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Long distance coincidence or something more?

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posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 02:58 PM
Today at work i was thinking about an old girlfriend, wondering how she was, We broke up a while ago and i have never really given her more thought (until this afternoon for some reason)

I was wondering what she might be doing, if she was ok and so on, i felt i really needed to hear from her to make sure she was ok.
I had deleted her phone numbers from my phone so had no way of contacting her atall.

Then a really bizarre thing i looked at my phone and saw i had a missed call, I recognised the country code and it blew me away how i had been thinking about her and within an hour she had tried to call!

I gave her a call and we talked for a bit, cleared the air about how we broke up and all is fine, i have new g/f now but its really nice to hear her voice and to know she is ok and doing well, i will see her next year as we are now good friends again.

How can this be explained?, she lives about 6000 miles away and 7 hours in front.

I would like to think it was more than coincidence.

your thoughts please?

Btw i did have another userame on here but hadnt posted for a while, couldnt log in so got a new account.

[edit on 7-11-2006 by trueskeptic]

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 03:03 PM

How can this be explained?, she lives about 6000 miles away and 7 hours in front.

Its called quantum entanglement and distance is not a factor.

Read the book it will explain it all.

posted on Nov, 7 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by trueskeptic
Today at work i was thinking about an old girlfriend, wondering how she was, We broke up a while ago and i have never really given her more thought (until this afternoon for some reason)

I was wondering what she might be doing, if she was ok and so on, i felt i really needed to hear from her to make sure she was ok.
I had deleted her phone numbers from my phone so had no way of contacting her atall.

Then a really bizarre thing i looked at my phone and saw i had a missed call, I recognised the country code and it blew me away how i had been thinking about her and within an hour she had tried to call!

I gave her a call and we talked for a bit, cleared the air about how we broke up and all is fine, i have new g/f now but its really nice to hear her voice and to know she is ok and doing well, i will see her next year as we are now good friends again.

How can this be explained?, she lives about 6000 miles away and 7 hours in front.

I would like to think it was more than coincidence.

your thoughts please?

Btw i did have another userame on here but hadnt posted for a while, couldnt log in so got a new account.

[edit on 7-11-2006 by trueskeptic]

This is exactly what the previous poster said...

The thing is, we are only aware of 2,000 bits out of a possible 400,000,000,000 bits of information...

When someone is thinking about you, it sends a wave of information, that people are either aware of, or not aware of...
Most of the time we aren't paying attention to our thoughts in this manner..
We think of something SUPER-QUICKLY let it by-pass our cognitive functions and allow it to slip by as if it were nothing.. than when it occurs or something matches our previous thought patterns we think its coincidental, or precognition... but really we were just recieving someones thoughts before they acted upon them.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 01:08 AM
Thanks for the answers, I will be in tune more with what im thinkin from now on.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 02:10 AM
ive had this happen to me quite a bit. quite a cool feeling it is. its almost as if you make it happen by thinking it.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by prototism
ive had this happen to me quite a bit. quite a cool feeling it is. its almost as if you make it happen by thinking it.

Yes the more you are aware of it the more it will happen and it is a cool thing.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by prototism
ive had this happen to me quite a bit. quite a cool feeling it is. its almost as if you make it happen by thinking it.

what do you mean almost? ... this is how reality is born... by ideas.. and ideas of ideas.. the entangible brought forth the tangible.

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 01:17 PM
Someone seems to be suggesting that WE create the situation by thinking of the person or event before it occurs, after which it (our thought) manifests in reality.

Sorry, but not so and the proof of it not being so is laughably obvious.

In war-time, people report experiencing dreams or visions, in which a loved-one is dead or dying. Often the dreamer sees the circumstances of the death of their loved-one and afterwards it has often transpired that their dream or vision occurred at the precise same instant as the death.

Are you suggesting that the dreams and visitations CAUSED the loved-one to die?

After a fatal accident, relatives of the deceased often report that they suddenly knew or felt that the person had died, even though the accident may have occurred thousands of miles away. AFterwards, it is learned that the intuition occurred at the other person's moment of death.

Are you suggesting that these intuitions CAUSED the person to die in the accident ?

Relatives, friends and lovers of hospital patients have reported that they suddenly knew, out of the blue, that the person had died. Often, the person was in hospital for a minor or routine procedure, that for various reasons, 'went wrong'.

The hospitalised individual already had a condition which required their hospitalisation. They were not suffering life-threatening illness, yet they died. Friends and family were naturally thinking of the hospitalised individual, but had no reason to expect that person to die. Yet many have reported sensing, out of the blue, that the person had died and the time of the intuition was later confirmed by the hospital. Are you suggesting that these intuitions CAUSED the hospitalised individual to die?

A mother is up a ladder, putting newly washed curtains back on the rod. She's humming, thinking of what to make for dinner AND listening to the tv. Suddenly, she leaps from the ladder and runs outside. She runs down the street to a neighbour's place, four doors away. She runs madly around to the back of the neigbour's house. And pulls her unconscious toddler from the swimming pool.

Her child has managed, for the first time, to climb out of its cot. It's managed for the first time, to turn the handle of its bedroom door. It's managed for the first time, to make its way down the stairs, after which, for the first time, it has opened the front door latch on its own. The mother didn't consciously hear it. Nor did she see with her physical eyes, her child as it tottered down the path and up the road.

Yet suddenly, she saw it all, in a flash. By trusting her intuition, she saved her child's life. Afterwards, when questioned by police and paramedics, she says: " I don't know how I knew. I thought my child was safely asleep, upstairs. I would never have believed he was capable of getting downstairs without my hearing him. He's never done anything like this before. I don't even know how he knew there was a swimming pool in my neighbour's yard. Thank god he's alright. It must have been his guardian angel watching over him. "

Later, she appears on a tv show, where she's asked HOW she knew. The woman replies: " I still don't understand it myself. I was miles away, engrossed in getting the curtains just right. I remember they were playing a Coke commercial on the tv and I was singing along with it and deciding what to cook for tonight's meal when all of a sudden, it was as if I was outside myself. It was like being hit by lightning. I didn't think. Just reacted. I don't even remember running out of the house and up the road. I don't know why I went into the backyard of that particular house -- I just did. And there was little Joey, floating in the pool. I can't even swim, but I jumped right in and pulled him out. I don't remember phoning the emergency services. It's all a blur. I'll never forget it. Never, ever."

Are you suggesting the mother somehow 'thought' the situation into occurring?

Why not subsribe to the more logical explanation: that our super-conscious minds are all connected .... that our super-conscious minds communicate even though consciously we may be unaware of it ... that some of us are more alert to this communication or more naturally able to access it ?

I quite often sense that someone is thinking of me and just as often, this is afterwards confirmed by actual contact from that person. At such times, they say: " I meant to get in touch with you last week, but was unable to", at which times I might reply: " Yes, I know -- I felt your thoughts last week and I've been waiting for your call as a result ".

I've had many precognitive dreams which have afterwards been proved to be highly accurate. Some of them have taken several days to manifest and have not directly involved me.

I sense when people I know are depressed or ill or troubled and this is often confirmed. Their depression affects me. I wish I didn't pick things up so easily, quite often.

I know when particular people are thinking about me. In the past, I've picked up the phone and called them -- and they've immediately said: " That's so weird ! I was just thinking of you ! "

I don't want to be in contact with some of them, so I push the sensation away. One of them in particular thinks of me quite often and regrets what he/she did. I could call them and put them out of their misery, but I don't. What they did was unforgivable; they stole several hundred thousand dollars from me and my family. We trusted them. They need to feel misery and regret in order to learn and in order to teach them not to do the same thing to anyone else. In fact, if I had a mind to, I could note the precise dates and times that I pick up their feelings and I am absolutely confident that they would confirm this. I don't 'cause' them to have such feelings -- I 'receive' them.

I can on occasion, transmit thoughts to others, as can we all, but it's a mistake to believe that we are responsible for everything that happens. If we were, why aren't we all Lottery winners? Why aren't we all living our deepest-held fantasies? Why aren't the people we hate dead? Why don't those we love always love us in return?

Some choose to believe they are architects of the universe; gods in their own right. Far more realistic to accept that we're similar to a filter or grid, through which 'it' flows; some of it sticking, some of it not

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Dock6

I can on occasion, transmit thoughts to others, as can we all, but it's a mistake to believe that we are responsible for everything that happens. If we were, why aren't we all Lottery winners? Why aren't we all living our deepest-held fantasies? Why aren't the people we hate dead? Why don't those we love always love us in return?

This is not how it works. You have a chosen path you are living. You chose it before you came. If you were not meant to win the lotto, or be rich in this lifetime or how I should put it this does not help your current path, it will not happen.

If it is something that will help you in this lifes goal then manifestation works everytime if you are projective enough. If your karma was not meant to learn something or experience certain things than no matter how hard you manifest, or how good you are at it this just want happen.

The answers are all in front of you. It takes looking within to find them. Go take that journey, and while you are there ask yourself this question.

Do you believe in Magick?

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 01:35 PM

With all due respect I think you have the whole idea backwards.
Your examples I agree where not the cause but they were the effect.

In otherwords people had those thoughts, feelings or intuition because of quantum entanglement which basically says all things are connected at the quantum level.

Now as far as thoughts or consciousness creating reality ask youself this question.

Does consciousness come from matter or does matter come from consciousness?

If you answer the former then please explain to me how matter evolved into consciousness?

posted on Nov, 8 2006 @ 02:36 PM
Thank you etshrtslr and LoneGunMan

Dock6 Sorry you didn't understand it correctly..

In war-time
In your example about war time
Those people are feeling/experiencing reality as its happening..

in my example of the brain surgery patients..
The patients felt the touch on the finger IMMEDIATELY.. because it was a quantum wave having effect.... on the other hand.. the brain does not feel... therefore.. when they 'touched' the part of the brain that was responsible for the sensation on the pinky finger, it took a certain amount of time to reach the finger.. in other words.. to manifest into reality .. or a quantum wave effect..

EDIT: I would like to explain this further.. using my brain surgery example.

waves of potential
particles of experience. (also known as collapsing the wave function)

Okay .. so, the idea of touching the persons brain was a quantum wave... it had no effect until it went from being entangible to tangible (actually touching it) ..
so there we have an observer (the doctor) collapsing the wave function, while applying pressure on his wave function pressuring it into a particle .. of actuality, or experience.. and his power to effect another persons wave function took a small amount of time to transpire so the patient could feel his intentions. or his collapsing of the wave function.

[edit on 11/8/2006 by PuRe EnErGy]

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 09:10 AM
My two cents: The mind is a powerful thing. Then there's also coincidence.

How do you know when it's not a coincidence? When things such as the story described happen way to often to be anything but a coincidence.

In the mean time, I'll just leave it to a coincidence.

posted on Nov, 10 2006 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by sdrawkcab
My two cents: The mind is a powerful thing. Then there's also coincidence.

How do you know when it's not a coincidence? When things such as the story described happen way to often to be anything but a coincidence.

In the mean time, I'll just leave it to a coincidence.

I respectfully beg to differ.

I do not beleive in coincidence because a coincidence implies there is a effect without a known cause and there cannot be an effect without a cause.....once the cause is known its no longer coincidence.

We know what caused the event the poster described in this thread. It is scientifically verifiable and its called quantum entanglement.

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 07:34 PM
Something else happened this morning, Just before i woke i up, In my dreams i was at an archaelogical dig but the setting not where you would expect it, i remember looking down and seeing various dinosaur bones in a semi uncovered state and i saw a stone age hand axe, I picked it up but it was damaged when i turned it over (i could have atleast dreamt up a complete one!!) maybe this has some significance in dream 'meanings' im not sure.

The bizarre part is when i turn on the tv theres an archaeology programme on and right that moment the archaeologist is picking up a nice hand axe it wasnt broken though.

As the dream was so vivid in my mind it did seem a bit wierd

posted on Dec, 2 2006 @ 08:14 PM
things like this happen.

one night a very good friend of mine, who lived in Maryland at the time, was attacked by a mugger and stabbed twice. at the same time as the attack (to the minute, by my clock) i awoke from a sound sleep due to an intense attack of what I can only describe as sleep paralysis; i could move nothing but my eyelids, and all i could see was blinding white light.

i didn't learn about my friend being attacked until well into that day, but as soon as i found out i understood what had brought about the terrifying and unprecedented episode i had suffered during the night.

[edit on 2-12-2006 by The Parallelogram]

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