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Rush Limabugh bashes Marty McFly

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posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Abortion is legal, it's not going anywhere. Why not reap a benefit from it.

No, is not bottom line here because the people that has money goes to countries that do not have restricted research rules to get their treatment, while the regular Joe just have their prayer group support to help them cope with their illnesses when they can not even afford the treatment or the medications.

NOW is that fair?

Yes occurs it is because . . .Is the will of God.

That line may work for some, but me . . . I am not taking it.

[edit on 28-10-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by HoorahUSMC
According to the Bible you don't get your soul until you take the Breath of Life, your first breath when taken literally. So all these embryos do not have sould since they have not taken the Breath of Life.

Not everybody buys into your opinion of when life begins. Some believe it begins with conception.

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 09:38 PM

I am all for the cell stem research and for embryonic also.

And anybody that thinks that this is against religion guess what, I am not a religious person so I don't care.

My daughter is majoring in cell biology as a second mayor and she is doing restricted research because that is how is played by politics but the possibilities on this type of research is getting the profiteers of medicines scare.

The only people that is been deceived here is the ones that believe that is all for the religious rights and for the will of god.

And is not!!!!!

marg, there are many issues that have a moral component also. Not everything is based upon religion.

Opposition to things like partial-birth abortion, human cloning, and embryonic stem cell research cannot and should not be discounted merely because you think those who oppose it are religious extremists. You are being very unfair.

The multi billion dollar industry that we know as Pharmaceuticals do not want any research that has to do with finding cures to diseases because that is not what they are in business for.

Their business is to make money and keep people suffering under their medications.

Now you're really being silly. Embryonic stem cell research is not a highly researched field because it has less promise for results than does adult stem cell research.

I hate to sound harsh, because I really enjoy your posts most of the time, but this is just too much.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Embryonic stem cell research is not a highly researched field because it has less promise for results than does adult stem cell research.

Is that really true? Can you back it up with some links?

I know very little about the subject but my impression so far is that foetal stem cells are more often "totipotent" - they can become any kind of cell at need, whereas adult stem cells are more differentiated - liver stem cells can become liver cells and that's it. That would seem to indicate a promise greater than that of adult cells.

On a broader note, I find that people who are prepared to echo the Rush Limbaugh line on this have resorted to personal attacks on a man with a wasting and terminal disease, which I personally find highly distatsteful: and the resort to moralising about poor innocent unborn babies sits ill with their almost invariable support for war. One poster contrasted the killing of innocent unborns with that of guilty terrorists, and that person must be pretty damn psychic to know that all the people killed in ths Iraq war and in Afghanistan were terrorists.

In fact, this is not the case. PLENTY of innocent people have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just another example of reality having that well-known liberal bias.

It's a pity Limbaugh's foetus wasn't used for stem-cell research. He'd have been much more useful in that capacity than as a hypocritical, Oxycontin-addicted obese blowhard. That's one man who's never stinted on self-medication.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 03:39 AM
I just want to know what in the world was going through Rush's head when he made those comments. Wait a minute, I think it is that Oxycontin that has screwed his brain up. Limbaugh needs to wise up and look at himself in a mirror. I mean, how can a man in rehab for a drug addiction not admit that he is an addict dependant on a drug fix?

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by gimmefootball400
I just want to know what in the world was going through Rush's head when he made those comments.

As you know, Limbaugh is very anti-Democratic party, to a fault sometimes. His motive for reacting was the hotly-contested Missouri Senatorial seat, between incumbent Jim Talent (R) and contender Claire McCaskill(D), the state auditor.

Fox made the commercial endorsing McCaskill, which is his right. But he also made misleading statements that implied that Talent was against all forms of stem cell research, which is not true. Talent opposes federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, not adult or umbilical stem cell research.

The fact that Fox is an immensely popular person with a deblitating disease means that his statements will be accepted by many as gospel truth. Limbaugh stated that his own views, while not politically correct, are acceptable because Fox made himself fair game by entering the political arena. His statements were supported by Fox's own admission that in the past, he has manipulated his drug intake to exaggerate symptoms and elicit a more sympathetic response.

Imo, Limbaugh took the wrong tack. He should have pointed out the inaccuracies in Fox's allegations, instead of resorting to what appeared to be a personal, heartless attack on Fox. But hindsight is 20-20. And it is worth noting that Limbaugh has offered an apology to Fox for his remarks.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by rich23

Originally posted by jsobecky
Embryonic stem cell research is not a highly researched field because it has less promise for results than does adult stem cell research.

Is that really true? Can you back it up with some links?

I ran across that info yesterday while scanning a bunch of sites. If I find it again, I'll post it here.

I know very little about the subject but my impression so far is that foetal stem cells are more often "totipotent" - they can become any kind of cell at need, whereas adult stem cells are more differentiated - liver stem cells can become liver cells and that's it. That would seem to indicate a promise greater than that of adult cells.

You probably know as much as anyone who has posted to this thread.
That's the kind of info we should be trading here, instead of subjective opinions about people and political parties.

On a broader note, I find that people who are prepared to echo the Rush Limbaugh line on this have resorted to personal attacks on a man with a wasting and terminal disease, which I personally find highly distatsteful: and the resort to moralising about poor innocent unborn babies sits ill with their almost invariable support for war.

I haven't seen any personal attacks on Fox. I have seen attacks on Limbaugh.

As far as unborn babies, that is a topic that should remain extremely personal. Nobody, not you, me, or the gov't, has the right to judge another person's belief of when life begins.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:30 AM
Sorry Js but you see my daughter is for students in favor of stem cell research at her University and an active member their purpose is to bring out the light to the people that has been lie to under false information about the posibilities of what cell stem can do.

I guess you have fall under that cathegory, read some medical journals they sell them on the book stores and find out what the rest of the anti stem cell resarch is trying to hide.

Alone with big pharmaceuticals and their funding for anti propaganda.

See my daughter is doing cell research because is her second major and she can testify for the posisiblities of this type of research all you got is what has been fed to you by propaganda.

Is nothing more than politics and religous rights pushing.

She works with the stem cells from human placenta.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Sorry Js but you see my daughter is for students in favor of stem cell research at her University and an active member their purpose is to bring out the light to the people that has been lie to under false information about the posibilities of what cell stem can do.

I guess you have fall under that cathegory, read some medical journals they sell them on the book stores and find out what the rest of the anti stem cell resarch is trying to hide.

Alone with big pharmaceuticals and their funding for anti propaganda.

See my daughter is doing cell research because is her second major and she can testify for the posisiblities of this type of research all you got is what has been fed to you by propaganda.

Is nothing more than politics and religous rights pushing.

Who has lied to me marg, and what propaganda have I been fed, and what do I believe about what?

Don't tell me what and who I believe.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky

Who has lied to me marg, and what propaganda have I been fed, and what do I believe about what?

Don't tell me what and who I believe.

Sure Js, whatever you said, I guess I have nothing else to say to you anymore.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 03:43 PM
I equate Rush on the radio as i would Roseanne Barr on tv singing the National Anthem.

Just obnoxious and insulting!!!

Rush should lay off the drugs- they are known to make people very aggresive.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 06:59 PM
And a nasty clown Limpbla is too. MNSHO

I don't know about Parkinson's but here's my outrageous assumption, crackpot theory, call-it-what-you-will... on Stem Cell Research (and flame away too, if you will):

They'll have no idea where their future cure will come from, except that it's certain that fetal cells and umbilical cells will be from the female sex.

People who oppose SCR are closet misogynists, and likely racists to boot. The fear is that cells from a WOMAN'S BODY may one day be cloned to their backbone scares the begeezus outta them.

MJF brought their fears right at them, front and center in their living rooms.

And this is why Shrub stopped the federal funding on it. (in my not-so-humble opinion)

The worst among them are racists too. Imagine a NON-WHITE cell implant that would save their life??? Or their grandchild's? Their nearest and dearest? Mixing into their pure gene pool?

Now that's a scary thought--to the exclusive White Boy's Club.

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:01 PM
Now Michael J. Fox is admitting he did not even read the legislation he was supporting.

Fox: Well, I don't think that's true. You know, I campaigned for Claire McCaskill. And so I have to qualify it by saying I'm not qualified to speak on the page-to-page content of the initiative. Although, I am quite sure that I'll agree with it in spirit, I don't know, I— On full disclosure, I haven't read it, and that's why I didn't put myself up for it distinctly.

Also here is a good link comparing Adult stem cell research vs embryonic

I know we are not supposed to do this but this is good info

Benefits of Stem Cells to Human Patients
Adult Stem Cells v. Embryonic Stem Cells
Download This List
Peer-Reviewed References (not a complete listing, sample references)
Adult Stem Cells Embryonic Stem Cells

Brain Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Skin Cancer: Merkel Cell Carcinoma
Testicular Cancer
Tumors abdominal organs Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
Cancer of the lymph nodes: Angioimmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy
Multiple Myeloma
Breast Cancer
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Various Solid Tumors
Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Ewing’s Sarcoma
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
POEMS syndrome
Auto-Immune Diseases

Systemic Lupus
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Autoimmune Cytopenia
Crohn’s Disease
Behcet’s Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Juvenile Arthritis
Multiple Sclerosis
Systemic Vasculitis
Alopecia Universalis
Buerger’s Disease

Acute Heart Damage
Chronic Coronary Artery Disease

Corneal regeneration

Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome
X-linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
X-linked Hyper immunoglobulin M Syndrome
Neural Degenerative Diseases and Injuries

Parkinson’s Disease
Spinal Cord Injury
Stroke Damage
Anemias and Other Blood Conditions

Sickle Cell Anemia
Sideroblastic Anemia
Aplastic Anemia
Red Cell Aplasia
Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia
Primary Amyloidosis
Diamond Blackfan Anemia
Fanconi’s Anemia
Chronic Epstein-Barr Infection
Wounds and Injuries

Limb Gangrene
Surface Wound Healing
Jawbone Replacement
Skull Bone Repair
Other Metabolic Disorders

Hurler’s Syndrome
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Krabbe Leukodystrophy
Cerebral X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy
Liver Disease

Chronic Liver Failure
Liver Cirrhosis
Bladder Disease

End-Stage Bladder Disease

Peer-Reviewed References (not a complete listing, sample references)
The Facts - Prentice, D. "Adult Stem Cells" Appendix K in Monitoring Stem Cell Research: A Report of the President's Council on Bioethics (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2004), 309-346.

The right hand column displays the benefits of adult stem cell research, there is another column on the left which displays the benefits of embryonic stem cell research: it is blank. Click on the link to see what I am talking about!

[edit on 29-10-2006 by RRconservative]

[edit on 29-10-2006 by RRconservative]

posted on Oct, 29 2006 @ 07:05 PM

You know what I think I agree with you and the hell with the myopics and shortsightedness of the anti stem cell research groups.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 10:39 AM

That is a very powerful source. You've earned my final WATS for this month.

You have voted RRconservative for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.

Originally posted by marg6043

You know what I think I agree with you and the hell with the myopics and shortsightedness of the anti stem cell research groups.


I don't know anybody who belongs to an "anti stem cell research" group. Do you?

I do know people who oppose embryonic stem cell research, however, for various reasons. But you want to paint them all as religious extremists who are fed only propaganda, including when you labeled me that way. That's why we disagree.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky

I do know people who oppose embryonic stem cell research, however, for various reasons. But you want to paint them all as religious extremists who are fed only propaganda, including when you labeled me that way. That's why we disagree.

Perhaps it was a misunderstanding of points JS. Yes is groups, religious groups that opposes to any type of human cell research.

My daughters research center where she does the test with human placenta also works with CDC.

They get their samples from the local hospital because they are free and not frozen.

Last year the ownership of the hospital changed as many hosptials has been bought by religious linked groups.

The samples stop to come in.

Because the research is funded by the Government occurs limited, the complains were made and the samples started to flow again.

So that kind of experiences do happen and is groups that are doing anything to stop any type of stem cell research.

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 06:58 PM
First of all...though I support Bush's efforts against terrorism, this issue I disagree. I don't view embryonic stem cells in equal value to a developed human. It doesn't think, it doesn't feel and it doesn't matter. Stem cell research should be used in the mean time while other less primitive methods are found. Now recently I came up on this article about a possible alternative to stem cell research. And it would seem more practical too.

[edit on 30-10-2006 by laiguana]

posted on Oct, 30 2006 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by laiguana

[edit on 30-10-2006 by laiguana]

Yes that is the type of cell stem used where my daughter is doing research. She say that because the samples are so precious and not easlily obtained they have to be very careful.

posted on Oct, 31 2006 @ 12:35 PM

Guys, I own a Orthodontic laboratory in Washington D.C. and the above is a link to some of the stem cell research we help with. If some of this legislation is passed it could affect our work as well as others in this field. We need to keep political channels open to move further in bio-research Rush's comments and spin of Micheal J. Foxs ad is NOT what our research field needs. If Rush had invested millions into a "Chance" for normal life he would see the non-political reason Mr. Fox supported those ad's.

Just my nickle on the subject.

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