. We tried this without the "ritual" of placing hands palm down in a circular fashion on the targets head. Basically what would happen is that when we placed our fingers in the locations told (armpits, under knees) and then started to lift, our fingers would just bend and if you wanted to get any sort of lift, you needed to put more of your whole hand into it, not just your index fingers pointed. If you do get any lift, it’s in the range of inches, and there is no sort of balance or coordination to the lift. The target feels very un-sturdy even being lifted minor inches by people with more than just fingers, if you understand what I’m trying to say.

After doing the "ritual" of 4 people placing their left hand palms down on top of the targets head in a circular fashion and then removing them one at a time top first, then placing your hands to your side, and then into the "holding" locations (armpits, under knees).... We basically lifted this person with what seemed zero gravity, zero weight, as a matter of a fact we all said the same thing: "It’s like he was rising, and we were not lifting". Also, I was aware that my finger also didn’t bend or flex much, or anywhere near the amount it did before doing the "ritual".

Also the target felt as if he was weightless for a moment, and I have been the target too and can confirm this feeling. It is as if you are floating. My back/body felt supported when lifting, compared to the attempt before the "ritual" where is feels like a normal situation of being lifted where you need to shift weight to feel balanced. After the "ritual" when being lifted you feel completely supported and weightless.

IMO, it has something to do with what the east would call "chi" or star wars calls "the force" (lol. the force, had to say it) or just some sort of energy transfer.

Very awesome.

[edit on 1-2-2007 by JbT]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 03:00 PM
JbT how long were you able to keep the hockey jock lifted, and how long were you elevated?

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 03:17 PM
Here's a link that "explains" the science of it.

Light as a feather stiff ad a board/ chair trick

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 04:31 PM
I have a friend that weighs over 300 pounds,believe me I will find out if this trick really works or not!


posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Baphomet79
JbT how long were you able to keep the hockey jock lifted, and how long were you elevated?

We were both elevated to a point that was either to the max reach of our arms, or touching the roof with our heads, which ever came first. The lift in a matter of time frame was maybe 5-10 seconds from the lifting moment to when you would be back onto the seat.

As a matter of comparing the amount of effort put into the lift between me (140lbs) and the "hockey jock" (220lbs), just from observing it would seem that there was no difference. Its like the weight of each different person became so close to zero you couldnt really tell the difference between the two.

Remeber, no gauges or actual measurement was used by us to tell if they were actualy the same weight when being lifted, but it did feel and look like we had little difference in weight. From an observers point of view, targets point of view, and from the lifters point of view.

[edit on 1-2-2007 by JbT]

posted on Feb, 1 2007 @ 07:05 PM
That explains the trick pretty well

Castle of Spirits explains it pretty well too:


posted on Feb, 2 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by fooffstarr
That explains the trick pretty well

Castle of Spirits explains it pretty well too:

Just looking quick, I cant find much of anything that explains this or looks into this much other that what you posted too. A lot of people have seen and done it, but not real explanation of it, or research into it.

Makes me wonder though.... I know I'm thinking way outside of the box here. But makes you think that maybe these kind of geoghraphic alignments and energy transfers and such they talk about in that one link, could be used for such things like moving large rocks or the kind.... I.E. The mysterys behind the movement and placing of the large limes stone blocks for the Great Pyramids in Egypt... Just an idea.

That video above is a good idea of what me and my friends tried, though the "ritual" was a little different.

[edit on 2-2-2007 by JbT]

[edit on 2-2-2007 by JbT]


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