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Sexual advances in the "End Times?"

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posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:43 PM
I hope this thread is not deleted because, as a woman, it has happened upon my mind a few times.

As we know today there are alot of sexual crimes against women. Not accusing everyone so dont feel threatened.

My concern is that when something bad happens and the human race feels threatened, either human instinct or a # load of testosterone will kick in. Maybe it is my past experiences, but i , as a woman, am sorta fearful of what may happen when men feel threatened that their species are going extinct or in threat of. Or what if there is not enough women for the men?

anyone else thought of this??

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:52 PM
Sadly I think it's one of those situations where societal breakdown of any kind brings out the worst in people. Throughout the ages wars brings rape on a mass scale. Whether it's ancient Rome or Iraq today.

On a brighter note women of today are better equipped to defend themselves and fight back. OK not in all the far flung corners of the world admittedly.

And not all men are ruled by baser instincts, in a battle for the sexes I'd happily fight on the female side.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 08:53 PM
I think there's always been sexual crimes against women, only we are so bombarded with information day and night now that it seems to be more.

I agree, its scary. I also have a deep concern about pedophiles who seem to be lurking behind every corner lately, abductors, and so many degenerates all coming out it makes me sick.
I think society as a whole is getting sicker...could be endtime traumas, or who knows, but no one is safe, including men. :shk:

This world has to end (as we know it)- humanity IS getting out of hand.
I dont know why we self destruct

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:01 PM
true...and who knows, it could be women raping men for the sperm. one never knows until in that situation.

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:21 PM
Well, I also would like to point out the common rules of sexual harassment. Don't be unattractive, don't be unattractive and of coarse don't be unattractive. I don't know about you but if I were in the company of female companion that was O.K. with the Idea I certainly would not mind having a good time on my way out, why not. So what I'm asking in the event of a catastrophic world event are there no women out there that feel the same? I in no way am saying I support rape and pillage but your question was about "advances" and I suppose that there is some remote instance of a man being "harassed" and doing something besides enjoying it, I.E. legal action. But as a general rule of thumb I have seen that the fine line with SOME women, is the fact that 1 guy stares he gets a lawsuit, other guy stares he gets a phone number and a smile, the difference how attractive that particular woman views him.
Viewer warning, not for everyone but I thought it was funny.

Anyways would I be raping anyone, never. But might I say, look theres me you and we got about ten minutes left to live, and if I get shot down I will try again with someone else. Is that necessarily a wrong thing to. I would like to hear a womans point of view. I hope I haven't been inappropriate but I have often wondered what other peoples point of view on this.

[edit on 30-1-2007 by shizzle5150]

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:27 PM
You may wish to look at the discussion going on in this forum Womans Survival

When TSHTF there may be significant problems for women to face in addition to the problems everyone will face.

[edit on 30-1-2007 by Terapin]

posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:31 PM
that is the thread that gave me the courage to post this one! lol


posted on Jan, 30 2007 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by maybebaybe
true...and who knows, it could be women raping men for the sperm. one never knows until in that situation.

yeah! them Amazons are friggin mean!

I m not poking fun of you, ther are methods to get this out of men against their will and without getting too graphic, I doubt it would be very pleasant for the guy.

anyway, are you all expecting a bunch of raping mauraders or something?

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 05:55 AM
There does seem to be more pedophiles and perverts out there these days, and I'll tell you why...

Its because now you hear about EVERY FRIGGIN ONE OF THEM! Anytime a guy is a creep the local and coorporate news stations jump on it, because it SCARES people and they tune in. When you think about it logically, the amount of creeps out there are actually pretty few in comparision with the general population. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that there are LESS threatening perverts out there now then say, 20 years ago. If you look into the sexual offenders in your area, you will find that most of the people on that list are only guilty of having a relationship with a teenage girl under 18, when they were like, 19 or 20.

I really can't imagine a situation where women have to rape men for sperm. Not saying that it couldn't happen, but honestly, as a woman, go out and ask 10 guys if you could copulate with them for the sake of reproduction, and you will get between 8-10 guys say yes. Men are different from women, in the fact that they are not generally brought up to be afraid of sexual contact. As wrong as it sounds, even the most unattractive woman can find SOMEONE to be intamate with, while men "Get Lucky" when they find a mate.

This can also be seen in the evolution of men and women. Women have evolved in a generally more delicate body structure, because the bigger, more able women were able to defend against advances during our species infancy, when reproduction was almost entirely an act of rape. If our primitive ancestors had women raping men for reproduction, then the men would be the smaller, more dainty of the genders.

By the way, good topic. Very original, and good for thought!

[edit on 31-1-2007 by Nicotine1982]

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by Nicotine1982

I really can't imagine a situation where women have to rape men for sperm. Not saying that it couldn't happen, but honestly, as a woman, go out and ask 10 guys if you could copulate with them for the sake of reproduction, and you will get between 8-10 guys say yes. Men are different from women, in the fact that they are not generally brought up to be afraid of sexual contact. As wrong as it sounds, even the most unattractive woman can find SOMEONE to be intamate with, while men "Get Lucky" when they find a mate.

[edit on 31-1-2007 by Nicotine1982]

I guess I must be weird then,
. I have actually turned down sex for fear of HIV or AIDS. IF this disease wasnt so rampant, I must admit I would be alot more sexually active. say 40 years ago, Id probably be very much the typical male,
. If you werent at least brought up to be aware of the possibility, then Id say your parents did a poor job of educating you on sex. Having sex with as many women as possible doesnt make you "the man" and it isnt worth dying by the time your 30 of HIV because you had multiple partners.

There is also the issue of fathering children at such a young age. How can you provide for a son or daughter and a wife if you cannot provide for yourself? Of course many boys dont even put that much thought into it. They simple dont care because they run away from their responsibility. I cant count how many girlfriends I have had who are simply looking for a responsible male role model for their child because some loser kid ran out on them. I hate to sound cold, but why should I be stuck caring for a child that isnt mine? I have no qualms about being a father when the child is mine, but I dont intend to be a surrogate father to every loser's kid on the face of the planet.

So here is my advice to you younger guys, if you are only looking for a sexual encounter, BAG IT. Otherwise your going to be a childhood father. Do you really want to give up your own youth to care for a kid when you yourself have not even lived your youth yet? Kids shouldnt be having kids. If you are looking to be a father, then find a woman you REALLY love and want to spend your life with and have children with her, MARRY HER. Dont be afraid of commiting your life to her if you really love her. Please dont accidently father a kid and run out on her, you only leave her with heartache and grief.

For you young women, go to college and get youself firmly grounded in this competitive world. Make sure you have the means to provide for your children when you choose to have them. This isnt the dark ages anymore and you have your whole life to be a mother. Live a little. I'm not going to preach about women so much because they tend to be the responsible ones in this situation.

Anyway, I really believe we as a society need to change the way we picture the way men should behave. Being a tomcat doesnt help anyone and only perpetuates fatherless children.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 08:56 AM
Well the reason we see crime against women as an anomaly in this days is because we have laws to protect women rights and women have a more recognized role in our society, still women doesn't have it as good in other countries.

Rape and women's degradation has been around since the beginning of time and is just now in modern days and in many more advance nations that women has given the respect they deserve.

So sexual advances are no new and rape, domestic violence and crime against women is still very high.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 09:01 AM
Well I have to put my 2 cents worth in this. Ladies buy a gun and learn how to use it. At least get a good knife. There are people out there that will take advantage of the situation. Dont ever doubt it. And if everything hits the fan then do not hesitate to use what you have be it a gun or knife. Your survival will depend on it.

A friend has his definition of gun control in his sig line.

"Gun Control, Expecting a 110 pound woman to fistfight a 220 pound man."

[edit on 31-1-2007 by ultralo1]

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 09:57 AM
China finds itself in a position where there are not enough ladies for the menfolk.

This has apparently been brought about by the 'one child' policy, where female children are not always wanted.

I have seen it suggested in certain circles that a good solution to the problem would be a war. Sadly I did not make a note of the site where I saw this, so am unable to provide a link. I don't doubt though that other people here will have read something similar.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 10:12 AM
Well first - - Women should stop thinking like women and/or victims.

No - don't get defensive - - I am a 60 year old gramma. I lived (really lived) through the free sex generation - the women's lib generation - been married twice - and was raped by an old boyfriend.

Seriously - - many women today still put themselves second class behind men. Certain cultures have a lot to do with how women perceive themselves in status compared to men.

Women need to take charge of themselves. Workout - learn self defense - learn how to use weapons - - build a buddy system of Empowered women - - there is power in numbers.

Believe me - - I'm more then ready to be Miss Rambo - - if needed. I even took classes on how to do my own nails
- - - What!?!?! You think I'm not gonna be a "Hot" Fem Rambo?

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 11:08 AM
Good for you anee, that's cute - you're ready to Rambo.

Unfortunately women and children will suffer most. The weakest, it's children who starve to death on earth each day.

I appreciate your sentiment 'Don't think like a woman' I think you're saying don't be a victim.

Unfortunate the word for an entire gender means the same thing as victim.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 12:25 PM
Yes - I am saying "Don't Be a Victim".

Even the simple precaution that - - all Women should have their own bank accounts and personal income.

The age of depending on someone else to take care of you is gone - - Thankfully!

Be a Person.

posted on Jan, 31 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Well I have to put my 2 cents worth in this. Ladies buy a gun and learn how to use it.

Well first - - Women should stop thinking like women and/or victims.

The age of depending on someone else to take care of you is gone

+100 to all of these points.

XphilesPhan, I think you missed the point of my post. I suggest you reread it and try to absorb it all, rather than focus on the fact that I stated men enjoy sex. I am married and have a child, and have only been with 1 woman before my wife, so I'm not the type of person that your post implies you think I am, I was just stating a fact of the culture we live in.

Even a well armed and trained women may not be able to fight of a group of men, and in "desperate times" gang-rape would be a serious problem. I don't think ANYBODY should be walking around unescorted in these times, but women least of all. The concept that women are men's equals is a nice thought, but the honest truth is that we are different in many ways. MOST(not all) women are smaller and structurally more delicate than men. This is not meant to flame anyone, just a fact. The fact that even men who are built and experienced fighters can't fight off rape in prison goes a long way towards demonstrating the futility of the "single-defiant rambo woman" scenario. Annee is right, there is power in numbers. never travel alone and always travel armed.

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