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Indonesia to execute Christians

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posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 08:14 AM

Three Indonesian Christians sentenced to death for launching attacks on Muslims in 2000 are due to be executed on Thursday or Friday, lawyers said. Fabianus Tibo, Marianus Riwu and Dominggus Silva had been set to face the firing squad last month but won a reprieve after a papal appeal. The men were found guilty of inciting attacks during religious rioting in Central Sulawesi in 2000. Their supporters and rights groups have questioned the trial's fairness.

the rest of this story can be found here.


Three Indonesian girls beheaded

Three girls have been beheaded and another badly injured as they walked to a Christian school in Indonesia

this story can be found here

Wonder if this is a religious war going on here?

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 08:19 AM
Its simple Islam can not live another system outside it self, its a blob that consumes but will not be consumed. This way Islam will grow or stay in its cage. This is not the only Islamic conflict going on, this part of the world has been waging violence for ages.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 08:25 AM
I am not surprised this is happening. Dodidn't our ancestors to the exact same years ago?

Mind you least most of what happened in the past was apologised for. I do not see any Leaders of the Muslin world standing up and apologising for their laws or any killing that have taken placed in recent years.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 10:04 AM

Gunmen attack Indonesian church

Seven people have been wounded in a shooting at an Easter church service on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Hundreds of people have died on the island in conflicts between Christians and Muslims. Police said two gunmen burst into the church on Saturday night and sprayed the congregation with automatic weapons fire before escaping.

More to this story can be found here.

No, I dont think they will ever say they are sorry. This is sad that this is happening. Indonesian, isn't this where the big earthquake happen. the place we sent all kinds of help. I didnt know they killed people just for their beliefs.

[edit on 19-9-2006 by Shar]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 04:14 PM
this has been happening constantly in countries like Indonesia for YEARS. The western media attempts to bury it, it is hopeless.

Of course after the whole Pope incident, I can see thing seriously start to escalate.

But hey, its only muslims that are being persecuted, and so thats justifies it.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 05:06 PM
What happened generations ago doesn't matter; nobody, Muslims or otherwise, can be held responsible for the actions of their ancestors. But using ancestral grievances to justify sick violence is complete idiocy.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by The time lord
Its simple Islam can not live another system outside it self,

You do realize that the men charged with inciting mobs to religious violence are christians, right???

its a blob that consumes but will not be consumed.

Preposterous. The islamic world is one of the most religiously diverse sectors of the planet. There are yezidi, druze, manicheans, zoroastrians, jews, and even, ironically, a wider variety of christians than contained within Christendom. Islam has had problems with other religious sects, but hasn't gone so far as to exterminate them all, like christianity does.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by The time lord
Its simple Islam can not live another system outside it self,

You do realize that the men charged with inciting mobs to religious violence are christians, right???

its a blob that consumes but will not be consumed.

Preposterous. The islamic world is one of the most religiously diverse sectors of the planet. There are yezidi, druze, manicheans, zoroastrians, jews, and even, ironically, a wider variety of christians than contained within Christendom. Islam has had problems with other religious sects, but hasn't gone so far as to exterminate them all, like christianity does.

and you do realise the men weren't given a fair trial?

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Peyres

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by The time lord
Its simple Islam can not live another system outside it self,

You do realize that the men charged with inciting mobs to religious violence are christians, right???

its a blob that consumes but will not be consumed.

Preposterous. The islamic world is one of the most religiously diverse sectors of the planet. There are yezidi, druze, manicheans, zoroastrians, jews, and even, ironically, a wider variety of christians than contained within Christendom. Islam has had problems with other religious sects, but hasn't gone so far as to exterminate them all, like christianity does.

and you do realise the men weren't given a fair trial?

Was it fair of them to incite an attack that killed 70 people, the fact they say their innocent means nothing as they were found GUILTY.
I think this should happen more often (the execution of militants that is), maybe that way people might realise that fighting over religion is a really stupid and fruitless conquest.

Down with the militants!!!!!


posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 11:07 AM
To all-
Please try to edit out the quoted material that isn't directly necessary in making a rebuttal or reply, or even try using the new 'reply' buttons for the post, adding perhaps the person's name to which you are replying.


Since when does a fair trail matter? How many muslims have been beaten and murdered without a trial, let alone a fair one? Why take special interest in this case, merely because they are christians? I don't think that innocent men should be executed or killed, but what makes this instance especially deserving of attention, or especially illustrative of some facet of the world today?

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 12:45 PM
I don't know how many muslims have been beaten without trial. Please name countries and incidents that you are referring too.

The point is, these men have been EXECUTED without a fair trial. How many Islamic millitants have been sentance to death by the Indonesia authorities? Not many, infact a group were pardoned for a religious holiday.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Peyres
I don't know how many muslims have been beaten without trial. Please name countries and incidents that you are referring too.

The point is, these men have been EXECUTED without a fair trial. How many Islamic millitants have been sentance to death by the Indonesia authorities? Not many, infact a group were pardoned for a religious holiday.

you do realize that muslims are being detained and tortured by the USA en masse, right?

most aren't the terrorists they're accused of being, but are profiled because of their ethnicity and religion

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 12:36 AM

Riots after Indonesia executions

Well looks like more have been sadly executed. Looks like a religious war is going on.

Three Indonesian Christians have been executed by firing squad, sparking a wave of violent protests. Fabianus Tibo, Marianus Riwu and Dominggus Silva were found guilty of masterminding clashes in central Sulawesi in 2000 that killed 70 people Riots have broken out in religiously divided Sulawesi, with protesters torching cars and looting shops.

A spokesman for the Vatican, which had appealed for clemency, described the executions as a defeat for humanity. The human rights organisation Amnesty International also expressed disappointment.

The three men were taken before the firing squad before dawn on Friday morning, according to police officers

The case against the men has raised questions in Indonesia about the different sentences handed down to Christians and Muslims. Few Muslims were ever punished for the violence in Sulawesi, and none to more than 15 years in jail.

Human rights workers also claim that while it was possible the three men took part in some of the violence in 2000, they were almost certainly not the masterminds.

The story can be found here.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by The time lord
Its simple Islam can not live another system outside it self,

You do realize that the men charged with inciting mobs to religious violence are christians, right???

I was so about to say this. I draw the circle for Christian tighter than most people do around here, and this comes across as "I read the title and just decided to post". Sad, sad....and speaking of which:

I really dislike the title to this thing, too. Indonesia's going to kill Christians. Talk about's as bad as defending the jews just because they are jews (or muslims, for that matter). I get so tired of seeing the religious slant where that slant needs to be divorced away from the subject. If....

1. These men killed, I don't care what they killed for, then it's their government's business.
2. These men didn't kill, and the ethnicity card has been pulled.....then there need to be much more than some condemnation.
3. It's somewhere between the two, then if we go about this, and do some major fecal slinging because our favorite relgious group is is under attack, yet again (what a shock, I tell you), then we're not going to do anything to help straighten it out.

...but we're going to sit down and stoop like vultures to only one point of this issue. We all know it. Even me.

Originally posted by Peyres
and you do realise the men weren't given a fair trial?

These men grew up there, right?. They knew the risks they were taking with thier country, no? They're just hoping to make some martyr gumbo to feed the bellies of forthcoming Christian militants. Right or wrong for their stance, the count the cost of their beliefs better than do the majority of their fellow moderate believers.

Peyres and Nygdan,
The dead are dead.
The next one needs a fair trial in spite of anything that has already happened.
All y'all are settling down for is a 4 page arguement that I've already lost interest in.

Well, it looks like in the next few weeks, the might have 3 muslims up at the firing squad.

And if they kill them, it's more likely that Indonesia is makeing the statement: We don't care what your religion is, we've got control of this country. If so, this would be the most bloody "seperation of Church and State" I've noticed.

Now it's been said that the Muslims have gotten off ligher than the christians, and so I want to see some facts on jail time disparities from this country. At the same time, I want to see for what. If the christians were more violent, then they deserve harsher senences. If the muslims were the agressor, and Indonesia is letting this prove that they are scared, then we have something to yell about.

posted on Sep, 24 2006 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan


Since when does a fair trail matter?

what? Isn't that what the West stands up for. Isn't that an unalieable right in most countries in the world?

I thought most of the conspiricy nuts (in a kind way, I'm one too) on this board loved the notion of human rights and justice, and yet when its (admitadly) a Christian militia (rarther than muslim millitias), its okay for no fair trial?


The issue here is the double standards. Indonesia is the most popolous islamic nation on earth, and thus the government deems it fit to treat Christians one way, and Muslims the other.

I'm not trying to claim these men arrested were innocent. But a fireing squad? No fair trial, and Muslims getting off with lenient sentances.

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Peyres]

[edit on 24-9-2006 by Peyres]

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