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Tattoos and Piercings Anyone?

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posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 08:45 AM

I'm into piercings & ink - I find them beautiful. (no accounting for good taste, right?

While I am (slowly) getting work done on my latest ink, and planning for another -- I had the urge to ask what tattoos/piercings people here on ats have?

A gothic cross on my lower back, a long stemmed rose between my shoulder blades (going to be a garden - a flower for every member of my family), 'casis angelus' (latin for fallen angel) on my left wrist, and the chinese symbols for 'loner/lonely', 'self' & 'nature' on my right arm, and 'cat' on the webbing of my right hand. Right now, work is being done on a tree of life on my chest.

Many lost over the years.. *sigh* Had two in my tongue and one in the webbing underneath the tongue (now I'm down to 1 in my tongue), had one in my eyebrow, have one in my septum, lip, navel, had one in the webbing on my left hand, I lost count in my ears -- however, I just stretched my lobes to 000g. (there are two others which I had, and now only have one.. but I'm fairly certain that I can't mention them... let it suffice to say *not* below the belt (some places are just sacred...) )

So - if'n you don't mind telling --- what do you guys have?

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 08:59 AM
I'm also into tattoos. Not so much piercing though in my younger years I had my nostril, ears, labret, septum, and both sides of my lip(not all at once). I have always love tattoos. I just recently got started getting more, I have almost one sleeve and the start of another one that I've done in less than a year. My tattoo's consist of; a dagger on the forearm, an old school black panther, a gypsie lady with a banner that says "mom" with peoni flowers in the background, lotus flower on my elbow, grenade, brass knuckles, and roses with a banner that say's "peace is not an option" on my upper arm, a swallow with a straight razor on my inner arm, a skull with an arrow through it with a banner that say's "hard luck", and a ship on my right forearm.

That's all I got for now. If you wan't to see some of them you can check them out at, my artist' name is Jamie Hickey and work's for Body Language Tattoo's out of Columbus, Ohio.

posted on Nov, 26 2006 @ 06:09 PM
I have to admire the shading, as now understand just how hard it is to do!

For Christmas, I bought a tattoo gun. So far, I've managed to black lines with reasonable luck.. the lines are mostly there when the skin heals!

But shading is one of those things that's at least two levels above where I am now. 'Tis a good thing that I have lots of skin to practice on!

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 12:19 AM
Hi Diseria and others,

I have a Spartan warrior helmet on my right shoulder. Hubby and I got tats on our wedding anniversary 3years ago.

I wanted to get a tat that meant something significant so I got the spartan warrior helmet. He got a very mechanical looking scorpion with red colouring on the sting of the tail on his left breast.

I graduated from uni in 2001 as a mature aged student with double majors in Modern History and Classical Studies ( I just loved Greek Civilisation) therefore the tat I got has special meaning for me.

In Peace Always

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 06:59 PM
Well this is what i am getting

Can't wait...

On the base of my back... but thinking of somewhere else but dont know where. :S
Where do you guys think??

Oni x x

[edit on 28-11-2006 by Oni x x]

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:07 PM
Interesting mix of symbols... medical snakes, angel wings and the HIM music group... or is that a quill pen down the middle? not sure..

If I may ask, why these symbols/the combination thereof? (and of all music groups, why HIM? -- or d I have the symbol wrong?)

I like the design.
Same colors as shown in the pic? (personally, I'd go black outline with slight shading.. but that's me.

Although, I will say, I was very happy to have my first ink on my back, and sad because I could never see it. Only thing I don't like about it... it sneaks up on me in the mirror, and makes a contortionist out of me!

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by resistancia
I graduated from uni in 2001 as a mature aged student with double majors in Modern History and Classical Studies ( I just loved Greek Civilisation) therefore the tat I got has special meaning for me.

Yeah, I'm a writer, so I tend to get more words on me than anything. Problem is that, like writing a story -- I'm never sure if the words I've chosen are the best!! Makes it very difficult to decide on anything..

But, even if I figure out that what I've chosen is not right, I realize that when I got it -- it was right *then*.. I like using tattoos as markers for where I've been (mentally), and how I've changed since then.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:18 PM
never heard of HIM....

Na. Someone showed me this and i thought wow... this is so amazing.

I also have a tattoo idea which a good friend made the design for. (X)

Oni x x

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:21 PM
That's a cool looking design Oni, the Caduceus and Heartogram
look good together.
My advice, get it where the heartogram is just on the bottom of
your neck, so the wings spread out towards your shoulders.

As for myself;

I have one piercing in my left ear lobe.
Though in the next few months I'm going to be getting the top
part of my left ear pierced as well.

None as of yet, but I'm getting one on the top of my left hand
of my own design.
Going to do that in the next 3-5 months, when I get the time to
do it.
I intend to get the StarGate Alpha symbol on the back of my
neck, and a DNA double helix caduceus somewhere on my left
arm, have'nt decided yet.

I'd have liked to have already done the second piercing and one
of the tats, but I just can never seem to find the time.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:22 PM
Here's HIM's site

Off on the left you can see the 'heartagram', as they call it.

Like I said, it's a neat design -- guess I'd say becareful who you're advertising for!

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by iori_komei
I'd have liked to have already done the second piercing and one
of the tats, but I just can never seem to find the time.

No offence meant, but I do believe that's the first time I've heard that!

normally it's cuz peeps are broke!

I say go out and do it! Piercings take 5-10 minutes, unless you live way far away from the shop.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:28 PM
lol cheers Diseria... i will look into something else.... Dont want to be advertising H.I.M

They play good music though.... But not a fan of anyones (well not enough to have a tatt).

Oni x x

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Diseria
No offence meant, but I do believe that's the first time I've heard that!

normally it's cuz peeps are broke!

I say go out and do it! Piercings take 5-10 minutes, unless you live way far away from the shop.

I'm a just a very busy person is all, even when I use ATS I'm doing
other stuff as well, between school, the accompanying work, and the
various projects I'm trying to finish, I just get so caught up, that it's
the beginning of the next week before I know it.

Though now that money is mentioned, that does remind me I need
to go check the prices for custom tts at the various shops around

I'm getting the second piercing before the new year, since I actually
did forget that Christmas is coming up, and that means I'll have a
break and I'll be able to go do it.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 07:54 PM
both ears, my eyebrow, myt right nipple, and have the lateralus eye over my heart, there is another thread with a similar title i bwelieve and you can see for ya self

btw i'll pierce someone for free just supply the needle and jewlery

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 08:47 PM
Just a question, but do certain places for tattoos, like maybe on girls say different things, like an understood something between all people, if she has a tattoo here it means something, like guys have tattoos on the arms and so on...

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:35 PM
I got a left earing. Nothing special.

On the left side of my chest: (The picture doesn't do it justice)

Behold my nipple!

I'm thinking of getting a 'ring' with a celtic design on my finger.

[edit on 28-11-2006 by Gear]

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:46 PM
Wow i cant believe no one pointed you to THIS THREAD. Its got quite a collection of ATS members Tattoos.

Enjoy Perusing.

posted on Nov, 28 2006 @ 09:48 PM
him sucks

love metal?

wings of a butterfly GTFO!


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