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Walk With an Angel

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posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 06:41 PM
Time went on, life went on and though doing my best to live as close to God as possible it seemed after awhile that I was being singled out for special attention from all the negative forces of the universe, they practically camped out on my doorstep and it was getting me down. First it was my friends and co-workers, they made it clear that they did not like the changes in me, I was too nice they said and I didn’t argue with them anymore which really made them angry and also that I was an ice princess who wouldn’t take them up on any of their offers. Okay, wonderful I thought, that really made my day.

At home every kind of emergency that could happen would happen. Flat tires, broken air conditioner, cat was missing, etc..etc... None of which is really unusual, what was unusual about it was that they happened constantly and at times all together.

To make my life even more interesting what I would categorize as supernatural attacks started occurring in about a 15 feet diameter circle around me. Books would fly off the shelves, sail in my direction and fall to the floor around the perimeter of some sort of invisible wall around me, (I figured that out after spotting the pattern of where they would fall after several attacks). Plants would be ripped out of their pots as if by unseen hands and head for me, dishes would be knocked off the counters, salt shaker would fly off the counter, lights would flicker, the mirror shattered, pictures never stayed up for long. The phone would start ringing and no one would be on it. 2 or 3 of the above would occur everyday.

I prayed for relief and for answers and just as I about hit bottom with shattered nerves and was considering calling in priest for a house blessing or perhaps even a house exorcism (was really thinking about it) my prayers were answered.

Falling exhausted into bed, sleep took me in mid-prayer and I found myself in a large completely white room, even the floor was white; there were no windows, no furniture. Looking around I saw Tom coming in through the door behind me. He was dressed in a white robe and I saw that I was wearing one also. A big hug and then he said it was time to begin the lesson,

He pointed past me into the room and following his direction I saw that there were four women at the end of the room that had not been there before. They were hideous and you could feel the evil emanating from them and then looking closer I thought they looked familiar. They were all identical with long red gold hair which was extremely wild looking, going out in all directions, their faces were extremely white with blue paint smudged under their eyes, garish red lipstick on and they were dressed in black robes that they were shredding as they shrieked, as if they were angry and were being held back from what they wanted, which after getting into the lesson a ways I realized was me.

As I studied them trying to recall where I had seen them before they started towards us, one even climbed the wall and was approaching us via the ceiling crawling like a spider. The evil coming from them was getting stronger the closer they came and it was clear that they wanted to rip us apart. Tom stepped in front of me and kneeled facing them, joining his hands he bowed his head in prayer as I watched them approach. A beam of white light came from above and rested on him as he prayed spreading through him and all about him and the light continued to come down into him until the intensity was immense, like looking at the sun but without it hurting your eyes. The evil things were almost upon us from all sides and just as I thought that I would be taking them on hand to hand Tom looked up at one of them and with an amazing look of love in his eyes white light shot out from him and enveloped one of the beings.

I have never heard such a sound as that which came from the being, it was a wail that carried through the dimensions, a pained, haunted sound, an unearthly, inhuman wail. The others ran to the back of the room and left their co-evil one on the floor where she had fallen, they were hugging the wall acting as thought they would like to climb right through it and leave if they could.

Tom stood up, and as the light dissipated he said that it was my turn. Whoa! Me!? Explaining further he told me to kneel and pray to God and then to follow what my heart tells me to do. With the light dissipated the 4 x evil ones started coming at us again as though what had just happened with the light was forgotten. Following Tom’s instructions I kneeled and bowed my head connecting with God through prayer.

The first time I tried this I wasn’t fast enough connecting with God and was almost over-run, Tom stepped in and stopped them explaining to me that this is something I must be able to do and that these evil ones are never far away from us, if we leave the path in any way they are always there waiting to move into our bodies and to control us which is something they desire greatly, to live through us. (That explained their familiarity to me, they looked like a warped, depraved me and I was their target that they wanted to take over) And he also said that this method will put them back away from us at a distance, but once again he said that they will always be waiting for an opportunity. He definitely had my fullest attention now. Well, to continue with my first successful attempt,

Following Tom’s instructions I kneeled and bowed my head connecting with God through prayer.

As I prayed I could feel the love of God for me and for everyone, and the light shown down. As the light filled me and flowed around me my love for all others grew even to include the beings before me. Instead of looking dangerous, or threatening to me, they looked in my mind’s eye to be sad, pitiful spirits who were also loved by God but they had rejected him, though he had never stopped loving them. It had been their decision to turn away from God and the one thing that they cannot take is feeling God’s love directed at them and reminding them of what they had willingly thrown away.

As the beings drew near I looked up with total love and also pity in my heart, the light followed my direction and shot out at one of the beings who wailed just as the other had, and they once again ran to the back of the room. Knowing the importance of this lesson Tom had me repeat it over and over, maybe twenty or more times explaining that it can be used for many situations. And then, totally exhausted I woke up in my bed.

The next day I used this method of praying in my living room and though I couldn’t see the light I knew that it was there and thereafter there were no more mishaps around me. From time to time if I slip off the path I realize what I have been allowing into my life and after repenting and following my list I then use this method of prayer to clean me out and to put at a distance any evils around me.

Note: It was difficult to recall all the lectures for this lesson, I had to go back and relive it in my mind last night to re-gather them all and I feel that I have covered the major points, if in the future I recall more I’ll write another post to cover it.


posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 06:50 PM
If you pray to GOD and truly believe humanity is evil or that they are at odds with you, than you have defeated the purpose of GOD..
GOD is Humanity... you don't think everyone wants to live peacefully? .. you think therefore you are.... you believe something is a certain way you are going to look for ways to prove your right.. and create the problem by looking for one.
Humanity should want to survive for the purpose of living above and beyond all other addictions... beyond all ... but perhaps people are so confused and THINKING poorly that the vibration of thought is ... 'controlled or gauged' by an amount of healthy THOUGHT.. not too much at one time.. or they might 'get high' .. its like a drug.. they have monitors to make sure you don't get toooooo much information... in the 'correct' way... because it might make yah really think... but toooooooo bad they can't control the internet.
so ('
If people knew they were thought, and that if they hold their HIGH vibration of LOVE as the intent... than they will begin to resonate with those 'effects and affects' ....
the longer they hold that vibration, the more you resonate with those 'effects and affects' and the more positive things will happen... whatever perception of your intent is... it will manifest what you need to 'survive' mentally. (to prove you right)... (your intent right)

[edit on 11/27/2006 by PuRe EnErGy]

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 07:09 PM
So, are you saying that Tom told you to expect something like this if you ever left your body?

I ask you this, because something strange happened to me last night. I have left my body once before, and it was only for about five or six seconds until i realized that i wasn't in my body and was floating; then i got jolted back in. Last night, i was going to try to do it again, feeling more confident in myself and losing my fears had given me the will to do it. I was lying in bed, relaxed, breathing steady and deep. I started feeling lighter and knew that it was probably going to happen soon; then suddenly it was as if somebody had taken me and thrown me back into my body before i could even leave, kinda like a slingshot except for the fact that i hadn't left yet.

When I read the last part of your story i got to thinking that maybe that was my spirit guide/guardian angel (or whatever you want to call it) telling me that i'm not quite ready, who knows, could've just been a body spasm (if there is such thing, like a giant muscle spasm of the whole body).

I like how he showed you what to do, because when i feel that there is any type of danger nearby, i immediately focus on projecting love out all around me and being wrapped in a white light. I've never had any of the attacks as you called them, and every time i see myself in my mind i'm enveloped in a brilliant white light (not as much as you described, but enough to be noticeable) so i guess that somebody is protecting me. When I really think about it, ever since i've become who i am today, i haven't had any real bad experiences.

I still think it is so cool that you got to meet Tom and continue meeting with him. I know that there is somebody watching me, and i know that they must be very knowledgeable, but i guess I just have to wait until the time is right before i will meet them; or maybe i've already met them and just don't know it.

Also the feeling, where you can't see the light but you know it's there, that's a cool feeling to me. You can actually feel the energy if you pay close enough attention.

Anyways, great story STM. I think we can all learn from your experiences.

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 07:18 PM

GOD is Humanity... you don't think everyone wants to live peacefully? .. you think therefore you are.... you believe something is a certain way you are going to look for ways to prove your right.. and create the problem by looking for one.

I am quite certain that this is what you think, but what if your wrong in your assumption's and God is reality? How he must enjoy watching us grow...
Onward sister "stm" there are other warrior's (spiritual, that is) who are enjoying your training experiences.....
Entertain this hypothetical "purenergy" The spiritual war is a full on reality and your thoughts have decieved you. If you can suggest that her experience's are mere thought fabrications and that she is literally moving physical objects, i.e. books, plants, wall pictures etc. with her mind then I say the force must be with her. If the account she is revealing to us is not an imaginary fabrication, I'd suggest you re-evaluate your thought process. I submit to you that MAN is just a thought of God, created not Creator. For even if man was removed from the entire universe all else would still be without the thoughts of men. Man's thoughts are not the cause of the effects of all that is without him.

[edit on 27-11-2006 by holidaystar1]

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by holidaystar1

GOD is Humanity... you don't think everyone wants to live peacefully? .. you think therefore you are.... you believe something is a certain way you are going to look for ways to prove your right.. and create the problem by looking for one.

I am quite certain that this is what you think, but what if your wrong in your assumption's and God is reality? How he must enjoy watching us grow...
Onward sister "stm" there are other warrior's (spiritual, that is) who are enjoying your training experiences.....
Entertain this hypothetical "purenergy" The spiritual war is a full on reality and your thoughts have decieved you. If you can suggest that her experience's are mere thought fabrications and that she is literally moving physical objects, i.e. books, plants, wall pictures etc. with her mind then I say the force must be with her. If the account she is revealing to us is not an imaginary fabrication, I'd suggest you re-evaluate your thought process. I submit to you that MAN is just a thought of God, created not Creator. For even if man was removed from the entire universe all else would still be without the thoughts of men. Man's thoughts are not the cause of the effects of all that is without him.

[edit on 27-11-2006 by holidaystar1]

GOD/Humanity IS reality... isn't it? .. and its needs are very apparent, and humanity manifests the hurdles in life that it needs to over-come to progress ....

When you change the way you look at things....... The things you look at change.

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by 7Pan7cho7
So, are you saying that Tom told you to expect something like this if you ever left your body?

I ask you this, because something strange happened to me last night. I have left my body once before, and it was only for about five or six seconds until i realized that i wasn't in my body and was floating; then i got jolted back in. Last night, i was going to try to do it again, feeling more confident in myself and losing my fears had given me the will to do it. I was lying in bed, relaxed, breathing steady and deep. I started feeling lighter and knew that it was probably going to happen soon; then suddenly it was as if somebody had taken me and thrown me back into my body before i could even leave, kinda like a slingshot except for the fact that i hadn't left yet.

When I read the last part of your story i got to thinking that maybe that was my spirit guide/guardian angel (or whatever you want to call it) telling me that i'm not quite ready, who knows, could've just been a body spasm (if there is such thing, like a giant muscle spasm of the whole body).

Hey Pancho!

Sounds like your guardian was keeping an eye on you on the OBE, just my guess, I'm not much of an expert on OBEs. And in answer to your question, Tom said that they are always waiting for an opportunity so I would have to say that yes, they could enter your body during an OBE, but with prayers I believe you would be protected by God, probably through light and your guardian angel. I've had a few OBEs happen during a lesson with Tom, a few others on my own spontaneously which were interesting, I'll post about them soon. Tom I suspect was involved in these also but from the sidelines.

You already knew about that prayer method? Cool! Wish I had known about that before the attacks had happened.

And also I think some of the more extreme attacks happened to me so Tom would have a context for his lesson and that they would help make a deeper impression on me. Just guessing.

You sound like a very positive person and with all that you've learned it will be interesting for us to continue to compare notes, we do seem to be on the same course and I betcha you've got a guardian angel, I betcha. The lessons you have learned are so similar to Tom's, just a different context and method of learning but the results are the same. Maybe they all have a different style for their guiding/teaching? Sure seems like it.

See you tomorrow,

Deep prayers and sweet dreams!


posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 09:08 PM
BUT remember:

'the image' and the 'likeness.'

The image is what you see in a crystal ball or in the mirror - the looking glass reveals the image.

The likeness is like a photograph or a statue or anything else visualized.

God made man in the image of God's likeness....
and then Christ became manifest as the express image of God.

The mirror is necessary....reflection is reality....

Without humanity - why would God want to exist? Loneliness is not a fun place when one is aware of self.

Memories are our 'life' - without memories we would never know yesterday happened and it wouldn't matter if it did or not!

And we reflect upon our memories...
We 'gather' our thoughts and 'pull ourselves together.'

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by holidaystar1

GOD is Humanity... you don't think everyone wants to live peacefully? .. you think therefore you are.... you believe something is a certain way you are going to look for ways to prove your right.. and create the problem by looking for one.

I am quite certain that this is what you think, but what if your wrong in your assumption's and God is reality? How he must enjoy watching us grow...
Onward sister "stm" there are other warrior's (spiritual, that is) who are enjoying your training experiences.....
Entertain this hypothetical "purenergy" The spiritual war is a full on reality and your thoughts have decieved you. If you can suggest that her experience's are mere thought fabrications and that she is literally moving physical objects, i.e. books, plants, wall pictures etc. with her mind then I say the force must be with her. If the account she is revealing to us is not an imaginary fabrication, I'd suggest you re-evaluate your thought process. I submit to you that MAN is just a thought of God, created not Creator. For even if man was removed from the entire universe all else would still be without the thoughts of men. Man's thoughts are not the cause of the effects of all that is without him.

[edit on 27-11-2006 by holidaystar1]

Just saw your post, I had read purenergy's earlier and I sent him a U2U asking him if he had read my whole thread and after he had read it all I would discuss it with him, what I received in reply was almost a perfect copy and paste of what he has been posting all over the threads. It is clear that he is not open for any sort of discussion. He simply restates his mantra and never backs up his position other than saying that it is so.

Gotta say, you've got style, you made solid points and he should have responded in kind, I think it's beyond his thought level though, he should think himself a brain, (sorta picturing him as the scarecrow). Let's give him a boost and pray for him tonight, that's the best anyone could offer.

Pure Energy, the offer is always open to discuss the vibrations and thoughts and what order you see them in through U2U. And also please don't sidetrack this thread into a debate over what God and humanity is, you should start a thread for that and work from there, sincerely,


[edit on 27-11-2006 by seentoomuch]

posted on Nov, 27 2006 @ 09:49 PM
Hi Queen Annie!

Beautiful, interesting post, it is very thought provoking poetry. Thank you,


posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Wow, I just completed this entire thread! I was laughing at certain points and amazed at others. I can understand and relate to your inner search. I too had at one time a sincere desire to find the house where God lived and so set out to discover the church that accepted all beings without predigest. I never found it although came close a few times, and ultimately defined my search as a personal connection rather than a fellowship of souls. I still did not understand where you had the similar test that you mentioned over on my thread? I would love to know your take on the situation and how you fought the darkone as well. Please continue your story here as the time has come to bring light without fear to all the corners of the darkness that have engulfed our beautiful planet and all of its inhabitants. We are now in the next phase of our planets life.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 09:26 PM
Hi Antar:

I've always wanted to post the temptations/tests. Everytime I've started to write them I've felt brakes being put on me. Not dark brakes, more of it's not the right time brakes, it's very frustrating, they're all pent up within me. Now that it's been awhile, I'll give it another go, give me a day or two,

Really wonderful meeting you,


Note: Hope you got my U2U

[edit on 8/2/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Oct, 1 2007 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by seentoomuch

Truspiritstar advised me to come read your thread. Glad that I did. How very awesome! I for one, believe that God has modern day prophets who are inspired by the Holy Spirit. When we are born-again, the bible tells us that the Spirit imparts different gifts of HIS choosing. I won't menton what mine are, don't want to side-track your thread and take away from what you are doing. But I believe this is your calling, or 'Ministry' if you prefer.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:47 AM
This is inspirational. I feel privileged to even have read this and wish to thank you so much.
When the time is right, I hope you will share more.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:40 AM
Thanks for the testimony it was great. I for one always believed in angels. I think for me anyway that I should be more aware that they're around. God bless.

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 10:12 PM

just W O W...

I just followed the link you posted in the "Who was Jesus?" thread.

I just finished reading about 5 minutes worth here and I am truly floored.

This is really amazing stuff and I will most likely hunt down every thread and post you have written.

Honestly, this is some of the most extraordinary writing I have ever seen on ATS.

I am VERY thankful you took the time to share it here.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: seentoomuch
Amazing story! I don't know how 'things' are with you currently, but if you feel moved to do so (as it has been 7 years since you posted here), perhaps you could give a bit of update?

I would be particularly interested to know whether Tom has had anything to say about the current 'state' of the world as a whole...Over the past 7 years, I have seen it become significantly darker (and I feel God has given me a truly discerning eye in that regard)....

.....In fact, the world has darkened to such a devastating degree that - and this will sound 'nutty' - I have been getting 'the message' (little signs and confirmations continually) that this world is dying and the only thing that can save it is a literal miracle...

But then, I don't have a "Tom" in my life (nothing to 'go on' really, except that 'still, small voice and the synchronicities that 'affirm' it), and my intellect continually battles with my ability to trust my heart/spirit over my head...

-----Oh lord, I meant to U2U you on that, and just now realized I've written it in a 'public' forum, now the question is: Will I delete...or send?

posted on Dec, 11 2014 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: seentoomuch


I think he even had a cowl

That is one of the most interesting part of your testimony, maybe even the most important.

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 08:57 AM
could the faded red robe be more accurately described as scarlet?

Scarlet Color

posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: cooperton

No, not scarlet, it was more faded than that. His white robes were brilliant though.


posted on Aug, 18 2016 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: seentoomuch
Just take one small step towards God and he'll meet you there. Some of you know this already, for those of you who don't, give it a try, you'll be amazed at what you've been missing out on!

As said in the parable of the prodigal son:

“When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ So he got up and went to his father.

But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."

So it is in our hearts - everything is known, and a sincere effort to find the Most High is immediately perceived by Him.

Thanks for the Beautiful testimony STM.

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