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U.S. government facilities

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posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 09:35 PM
The U.S. government used to have Many, Many, more facilities then they do now. If you can get a hold of an older (circa 1970's) USGA topographic map for any large metropolitan area, you will see a bunch of sites labeled U.S. Government Reservation.

Some of these are former WWII POW camps (there was one about 10 miles from where I live now.

Most of them are former NIKE anti aircraft batteries. About 5 years ago, I worked on a project to decommision one of these sites. Part of the site had been sold off a few years ago and the current owner didn't want anything done to it. The part I worked on had a below ground bunker/ missile silo (more like a basement than a silo though. There was an underground controll room with an escape hatch. The whole thing had been flooded and we had to pump out a ton of water. It was pretty cool, though.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
The U.S. government used to have Many, Many, more facilities then they do now. If you can get a hold of an older (circa 1970's) USGA topographic map for any large metropolitan area, you will see a bunch of sites labeled U.S. Government Reservation.

Some of these are former WWII POW camps (there was one about 10 miles from where I live now.

Most of them are former NIKE anti aircraft batteries. About 5 years ago, I worked on a project to decommision one of these sites. Part of the site had been sold off a few years ago and the current owner didn't want anything done to it. The part I worked on had a below ground bunker/ missile silo (more like a basement than a silo though. There was an underground controll room with an escape hatch. The whole thing had been flooded and we had to pump out a ton of water. It was pretty cool, though.

posted on Nov, 22 2003 @ 10:42 PM
[]oops sorry about that, new here.
Just read your post, interesting. Many of the sites have indeed been shut down for cost cuts, but , many of the strategic ones, are very operational, they just want the public to think they have been shut down. The activity is all now underground.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by thesecretseeker
[]oops sorry about that, new here.
Just read your post, interesting. Many of the sites have indeed been shut down for cost cuts, but , many of the strategic ones, are very operational, they just want the public to think they have been shut down. The activity is all now underground.

Don't worry about being new, in a couple days you'll have 50,000 points. Meanwhile I'll still be around 3,000.

posted on Nov, 24 2003 @ 07:16 PM
there was one of those NIKE sites a few miles away from me. its been closed for a while now. the housing is still there but i think they have been remodeled and rented out. i heard there was more but i don't where.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by thesecretseeker
[]oops sorry about that, new here.
Just read your post, interesting. Many of the sites have indeed been shut down for cost cuts, but , many of the strategic ones, are very operational, they just want the public to think they have been shut down. The activity is all now underground.

That is just the point. Most of the sites have been shut down. The military can barely aford to keep their existing bases opperational. Sure there are some top secret facilities, but these are all located in the middle of an existing base.

How can you operate a "secret underground base" without bringing in supplies, maintenance contractors, food, etc.

(and BTW there is NO base under Denver Intl Airport.

posted on Nov, 26 2003 @ 11:36 PM
well i'd say the military would keep spending their money on the secret base and not really worry about the other bases thats why it looks like they have no money becoz they keep spending millions and millions on secret bases.

posted on Nov, 27 2003 @ 08:34 PM
anyone know of any here in west virginia?

posted on Dec, 4 2003 @ 03:22 PM
Most bases were closed down when Clinton came into office.
At least in California you will find most Naval and Air bases were
shut down to cut government spending, but it cost more to shut these bases
down due to the toxins they have than to keep them open for the next 50 years.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 11:32 PM
yes they have closed down quite a bit of faciliies btw anyone ever heard of DULCE/DULSE not sure seen it spelled both ways

posted on Dec, 6 2003 @ 12:37 PM
I wonder if anyone here would have information on Area 51's security procedures? Oh yes, and TyphonSix, this site has a very interesting section on the dulce facility, Thats the one in New Mexico Right?

Thanks for any help,
David Bieniek

posted on Dec, 7 2003 @ 05:46 AM
anyone know about site r. from what i know, it is/used to be a backup pentagon, one of several, for times of war. it's located in the southern pennsylvanian appalation mts. (really IN them). most of what i know of them is hearsay, but the fact it exists is hearsay from good sources. just wanted to doublecheck my facts and see if anyone knows if it's still up and running.
thanx for any info

[Edited on 7-12-2003 by harbaughisback]

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