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Osprey in action.

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posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 09:37 PM

Is this where the Osprey was performing in the UK? Looks impressive showing the hovering as a helo and turning into a plane afterwards.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 08:27 AM
judging by the accent and the fact that its a mv-22 id say that yes what you've watched is a video that someone has took themseleves at Farnborough in the UK where 2 MV-22's are being showcased.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 08:36 AM
Could also have been RIAT at RAF Fairford. They had 1 display and a static.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 08:38 AM
Thanks stumpy I was unaware that they had also performed at Fairford.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 09:49 AM
The more I see this aircraft the more I like it. I posted on Sunday after they both flew over my house in South London low and in tight formation. The noise was awesome, like two Chinooks on amphetamines. Is it true that they flew to Farnborough from The States via Iceland? It seems that the fears expressed about its safety being fundamentally flawed were groundless.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 11:57 AM
I agree, the more I see it the more I like it. I love the way in that video it looks like it just pulls itself into the sky! A very versatile craft and great to see an operational example of a plane which has spend so long on the drwaing boards.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:17 PM
I got to see one of these aircraft fly over my house a couple of days ago. Which i thought was a little weird since i live in East Tennessee. We have the 134th Air Refuling Wing here but not sure why an Osprey would be traveling there.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Fang
The more I see this aircraft the more I like it. I posted on Sunday after they both flew over my house in South London low and in tight formation. The noise was awesome, like two Chinooks on amphetamines. Is it true that they flew to Farnborough from The States via Iceland? It seems that the fears expressed about its safety being fundamentally flawed were groundless.

Yeah, but they had to turn back to Iceland at one point for a maintenance problem in flight.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 04:35 PM

Yeah, but they had to turn back to Iceland at one point for a maintenance problem in flight

A transatlantic flight by what is basically a twin prop? I'm even more impressed

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Fang
It seems that the fears expressed about its safety being fundamentally flawed were groundless.

On the contrary, all the criticisms of the V-22 are as valid today as they were in the past. The videos you have seen do not demonstrate the V-22 doing anything it hasnt done for years and have no bearing on the criticisms of the V-22 as being fundamentally flawed as a VTOL.

The lack of controlled autorotation landing alone disqualifies it as a competent VTOL. The tendency to roll is inevitable when the rotors are laid perpendicular to the fuselage however to mitigate this they have put in an electronic nanny that takes control away from the pilot and prevents the kind of rapid low altitude maneuvers that make helicopters so effective. The V-22 is overweight yet delicate, is incapable of providing air support, is incapable of properly protecting it's crew and passengers, and has severly compromised cargo capacity. It's absurd that not only is the V-22 over budget and fails to meet requirements but other equipment has to be redesigned to fit inside it.

While the CH-46 has had it's share of problems, mostly due to age, wear and tear, it outperforms the V-22 in every measure of VTOL capability, including, of course, safety.

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