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Conspiracy of life

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posted on Dec, 8 2003 @ 03:36 PM
< note > I do not care for spelling.

As the human race debates and kills it's way through existance, the media and politicians creating a dream world for all who remain to live in it, I wonder how we must come to terms with who we actually are
Our world is made up of invisible and abstract things which have been created to seperate us through belief systems which serve no purpose but to isolate and antagonise. Our so called purposes in life are merely a shallow collection of formless concepts which have been created out of desperation by those we allow to control us. Nothing seperates us from eachother except programed ignorance and phycological condition, for we are all one. What devides us are evils which are passed on through the human phsycological condition.

We are all one energy upon this planet but within our nature we have found ways to tear ourselves apart from each other, becoming alien from one another.
life is endless energy. There is no god, only human spirit and conciousness.. The world is now controlled by green rectangular pieces of paper, numbers on computers and devices made for killing. Wars are waged for condensed dead creatures used to power machines which in turn is creating a destroyed world for our children's children. Human existance is a miracle. A miricle of the universe. We do not use this miracle to our advantage, we merely create two extremes: wealth and suffering. We are matter that is recycled through our planet. Nothing is real, we see only what is put in front of us as facts. When we die our energy is re-used by the universe in ways science cannot yet explain.

Mate Kill Feed Repeat.

posted on Dec, 8 2003 @ 03:49 PM
All the evils of division you describe The Bible attributes to a major monkey wrench named God in the story of the Tower of Babylon.

Demented Bastid that he is.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by RANT
All the evils of division you describe The Bible attributes to a major monkey wrench named God in the story of the Tower of Babylon.

Demented Bastid that he is.

I do not understand. I am not very read up on the bible as yoy may have gathered.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 03:51 PM
The Lord scattered the nations, and confused there languages, because at this time, the people were uniting in a "new world order" so to speek. It would appear that this is a good thing, except for the fact that this is the type of Kingdom the antichrist needs in order to reign. With a common language and understanding, comes easier communication.....easier for false ideas to be spread. The Lord knows that humanity cannot remain peaceful for long anyway, were humans, we always end up destroying everything in the end anyways. This is why the current "New World Order" being established is going to be smashed by Christ. We will get our "little peace" for a while, while AntiChrist reigns....It will be a false peace....A peace delivered out of the ruins of a destroyed and immoral world. A world that we are creating...A world that the Satan is helping to push along.....
The satan has pulled a fast one on us. Problem, reactio, solution....He has helped bring us to a nearly devastated world, peoples reactions are going to be out of fear...Then his AntiChrist will come in and "Show great signs and wonders", getting the people of the world to follow him, to worship and love him. This is to be the Last test before Christ returns and destroys Antichrist and the fallen angels whom have decieved the world, as well as those whom do not love our Lord.
I hope my response could be of some help.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 04:05 PM
Yup, the Tower of Babel (where we get the word for nonsense talk) is that King Nimrod (where we get the name for one with bad idea!) was building a tower to heaven.

At the time, all the world was one race, one people, one language. God said. no you didn't and rendered everyone different and sent them to migrate and populate the world so they didn't get all uppity with the cooperation again.

I think that's how Andy Griffith explained it.

posted on Dec, 9 2003 @ 05:31 PM
The Aztecs had their own Babel myth, too. I'll have to find that book again, quote it at a different time...

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by RANT
Yup, the Tower of Babel (where we get the word for nonsense talk) is that King Nimrod (where we get the name for one with bad idea!) was building a tower to heaven.

At the time, all the world was one race, one people, one language. God said. no you didn't and rendered everyone different and sent them to migrate and populate the world so they didn't get all uppity with the cooperation again.

I think that's how Andy Griffith explained it.

So you are trashing my ideas and beliefs? I don't think you see the point I'm trying to make.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by earthtone
< note > I do not care for spelling.

As the human race debates and kills it's way through existance, the media and politicians creating a dream world for all who remain to live in it, I wonder how we must come to terms with who we actually are

. . .

We are all one energy upon this planet but within our nature we have found ways to tear ourselves apart from each other, becoming alien from one another.
life is endless energy. There is no god, only human spirit and conciousness.. The world is now controlled by green rectangular pieces of paper, numbers on computers and devices made for killing. Wars are waged for condensed dead creatures used to power machines which in turn is creating a destroyed world for our children's children. Human existance is a miracle. A miricle of the universe. We do not use this miracle to our advantage, we merely create two extremes: wealth and suffering. We are matter that is recycled through our planet. Nothing is real, we see only what is put in front of us as facts. When we die our energy is re-used by the universe in ways science cannot yet explain.

Mate Kill Feed Repeat.

I wonder if it's in our nature. The funny thing is, everyone on the planet will probably agree there's more to life than money or superficial rewards. But then we march off to our jobs and shell out cash for shiny things we don't need. Present company included.

Over thousands of years, how many great leaders have tried to foster understanding and peace? Has it worked? I think, overall, life is better than say, the dark ages. Or is it? They didn't have to worry about smallpox or nuclear bombs.

Progress is made slowly, bit by bit. Compared to how volatile civilization was in centuries past, I think we have a lot to be thankful for.

But there's still a lot that needs fixing - what do we do about the rut we're in now? It could be argued that nothing really changes the world: not art, not great leaders, not religion - all are incapable of modifying man's behavior.

Sure, you could argue 9/11 changed the world. But did it really? I'd argue that it just renewed mankind's penchant for violence, profit, and power struggles. Quick! Pick a side and start calling names.

I mean, there's just so much you can do, so much stuff you can worry about before you just say, "Jeez. The world is an unfixable mess, there's nothing I can do." My advice would be not to worry about it too much. Don't let the problems of the world consume you to the point where your own life suffers - your energy rubs off on other people, and it doesn't do any good. Instead, accomplish what you can: if you can reform a a nation, super; if you're limited to helping elect a new city councilman, that's super too.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 04:17 AM
of course 9/11 changed the world.

god made many races in the 6th day and thats the way he liked them.

the only way to amass a force strong enough to counter 2/3 of creation is to get the other 1/3. I wonder if it will be more this time. i hope not. i think so.

everything feeds off death, therefore we suffer.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by earthtone

So you are trashing my ideas and beliefs? I don't think you see the point I'm trying to make.

NOT AT ALL! I think I'm supporting it actually, except to add there is a biblical myth supposedly explaining the origins of the division of man.

posted on Dec, 10 2003 @ 08:39 AM
Now I understand what you were getting at....all that talk of 'babbling' and 'nonsense talk'....beleived you were referring to the passage I wrote. I think the human race divides itself with superficial things like money, cloths, religion, politics when we are really just one people who can coexist if we forget our shallow desires and shed our unfounded beliefs. This is one aspect of my point that I guess your are agreeing with maybe

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