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The new world order

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posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 12:44 PM
With the government killing off any hopes for an honest and secure government..the bush administration pushes for more wars, more invasion of privacy..and last but not least..the new world order..i was reading up on wikipedia and i found a topic on the new world order conspiracys. VeriChips are now approved by the FDA (yes the FDA who approves the millions of drugs that help get you better while making you a vicious cycle to earn money) to be inserted into humans! whoo..and of course this ties into the plot to rule the world..Hmm doesnt this sound like the anti-christ? And someone resently mentioned the mark of the best (verichip). The government says its for emergency records and all but of course its not true. And why does al-qudia really wanna destroy us? Because we protect israel..the sacred holy land! I dont know what to think of it..but ALSO i found out that 400 jews did not goto work on sept. 11th..sparing their lives! So while ive found out all of this..including that the illumanti sign is on the back of our one dollar bill and in latin stating..under his presence..the new world order...ive also found out that the 1st george bush helped to fund al-qudia with 6 billion dollars! Isnt that funny? I think this war was in plan long before september 11th..any comments?

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 02:38 PM

I think we are sunk. I cannot imagine WHY those at the "top" feel they must subjugate us. I can only find greed behind the FDA BS. The Verichip is scary, whether or not it has any biblical validity, and 1984 approacheth.

Yes, 9/11 was planned a very long time ago. All we can do is refuse the chip, refuse undocumented voting, and start moving back towards the freedom we once had, by repealing the Patriot Act, maybe making a Constitutional Amendment stating that it is punishable as treason to spy on citizens without court approval, repealing all federal drug laws (the War on (Some People Who Use Some) Drugs was used to soften us seizure was accepted even without a crime being charged, for example), and any other freedom-robbing legislation.

HOW we can accomplish this...who knows. But if we don't do something soon, we can kiss it all goodbye. And attend our two-minute hates against bin like good little automatons.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I cannot imagine WHY those at the "top" feel they must subjugate us.

It's hard for ordinary people like you and me to comprehend why. They have the big mansions, yachts, jets, and more money than a million lifetimes to spend. What do they have to live for? What do they not have? World domination. Control over human population. We have freedom. They want to take that away from us.

To understand them a bit, one can just look at human history in empires, kingdoms, and feudal systems; kings versus his peasants, the powerful versus the weak, the slavemasters versus the slaves.

If you ever play the board game Monopoly, it's kind of like that. Where you play to own every property and the other players most pay to live in the property in virtual serfdom to the winner. Except this is not a game, this is real life. The losers cannot just walk away with a bruised ego in this game of life. It has serious consequences of life and death.

[edit on 19-9-2006 by tazadar]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by tazadar

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I cannot imagine WHY those at the "top" feel they must subjugate us.

It's hard for ordinary people like you and me to comprehend why. They have the big mansions, yachts, jets, and more money than a million lifetimes to spend. What do they have to live for? What do they not have? World domination. Control over human population. We have freedom. They want to take that away from us.

To understand them a bit, one can just look at human history in empires, kingdoms, and feudal systems; kings versus his peasants, the powerful versus the weak, the slavemasters versus the slaves.

If you ever play the board game Monopoly, it's kind of like that. Where you play to own every property and the other players most pay to live in the property in virtual serfdom to the winner. Except this is not a game, this is real life. The losers cannot just walk away with a bruised ego in this game of life. It has serious consequences of life and death.

I suppose... But geez. They must have some pretty sociopathic aspects to feel that need. What's wrong with seeing how many people one can care for? Challenging oneself to be the curer (or patron of the curer) of some disease? Does money always breed such unfeeling "humans?"

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 04:31 PM
Money is the root off all evil..of course..and i know for a fact that bush will not back down, no matter what the reason for being in iraq is. And thats the conspiracy..even though he is one of the top terrorists in the world..bin laden does have a point about our american leaders..and that is that they are hypocritical and sneaky..usa is supposed to be one of the most rich and well respected country in the world, but yet the government cant even take care of its people and insist on worrying about other problems..MONEY! For bush was too "consumed" in making oil profits that he couldnt even lend a few dollars to help out hurricane katrina victims..but yet when thailand gets a sunami..HEY HERES MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! It seems like our curtosy in america is only for show..and proves yet that we are irresponsible for our own country

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 06:01 PM
I too don't really understand how could these people be so inhuman and evil. Then again, I don't understand serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer. Most human beings are good. We as innocent beings cannot phantom such evil in other people. Alex Jones said that our innocence has a weakness, it's naivete. We're like children tricked by a stranger offering us candy.

We just have to look at their actions to see the evil; their greed and disconnect to humanity in their corporate facsist nature.

Award-winning journalist, John Pilger, investigates the realities of globalization by taking a close look at Indonesia.

CIA-operated coup to overthrow Hugo Chavez for the interest of Big Oil.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

The War on the Third World

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
by John Perkins
"In this shocking memoir, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins tells of his own inner journey from willing servant of empire to impassioned advocate for the rights of oppressed people. Covertly recruited by the United States National Security Agency and on the payroll of an international consulting firm, he traveled the world—to Indonesia, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other strategically important countries. His job was to implement policies that promoted the interests of the U.S. corporatocracy (a coalition of government, banks, and corporations) while professing to alleviate poverty—policies that alienated many nations and ultimately led to September 11 and growing anti-Americanism. Within a few weeks of its release , Confessions of an Economic Hit Man landed onThe New York Times Bestseller List"

[edit on 19-9-2006 by tazadar]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by tazadar

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I cannot imagine WHY those at the "top" feel they must subjugate us.

It's hard for ordinary people like you and me to comprehend why. They have the big mansions, yachts, jets, and more money than a million lifetimes to spend. What do they have to live for? What do they not have? World domination. Control over human population. We have freedom. They want to take that away from us.

To understand them a bit, one can just look at human history in empires, kingdoms, and feudal systems; kings versus his peasants, the powerful versus the weak, the slavemasters versus the slaves.

If you ever play the board game Monopoly, it's kind of like that. Where you play to own every property and the other players most pay to live in the property in virtual serfdom to the winner. Except this is not a game, this is real life. The losers cannot just walk away with a bruised ego in this game of life. It has serious consequences of life and death.

[edit on 19-9-2006 by tazadar]

what more do they want or need? our souls. what is the root of all the evil in this world? not money, its the love of money. and trust me if you have billions even trillions you have need for nothing else. and these people have it. its a brilliant scam. they have fallen easily into the hands of one of the most powerful beings on this planet knowingly or not. now it is up to us individually to decide if they can take our souls or not. it is a choice. every one of us see it coming. some deny it some dont but we all know it. there is no slowing this down much less stopping it. so it comes down to one thing and thats knowledge. knowledge of what? THE knowledge. the truth. knowing how to escape what is coming, and it can be done. there is more power within you than there is within this world.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by SAGEX89
Money is the root off all evil..of course..and i know for a fact that bush will not back down, no matter what the reason for being in iraq is. And thats the conspiracy..even though he is one of the top terrorists in the world..bin laden does have a point about our american leaders..and that is that they are hypocritical and sneaky..usa is supposed to be one of the most rich and well respected country in the world, but yet the government cant even take care of its people and insist on worrying about other problems..MONEY! For bush was too "consumed" in making oil profits that he couldnt even lend a few dollars to help out hurricane katrina victims..but yet when thailand gets a sunami..HEY HERES MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! It seems like our curtosy in america is only for show..and proves yet that we are irresponsible for our own country

Ah... I see someone has already addressed the fact that it is not money that is at the root, but the LOVE of money. Loving money and not other beings. That is the root of all evil.

And do you think they were mere fools going into Iraq with no exit strategy? They had/have no intentions of leaving! We are no longer well respected. We are developing the rep Hitler's Germany once held. To think we are "supposed to be one of the most rich and well respected country" is to suppose that what we once were we ever will be. One cannot earn respect once and rest forever on that laurel, meanwhile going about treating others as sh*t. That branch is delicate, and we broke it long ago, chipping it into sawdust with the invasion of Iraq, and now we burn it piece by piece daily as we build our bases there and secure the oil.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Funkydung
what more do they want or need? our souls. what is the root of all the evil in this world? not money, its the love of money. and trust me if you have billions even trillions you have need for nothing else. and these people have it. its a brilliant scam. they have fallen easily into the hands of one of the most powerful beings on this planet knowingly or not. now it is up to us individually to decide if they can take our souls or not. it is a choice. every one of us see it coming. some deny it some dont but we all know it. there is no slowing this down much less stopping it. so it comes down to one thing and thats knowledge. knowledge of what? THE knowledge. the truth. knowing how to escape what is coming, and it can be done. there is more power within you than there is within this world.

Hmmm. It is fine to say these things, that there is no "slowing this down," and "THE knowledge." But can you bring more definition? Slowing what, specifically? THE knowledge is...what? What specifically is "the truth?" Just how do we "escape what's coming?" If we know not what it is that is coming, how can we then choose to escape it?

From my personal perspective, I have a vague image of "it all," all this of which you speak, but I would prefer clarity, and if youy have clarity to offer, I, for one, would appreciate it.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 06:53 PM
Personally I do not think the government it's self is the NWO, nor will they bring about the NWO, and the government did not commit 9/11 but the major corporations of America did.

Why? Well.. open borders, free trade.. all benifits huge corporations.

We have seen that they care little about national identity, hell walmart has raped our small businesses, give us crappy goods and the owners become billionairs.

Open borders and free trade give banks more power, the average American spends more money, more debt, more intrest payments.

Oil companies have gotten rich beyond imagination. billions upon billions.

If you got to China and India, you see our high tech industries setting up everywhere, you see in Mexico, Tialand, China, Singapore our industries manufacturing paying pennies on the dollar for massive capital gain.

What is the NWO? Corporate ownership, they own our congressmen, they own our president, they own most of America's personal property (through debt) they are the unstopable force that is the NWO. The Military Industrial Complex owns our military, goes to war with targets that best fit both themselves and other massive corporations.

If anything looks more and more like the NWO it is our capitalistic system gone out of control.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
Personally I do not think the government it's self is the NWO, nor will they bring about the NWO, and the government did not commit 9/11 but the major corporations of America did.

Why? Well.. open borders, free trade.. all benifits huge corporations.

We have seen that they care little about national identity, hell walmart has raped our small businesses, give us crappy goods and the owners become billionairs.

Open borders and free trade give banks more power, the average American spends more money, more debt, more intrest payments.

Oil companies have gotten rich beyond imagination. billions upon billions.

If you got to China and India, you see our high tech industries setting up everywhere, you see in Mexico, Tialand, China, Singapore our industries manufacturing paying pennies on the dollar for massive capital gain.

What is the NWO? Corporate ownership, they own our congressmen, they own our president, they own most of America's personal property (through debt) they are the unstopable force that is the NWO. The Military Industrial Complex owns our military, goes to war with targets that best fit both themselves and other massive corporations.

If anything looks more and more like the NWO it is our capitalistic system gone out of control.

Oh, certainly the government is merely the fascade. But they are the ones doing the selling. I wonder who, what individual or individuals, actually sat down and wrote, say, the "Patriot" Act... Does anyone know?

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