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Iran Hit With UN Sanctions

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posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 11:58 AM
WOW they just dug themselves a big hole.
I truely find this all quite amusing. They slapped sanctions on them so that no one can buy/sell nuclear what ever with them. Then, turned around and gave India nuclear freedom, what, a day or two later. Now India and Iraq are going to be getting together to become energy partners, be it oil or nuclear. GEE that is not obvious or anything.

This has absolutly nothing to do with nuclear weapons, and everything to do with power. They are trying to pick and choose who they want to have it.

I am an American and proud of it, but I must say, I really like Ahmadinejad. This fella cracks me up. He has class, brains, style, and big kahonas. He wanted nuclear energy, so he busted his but and figured out how to do it with out any help. He is right, the only ones who are going to regret these sanctions are the ones who issued them. He doesnt NEED anyone else, he can do this on his own.....and he knows it. They slapped sanctions on him, and he basicly said, with a smile on his face, "um, ok, whatever". Then follows that up with a big "Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year" speach, and letters to all christians worldwide, including those in Iran, and the Pope. Showing the upmost respect for Jesus and his Mother Mary.

Now, if that isnt the nicest way to flip someone the bird and get under their skin, I dont know what is.

STYLE, Im telling you this fella has it and is going to end up earning respect and loyalty across the board (well execpt for Israel obviously).

This will be very interesting to watch.

posted on Dec, 28 2006 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by grover

As soon as you say lets talk but these demands are no negotiable then like it or not you have just given them an easy out.

When blustering and threatening doesn't work....try a novel approach...actual diplomacy.

I'll drink to that!

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