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Simple, yet Damning Proof Young Creationism is False!-?

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posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
As for the comment about the stars being far away and lignt not yet reaching the earth, I believe when God saidLET THERE BE LIGHT he meant it.
Is that why god decided to make stars a few days after light just to give it a source????


posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by shihulud

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
As for the comment about the stars being far away and lignt not yet reaching the earth, I believe when God saidLET THERE BE LIGHT he meant it.
Is that why god decided to make stars a few days after light just to give it a source????


Why not ask Him................No need to be afraid

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 11:51 PM

Why not ask Him................No need to be afraid

i tried, said diety did not comment

anyway, why should SCIENCE have to DISPROVE supernatural possibilities?

i really don't understand why there is an extra burden of proof placed upon the evolutionists

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 01:21 PM
Most creationism ideas are based on the christian bible, not all but most. In the bible God said let there be light, he's God if he wants light from the stars and sun to reach the earth then the light from distant stars will reach the earth. It's a pretty simple idea if you believe in a higher power.

[edit on 1-12-2006 by darthbane1412]

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 01:34 PM
If you showed a movie of evolution to a lost tribe that you just discovered, then they had to relay this information to other members of the lost tribe, who passed this information to generation after generation you might end up with something like God created Man from a lump of clay. Thunder lightening one celled animals...complex animals... eventually man.... Think about it. The creation story in the bible doesn't rule out evolution, it just doesn't include it.

If God exists and evolution exists, then perhaps it was gods tool to get to the present state of affairs.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 01:35 PM
The bible does not state the age of the earth. This is done by people who study the bible and try to deduce the age of the earth.

What was a day to God?

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 01:58 PM
It is obvious that alot of nonsense has been spoonfed to us in what we laughingly call the "education" system, and it is good to see people talking about this, and questioning it instead of blindly following along like good little slaves as we have been doing for centuries...

They. the Elite, purposefully give us a false version of history. This is done for many reasons.

1. They dont want us to realize our true divine heritage
2. They dont want us to know about the amazing civilizations and technologies that existed on the Earth many millions of years ago
3. They want to program our minds with the belief system that we are nothing than scum, with a past of nothing but negativity and ignorance, and that we are not much more evolved now
4. They know that if they can control our view of where we came from, then they can control our view of where we are now, and in effect can directly control where we are going. They have done this for milleniums.

The TRUE history of the Earth is so amazing, so absolutely unbelievable, that most people would immediately shrug it off and refuse to believe it. Its sad but true, most people simply are not ready to know how it REALLY IS. Not theories, not speculation, no indoctrination passed down to us by men who would want to control us, but how it REALLY is. It would shock, amaze, and maybe even frighten people.

The Elite have the amazing ancient knowledge kept from the people. They understand how the Creation works.

The fact is, we are all divine Beings of Light, who, eons ago, decided to venture down into the lower realms of the Creation. We have been stuck in 3D and in limited consciousness for all that time, in order for us to experience the seperation of duality. Where the ones view themselves as seperate. All the scenerios that could be played out in physical expression are being played out, and we have learned many valuable lessons during our time in the lower realms.

In the Beginning, the Creator desired to experience himself. He divided himself into distinct, experiencing parts. We call these parts "souls", we are all souls, and all souls are simply experiecing aspects of God. All the different scenerios and experiences possible were first thought of in the God-Mind, and through his souls, thats us, he is able to experience all that is great mind can think of.

He gave his souls the freedom of FREE WILL, and so he was free to experience all that his Creation had to offer. Love, Hate, Freedom, Slavery, War, Peace, any thing you can think of in your mind has happened in Creation, that is why you can think of it.

His souls had the freedom to experience life in all the different "realms' or dimensions that the Creator created. He his the central light of creation, and through him we get our entire essence. All dimensions, all souls, all of Creation is simply a part of the mind of God, expressing itself in physical and non physical ways, to experience all that is possible to experience. The Creation is infinite for the Creator never stops creating. This is why people say the universe goes on forever...

In these lower realms, the Creator assigned Lucifer to serve as the catalyst that would propel souls in their growth. By experiencing the evil, negativity, war, hate that is associated with darkness, we learned valuable lessons on how to be good, and how to be in Light. Light is God.

In university quantum physics, they will teach you that the essence of all that exists is Light. But what they dont tell you, is the SOURCE of that light. The Source is the One Light of GOD!! This should spark a revelation in your mind.

God is known as ATON, or the One Light. The Egyptians knew about Aton, and the secret societies who control the world today worship the dark side of Aton, the dark side of the sun, the dark side of nature, etc...

This is the true nature of reality.

This is only a very very simple overview of it all. Space is short, so I will be off.


[edit on 1-12-2006 by LightWorker13]

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 02:00 PM
The problem with Creationism is they start with a conclusion and then try to find facts that fit their conclusion.

That's just not the way to seek the truth.

For the biblical purests, consider that the old testament was passed down from long long ago and that the understanding of the people who wrote these passages may not have been up to the task of actually conveying the true message from god but rather a simplified message that they could understand.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Wildbob77
The problem with Creationism is they start with a conclusion and then try to find facts that fit their conclusion.

That's just not the way to seek the truth.

For the biblical purests, consider that the old testament was passed down from long long ago and that the understanding of the people who wrote these passages may not have been up to the task of actually conveying the true message from god but rather a simplified message that they could understand.

The problem with evolution is it is impossible. They can't even explain the movement of some bacteria, let alone the evolution of anything else.

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

The problem with evolution is it is impossible. They can't even explain the movement of some bacteria, let alone the evolution of anything else.

What are you on about Sun?

Evolution is far from impossible...

posted on Dec, 1 2006 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix
The problem with evolution is it is impossible.

There is also an inherent problem with broad generalizations such as this.

For example, what do you mean by evolution? Change over time, that certainly isn't impossible, and is an observed fact. What about descent with modification? Again, certainly not an impossibility, and is also an observed reality. Along with descent with modification, comes common descent. Undeniably true, though to a somewhat more limited extent than the first two. Indeed, even Creationists must accept some degree of common descent, as to not accept it implies that each person - each organism born is the result of some type of Divine intervention. Even the most fundamentalist YECists don't take such an extreme view.

I am assuming that what you're getting at is evolution between 'kinds' is impossible; no birds from reptiles, no vertebrates from invertebrates, etc.

I would have to go so far as to agree with you that there is no proof positive evidence of this. There is an effort to explain fossils and other evidence in terms of common ancestry and evolution, and this is currently the most widely accepted scientific conclusion with respect to biological origins.

Indeed the theory does seem to pull together some disparate evidences and data into a unique coherent idea.

That's the appeal of the idea... that's why it's so widely accepted to varying degrees.

If one wishes to refute the idea, and do so scientifically (which is the only appropriate avenue, as the Theory of Evolution is a scientific idea), then simply stating 'evolution is impossible' is not adequate.

You're certainly free to believe evolution is impossible, but this is likely in spite of, not because of the available evidence and data.

This isn't to say that there are no reasonable arguments against evolution, but thus far your posting hasn't referred to any.

They can't even explain the movement of some bacteria, let alone the evolution of anything else.

What do you mean by this? The movement of most, if not all bacteria is explained quite nicely. There are mountains of papers re: chemotactic mobility in response to a variety of stimuli, including chemo, aero, thermo, and phototactic responses. Indeed many, or even most of the proteins involved have been characterized at the functional level at least... a bunch have even been characterized structurally, including elements of the chemotactic apparatus, and the motor proteins themselves.

Not all bacteria move in such a directed manner, but both sliding and gliding motilities have been reasonably well characterized. In fact, some of these bacteria have what could best be described as 'jet engines' on their outer membranes that are powered by the discharge of lipopolysaccharide substances.

Indeed I would expect the notion that God could create such nanomotors would be inspirational and not threatening. Furthermore, I would expect that Christians would be able to view evolution as an 'unzipping' of a predetermined software or program; some Divine program, that as it unfolds, molds and shapes not only biological complexity, but the world surrounding biological complexity. Such a Creation... a program that self-extracts, compiles, runs, and continuously generates new complexity is an equally if not more miraculous and glorious demonstration of a Creators power than some Perfect creation that gradually winds down and in fact devolves over time.

[edit on 1-12-2006 by kallikak]

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Sun Matrix

Originally posted by Wildbob77
The problem with Creationism is they start with a conclusion and then try to find facts that fit their conclusion.

That's just not the way to seek the truth.

For the biblical purests, consider that the old testament was passed down from long long ago and that the understanding of the people who wrote these passages may not have been up to the task of actually conveying the true message from god but rather a simplified message that they could understand.

The problem with evolution is it is impossible. They can't even explain the movement of some bacteria, let alone the evolution of anything else.

then why do they constantly have to change flu vaccines to adapt to new species of the flu virus?

evolution is scientific
as wildbob stated, creationism subverts the scientfic method by starting with a conclusion and working from there

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