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If 911 is a lie then the war news is a lie

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posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 07:30 PM
This site is about casuality reports that are reported and some that are not if this can be true then much about 911 can be concluded to be a lie.
The government gets away with these huge lies because they claim, falsely, that only soldiers actually killed on the ground in Iraq are reported.
We come to bring democracy and a new life to the Iraqi people” George W. Bush
don't get me wrong but if we had this type of democracy in america well we might
fly planes into buildings and exploded bombs to bring them down or shoot missiles into bldgings and tell everyone its alright we have a handle on it just look at the pictures we captured showing what those terrorists we identified before the fire was put out caused to happen happen.
I love and live in demoracy but 911 denial of true events may be a conspiracy to many but to others its a way of life.
Attention 911 Truthseeker -
Are You A 'Nutcase Wacko
I think anyone that considers a different point of view as to the actual events protrayed by news and the government is expressing a free human event.
Thats right a free human event where a human attempts to understand that in which they ponder. Its no crime yet to question the events of 911 but it might someday if we are not allowed to question.
Did we find the black boxes from the world trad center or not it seems we did and we did not? Searchers state they did and the FBI states they did not, Did we find the black boxes from the pentagon yes and no if you believe that titanium engines burned up yet a titanium black box did not. See there are many unanswered questions still to be answered. Why did the building fall, what about wtc7, what about the GOLD, what about the 87 films that the fbi shows no relevent data about 911 yet does not release them. I could go on all day long but the death count in Iraq keeps climbing along with the price of oil. But lets go back in time a little and look at our selfs. Remember when you thought the ideas spewed by your parents
were crazy, yet years after there gone you find yourself thinking alot of what they said was correct it just seems like double talk at the time.
I think something happened on 911. We are just not yet sure what happened!

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 07:52 PM
Well, personally, Ive come to the conclusion that no information anymore can be relied upon or be trusted, from any source, mainstream or otherwise, until you have really looked at it and cross referenced it here and there. It can be a headache.

But because the establishment has abused the trust of people so many times, I must take the approach that they are guilty until proven innocent.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 03:52 PM
Maybe your right in until all is proven. Thats the problem, all questions cannot be answered. I really don't think all of our government is guilty only those that are guilty. Yes it true I cannot know who is guilty until proven and that like you said place all within the light of being guilty.
Its scary to think our government had anything to do with 911 it mind consuming in the very least, yet that is the direction information is going. Even Osama has become a quiet man of dreams somewhere in Shangrila and thats where the truth
of 911 has escaped to a idyllic hideaway somewhere that does not appear before our senses. Thus, we get to live again but what price do we pay.

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 04:58 PM
If that is the case that 9/11 was lie and so is the so called War on terroism. Then all them years that the UK were attacked by the IRA, the Suicide bombings in Israel, Iraq and elsewere must be lies also.

Not everything is lies you know

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 07:54 PM
I thought the tread was about 911 and the war on terrorism. The Uk is not america
nor are the IRA the same batch as the identified terrorist from the middle east, unless you have other information to that effect. Suicide bombing in israel could they be mossad cloak and dagger games, yes we see the dfnews on tv and in the papers. Does true information come out of Iraq or only the dnews Military intel allows to come out as for elsewhere not sure where that is unlees its the cave osama is staying in or using.
I am surprised you did not debate the contents of the msg or ask what point you are trying to make of it direction.
(Not everything is a lie you know, this can be true in many ways. I have to use my periods better! What is it then you consider the truth about 911 and the war on terror, if you can find these truths.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by spencerjohnstone
If that is the case that 9/11 was lie and so is the so called War on terroism. Then all them years that the UK were attacked by the IRA, the Suicide bombings in Israel, Iraq and elsewere must be lies also.

Not everything is lies you know

No , not all of the attacks are lies, but the fact organizations within the UK like MI6 were working with IRA members in drugs smuggling missions etc. shows us that like in George Orwells book '1984' , the govenrment will choose who is their 'enemy' when it suites them.

9-11 on the most basic level is a lie becuase it was used to attack contries that had nothing to do with it and, if you study the activity of US and worldwide intelligence, was essentially ignored becuase the government new that such an attack was neccesary to further their masterplan.

posted on Aug, 18 2006 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by mondegreen
What is it then you consider the truth about 911 and the war on terror,

The 'war on terror' is in reality a 'war for terror' . Except it isn't classed as terrorism when it is committed by the US, UK or any other western nation.

We are a society being minipulated and controlled by fear. That makes our leaders terrorists.

posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 12:21 AM
We are a society being minipulated and controlled by fear. That makes our leaders terrorists.-from Earthtone

I cannot agree with you more, If I believe that 911 was done by their accounts that makes me just as guilty. 911 will in the future draw a line in this country america and the uk, as to who really believes in their country. The thing is I am more afraid of my country then the enemy, does that make any sense.

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