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Violence is the only way.... it sucks... but its true!

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posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 03:55 PM
I jsut watched about ten videos of police tasing people over and over and over again. Literally before watching these videos i was retisant to advocate the use of violence against law enforcement... but its just gone too far.... peace activits need to start hiring professional ARMED security to protect them from these authoritarians. DO WHAT I SAY OR I WILL TASE you.... that FUC*ED up.... and i know im going to get flamed by the same caliber of people who appeased hitler in the early thirties... but somethign needs to be done. We need to send a messege to Law enforcement and the government, if you use excessive force WE WILL USE EXCESSIVE force. how many people have to be wrongfully assualted and beaten by the police before the sleeping giant that is America wakes up. How many kids have to be pepper sprayed? How many innocent people have to be shot or caught in a gun fight between police and gangs. Anymore ESPECIALLY in major metro areas the cops are jsut as dirty and dangerous as the local street thugs. Something needs to be done. Cops need to remmember that they are outnumbered, in many cases 100's to one. And where you jsut attack us individually, where you just humiliate us publically, these same painful experiences can be passed right back on to you and those that you care about.

To qualify the above statement so that I dont have NSA, FBI, etc knocking on my door as a suspected domestic terrorist, I am in no way advocating that someone or some group start attacking police officers and thier families. I am mearly stating that before too long the LA riots will look like nothing compared to the National firestorm that will erupt in every major city.

So cops, think of you families not your jobs. Think of the peoples you are SUPPOSEDLY here to protect and serve. Remmember that you serve at our behest and if you ever truly do push to far we the people will remove you, forcefully and with true finality if need be.

here are some vids for you viewing disgust

UCLA student tased for not showing his ID and not leaving FAST enough

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 06:37 PM
How many reasoned responses do you expect to get with a statement like this:

.... and i know im going to get flamed by the same caliber of people who appeased hitler in the early thirties...

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 07:07 PM
1. The in the UCLA case, I could hear the kid screaming at the officers.
2. In the skinny kid case, the police officer warned the kid before he tased him to stop.
3. The woman getting Tased, She could have easily given up rather than keep fighting
4. In the police shotgun thing, that didn't even look real. I have never seen a shotgun blow out that much smoke when fired.
5. The mentally disabled person, How were the plice supposed to know he was disabled
6. I'm sorry, but I don't even see the point of posting the last one.

I saw a video once of a police officer being jumped by three people and being shot in the face by his own weapon. If he had a "torturing" weapon, maybe he could have been saved.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 09:15 PM
im glad we have police otherwise we would end up like these 3rd world countries that do not have them and riots , killings and so forth run a muck. that is why there is so many killings in iraq, lebonon, venezuella,africa and so on. these people just do what they want to rape, steel, kill, and so on. police limit this stupid activity people do. the police , the few in iraq are scared, well yeh id be scared too if your shot at or killed on a daily occurance. it is a war for the police over there and they are losing the battle cause of the stupic people. where do they all come from.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Elsenorpompom
I jsut watched about ten videos of police tasing people over and over and over again. Literally before watching these videos i was retisant to advocate the use of violence against law enforcement... but its just gone too far.... peace activits need to start hiring professional ARMED security to protect them from these authoritarians. DO WHAT I SAY OR I WILL TASE you.... that FUC*ED up.... and i know im going to get flamed by the same caliber of people who appeased hitler in the early thirties... but somethign needs to be done. We need to send a messege to Law enforcement and the government, if you use excessive force WE WILL USE EXCESSIVE force. how many people have to be wrongfully assualted and beaten by the police before the sleeping giant that is America wakes up. How many kids have to be pepper sprayed? How many innocent people have to be shot or caught in a gun fight between police and gangs. Anymore ESPECIALLY in major metro areas the cops are jsut as dirty and dangerous as the local street thugs. Something needs to be done. Cops need to remmember that they are outnumbered, in many cases 100's to one. And where you jsut attack us individually, where you just humiliate us publically, these same painful experiences can be passed right back on to you and those that you care about.

To qualify the above statement so that I dont have NSA, FBI, etc knocking on my door as a suspected domestic terrorist, I am in no way advocating that someone or some group start attacking police officers and thier families. I am mearly stating that before too long the LA riots will look like nothing compared to the National firestorm that will erupt in every major city.

So cops, think of you families not your jobs. Think of the peoples you are SUPPOSEDLY here to protect and serve. Remmember that you serve at our behest and if you ever truly do push to far we the people will remove you, forcefully and with true finality if need be.

here are some vids for you viewing disgust

UCLA student tased for not showing his ID and not leaving FAST enough

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 11:31 PM
JSO i put this in slugfest... i therefore felt that I had to in no way playcate my critics.... so in response i was expecting people exactly like who posted...

appeasers cause thats what you all are... appeasers.... like you have been soo down trodden and socialised that you accept this abuse of power with nigh a blink of the eye. Cops could never be wrong, if they say do it you should prolly do it. Well im sorry I dont have that kind of faith in our Law Enforcement, not when I've sold tweak pipes (legally) to cops, not when ive seen cops terrorize locals who wont acquiesce to their demands.

We imprision more people in this country, and a higher percentage, than SOVIET RUSSIA.... so forgive me if i dont roll over and take one for the team just because some guy in a blue uniform asks me too. If you arent white, and unfortunately I am, you are just as likely to get assaulted or killed by the police as you are by gangs and the like.

PEACE officers who have tasers and guns.... HA!... and the poster who mentioned IRaq Iran and Such, well I hate to break it to you theyve been fighting since HAMMURABI... hence the Hammurabi's code. Nuff said.

If there arent people who fight back when abuses of power like this happen, and have listen to people tell them constantly they are/were wrong, this country would not have survived to today.

As per Cop safety, if we had sensible laws do you think that since the inception of DEA the quality and quantity of Cocaine would have gone up, which it has and if you dont believe go to ANY gov or no gov site about Cocaine and how lil the DEA's done since its inception. What sooooooo many people fail to realise when they start spouting about how cops get ambushed is that this is intentional. The system is designed to function like this so that fence sitters and appeasers will feel comfortable with their decision to hand over their rights to these Authoritarian Asshats.

And Jso.... is that all you are going to say, not giong to respond to the videos.

And Infoholic two wrongs doesn't make a right, but the peace movement has accomplished next to nothing since it started. There are times for passive resistance and there are times for out and out violence. We need to take our country back from greedy "monopoly" like men and their goon squads they have ironically labeled peace officers.

Ford Farmer the shot gun he was using wasn't lethal it was one of the ones that shoot the bean bags and they smoke that much.

Second, the disabled one, I work with the disabled and the person who was with the person was yelling at the COPS from the very beginning that the person was disabled. If he was like any of the man Operational Defiants then he had no control of his actions with authority. You tell an operational defiant the sky is blue he/she will argue that that could not possibly be true. That does not even include Bipolar, schizo-affective, schizophrenic, or borderline.

And as per the skinny guy, yeah he was, or atleast appeared to be, incarcerated, he was in no way threatening the cop and the cop choked him and then tased him, where we Saudi Arabia?

How will you feel when for no reason at all a cop starts Harassing YOU, a citizen who has done nothing wrong, and then when you question them they tase you.... come on. how is that even close to right?

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 02:30 AM
Although I like your ideas and wish this were the case...

that wouldn't work very well. The American public as a whole is a sheep-society. It wasn't always like this, I think the year 1776 comes to mind. Now, we have taken everything for granted. We don't know what it's like to live in Africa, what it's like to live in Russia, what it's like to live ANYWHERE but America- and this is really sad- because many people in the world would give an arm and a leg to become one of us. Now before you think i'm badmouthing, here me out as to what I mean by sheep exactly. Let's create a hypothetical scenario.

1) Man walks through a bank with a t-shirt that says "Death to Evil Bankers" while trying to deposit a hefty check
2) Security tell him to leave, he does not comply
3) Police show up on the scene, and say the command again with threat of force
4) Man does not comply
5) Police taze the man
6) Man screams obscenaties and threats
7) Police handcuff and rough-up the man
8) A bystander starts yelling at the officers, saying he has a right to deposit the check
9) Man with t-shirt won't calm down emotionally, Police taze him again
10) More jump in, yelling and screaming
11) Police threaten all to walk away and get back to their business
12) No one complies except a few
13) More Police are called


Reverse that, and have no one do anything because there was not one to stand up first.

Second option is how a typical situation would occur with people 30-60. The younger crowd, much more aware to the loss of freedom because they were not born into the deserved pride, respect, duty and most importantly TRUST associated with WWII, handle the situation much differently (as seen in the video above) and would most likely choose option one. However, sensationalism does not work with hardened men. Especially when the one getting yelled at believes the other was born with a silver spoon in his... mouth. Respect/Power works with most. With some, expect a fight. Good thing someone invented pens, and that other person invented paper.

Also, with laws going the way they are- expect to be labeled a terrorist, or worse, an unlawful enemy combatant if you decide to fight back. There will be no trial, just execution, torture, or life imprisonment. Violence is not the answer here. If our Police and Army were actually evil people, then yes. But I don't believe the majority are evil people, so no- violence is not the option here and won't be. The only chance at reversing the flow is spreading truth. Join up with Alex Jones and promote his DVD's free on Or buy them on Amazon as he is running a campaign to keep Terrorstorm in the top 10 of dvd sales on Amazon. Alex offers all his DVD's for free on youtube and google video however. He is all about exposure, not profits. The man has to feed his family, but he is not in it for the money. The same goes for Aaron Russo's film, America: Freedom to Fascism. I hope you take this advice to heart, using your weapons would be a very bad idea not only because it's wrong, but the consequences would be horrible for everyone else. You would further the agenda of those that want Nazi-esque power and control. Peace>War Truth>Lies .50> 9mm (just kidding)

[edit on 17-11-2006 by jaguarmike]

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 04:56 AM

Posted by Elsenorpompom
And Infoholic two wrongs doesn't make a right, but the peace movement has accomplished next to nothing since it started. There are times for passive resistance and there are times for out and out violence. We need to take our country back from greedy "monopoly" like men and their goon squads they have ironically labeled peace officers.

Hypothetical... someone... anyone is walking down the street, doing nothing wrong.. clean record.. and a cop pulls up and whips their arse... absolutely, the cop deserves the same, as a sense of pulling your fellow citizen to safety. I would agree to that one in a heartbeat.

Now, that someone just mugged ole' granny... and the cop pulls up... demands the perp halts... and he starts to run... gets tazed... I'd have to chuckle at the person running away getting tazed. It's just common sense.

Posted by Elsenorpompom
To qualify the above statement so that I dont have NSA, FBI, etc knocking on my door as a suspected domestic terrorist, I am in no way advocating that someone or some group start attacking police officers and thier families. I am mearly stating that before too long the LA riots will look like nothing compared to the National firestorm that will erupt in every major city.

As you have stated in this comment... according to the USA Patriot Act, you've done enough to be labeled a domestic terrorist, just simply by voicing your opinion. We all have. The government is hoping and praying that by telling you that you can/will only be "free" or "not scared" is to give up your rights and securities, you would believe it.

Don't make the assumption that I think the excessive force used by many police officers today, is ok. I don't. When the time comes, I won't stand for it as well as I'm sure millions across the nation won't either.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is that although the government and police and whomever else in the "authoritive eye" have ran out of options to control us, we're the better people. We have options left. We haven't gotten to the point of "an eye for an eye" just yet.

[edit on 11/17/2006 by Infoholic]

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 10:30 AM
Infoholic, too a point I'm right there with you. Yesterday was a long LONG day, i wrote what i wrote on no sleep and 70+ just this week at work.

But I really believe that your second to last statement is scary. You will be there when the time comes. What will have to happen for the time to come, and by that point wont it be too late. Not to beat a dead horse, but the Jews in Germany and Poland waited until the "right moment" and look what happened. They waited while they took the gays, the intellectuals, the dissidents, etc you know the poem... and when it came to them there was no one else to fight with them.

While what i said yesterday was a wee bit radical, i honestly don't feel like it was all that far from the truth. Especially the idea of hiring professional security to protect protesters from these kinds of actions.

I come from a military family and they may be why I'm so biased against the government as a whole. I recognize the significance and need for Law enforcement and certain rules, but it just seems to me that in this day and age where we are supposedly the "freest" nation in the world, why do we have sooo many frivolous laws, why do we have SOOOOO much corruption in Government jobs... seriously if a business had as much corruption within its own ranks as government does that corporation would have to be an Enron or World-Com like company.

I apologize for the tone of my previous posts but not for their overall gist. "There is something terribly wrong in this country" and it seems like no one is willing to do anything about it. They are soo willing to accept whats fed to them by the boob tube, and so willing to listen to and accept the lies by their supposed elected officials. I mean just today I see my Senator John McCain, whom i have met and is a pompous ass, and hes already campaigning for 2008 presidential election and hes bashing his fellow republicans, like he totally wasn't great friends with them not two weeks ago. And ten to 1 the people will by it. Not to be offensive but its like the voters in this country are like abused women who keep going back to their abusive husbands time after time after time. Granted many more women today than 20 years ago leave and that's great but there are still some who don't and i believe it illustrates my point in a very precise manner.

posted on Nov, 17 2006 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Elsenorpompom
But I really believe that your second to last statement is scary. You will be there when the time comes. What will have to happen for the time to come, and by that point wont it be too late. Not to beat a dead horse, but the Jews in Germany and Poland waited until the "right moment" and look what happened. They waited while they took the gays, the intellectuals, the dissidents, etc you know the poem... and when it came to them there was no one else to fight with them.

Maybe you still don't understand me.

If you witness a cop/government official/whomever doing.. umm... (something insignificant here).. like running a red light... are you suggesting we turn full revolution against that? I'm sure you're not. As well, I'm not saying, "Let's wait until they actually knock on your door to inform you the country is under martial law," before something is done. Does that make sense? Is this even my ideal that you were questioning?

Do you expect to fight and lose a war with just a few buddies? Or do you expect to fight and win a war with the entire nation on your side? Wouldn't you agree it would be a better idea to build numbers to back your interest? That's not going to happen over night, ya know.

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