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puzzle solving dreams

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posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 10:57 AM
ok so about three years i was stuck on a video game (yeah i know lame) but i was badly stuck there was apuzzle on it i went to bed thinking about it but i still couldnt figure it out but i had the strangest dream that i solved the puzzle i woke up and immediatly tried the method and low and behold it worked marvelously i was pretty freaked out till the same kinda thing happened in the same game at a later stage i wasa stuck on a math type puzzle went to bed thinkin on it and solved it in my mind i have many other cases of this happening when i go to bed thinkin on something i just somehow miraculasly come up with the solution it even works when im stuck on homework

-the king

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 11:11 AM
heh well i had another thing i wan ted to know but didnt wanna open another thread whats the deal with sleepwalking/talking? ive woken up outside during winter in my jammies in the dog house freezin my a$$ off then another time my mom came in and threw a bottle of ketchup at then gave the excuse i was yelling for ketchup! very odd indeed.

-the king

[edit on ampTue, 12 Dec 2006 11:12:38 -0600/02/91 by adamiskthespacepirateking]

posted on Dec, 12 2006 @ 07:23 PM
Well I can't say that either of those have happened to me...but I have experienced something somewhat similar. I've played video games before and sort of dozed off. (day dream if you will.) So then I snap out of it a while later and I've completely beaten the game, or the segment of the game. As for sleep walking/talking... I have never experienced those but... I've heard that they can be caused by mal-nutrition.

posted on Dec, 16 2006 @ 02:51 PM
You basically put your subconscience to work for you while you slept. Many people have solved problems that way when they could not think of a solution consciencioulsy. You have just found how to tap into it very early on in life. Make good use of it. Your subconscience can also help you to see things that other people have missed, or even create a new great product.

I assure you that many more wish they knew how to tap into the subconscience for many different reasons including myself. Have you ever heard the phrase that you can make yourself sick? You can if you tell yourself enough times and your subsconcious picks up on it. I also believe that your subconsciencous can help make yourself well when you really do get sick.

The only thing I know about sleep walking is that you should not touch the person sleepwalking unless they are becoming a danger to themselves or to others. It is better to let them act out their dream, then when they are awake have them do research and go see a doctor about it. It is not too healthy waking up sleeping out side in the freezing cold.

posted on Dec, 25 2006 @ 10:10 PM
yeah go me! thanks for replieing but im curious why is it bad to touch a sleep walker?

posted on Dec, 26 2006 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by adamiskthespacepirateking
yeah go me! thanks for replieing but im curious why is it bad to touch a sleep walker?

That's what I would like to know!

I can't say I've ever sleep walked, but it truly fascinates me as to how it all can come about.

Once, my brother was found peeing in the shower.


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