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Institutions In England

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posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:48 AM
I have lived in England for a long time now, and it seems to me they have a system called the 'Mental Health Act',
this system allows for the imprisonment of innocent persons as long as the British government deems that they are a threat to ANYTHING they like.

In England, if you believe in UFOs, they will lock you up.
This if anything is a breach of human rights, and I do not know why the United Nations have not done anything about it.

But the point is, people in England can be locked up for having beliefs, if this goes on, perhaps one day we will all be locked up if we even mention UFOs, the paranormal or anything antigovernment, is this just part of a big conspiracy to lock up people who do not like the government or who find out information they were not suppose to?

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Majestic 12
I have lived in England for a long time now, and it seems to me they have a system called the 'Mental Health Act',
this system allows for the imprisonment of innocent persons as long as the British government deems that they are a threat to ANYTHING they like.

In England, if you believe in UFOs, they will lock you up.

No they don't.

Just because the Mental Health Act allows for unstable people to be 'sectioned' and placed in a psychiatric hospital if they are deemed a danger to themselves or others, doesn't mean anyone gets locked up for their beliefs in UFOs or anything else. Unless of course you have reliable evidence to the contrary?

Of course, if you beleived that Tony Blair was a little green man from Mars and tried to kill him then yes, you would get sectioned .....

Mind you, maybe the likes of David Icke should be sectioned?

There's an independant guide to the Mental Health Act (1983) here

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 05:00 AM
No, you cannot be locked up in this manner for having beliefs in the UK. You can be detained in hospital on the recommendation of two doctors with the approval of a court if you are considered to be a danger to yourself or others.

If "THEY" want to lock you up for your beliefs they have plaenty of other ways to do it. Just try peacefully protesting against a visit by the Chinese President or hold up a placard calling for the abolition of the monarchy at a royal event if you want to find out how.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 06:12 AM
Also the UK has the highest proportion of *eccentrics per sq mile. More than anyone in the entire world. More even than Los Angeles or Texas.

Seeing as how small Great Britain is, that's a lot of mad people out and about, most of them popping up on my daily commute to work.

If the Mental Health Act really locked up people for spouting off about UFOs, Crop Circles, David Icke or the actually possibility of England winning the World Cup (ouch) that would leave very few ppl out on the streets.

*(Ok, I made up the statistics, but I don't think I'm that much off the mark)

[edit on 14-7-2006 by nikelbee]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 06:58 AM
I know someone who was locked up for beleaving he was a member of a top secret government agency, he even had credentials to proove it.
They said he was a danger to others but failed to give a reson.
They also failed to review his credentials.

They have locked up people in the past for having strong antigovernment beleafs, I read an artical on it once, from an anti-mental health site.
For once I agree with Scientology, forced mental health treatment is against your human rights, that state you can only be locked away if you COMMIT a crime, not if they THINK you are going to commit one.

He was released when he threatened to take it to the United Nations, after about 5 months.

Also, you do not need a court judgement, he was only alowed a tribunaral which consisted entirely of mental health staff, there was NO independant judge, they were all mental health team staff members, even the lawyer.
And that was after 1 doctors decision, and it took 2 weeks before any tribunaral was even started.

I wish someone would inform the United nations on these kind of things, one day they will do much worse, and we could all be in danger.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Majestic 12
I know someone who was locked up for beleaving he was a member of a top secret government agency, he even had credentials to proove it.

Didn't they make a TV programme about that. Starring Patrick McGoohan?

But seriously, either he was a member of a top secret govt agency or he wasn't. If he wasn't but thought he was, and acted accordingly, then maybe he was a danger to the public? If my neighbour thought he was James Baond and acted accordingly, I'd certainly be a bit worried ....

On the other hand, if he really was a member of a top secret govt agency then surely it's a case of the govt locking up their own operatives? In which we're back to my first comment - so who is no.1?

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 09:26 AM
He claimed to work for the US, not the UK, so it was not his government that locked him up.

The point is though, not that he is or might be an agent, but that he was locked up for just a beleif, even if that beleif turns out to be fake, why should they lock you up for something you beleave in?

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Majestic 12
Also, you do not need a court judgement.

My mistake, it does not have to be a court judgement unless imprisionment is the alternative otherwise it is by application to a Mental Health Review Tribunal However, as has been said, you cannot be legally detained for your beliefs - only for the safety of yourself or others. Even then you are detained for either assessment or treatment under the Act.

Essan's link tells you all you need to know.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 11:42 AM
Ahh but they can claim your beleafs will lead you to danger others, even when they will not.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:04 PM
having worked at the bbc and police in england, i am sure there is plenty of stuff going on like that.

best thing to do in england, just keep your mouth shut. even if you have a strong belief in god in england, there is alot of resentment towards you. it is a society totally devoid of god.

so best just to keep your mouth shut, and when on places like these do not project your theories as though you are projecting fact. being in england that could get you in alot of trouble.

being in england is like america, people are only supposed to be in material things, we have a consumer society, where if you do anything out of the ordinary, your life can be messed up for ever.

yep speaking about weird things is dangerous, so if i was you i would keep my mouth shut. we don't live in a society of free speech, england is one of the most secretive soceities on earth. the public have no clue what there government does.

just always remember like i said above in england it is dangerous to even have a really strong belief in god, something other countries would find normal.

"one last thing that is really weird is, i know someone in england who they wanted to lock up just because being a male, he was not interested in females. england is supposed to be a society where everyone has a right to live. imagine being male and not being interested in females, and the authorities wanting to either put you in jail or a mental hospital. somehow being male and not interested in females(he has never harmed anyone or himself), but somehow he is a threat to society for just not being straight, weird."

man how messed up is that story. though they like to project that england is a free country.

[edit on 14-7-2006 by andy1033]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:26 PM
Thats right, a lot of people think the US is into secret stuff, but noone really takes notice of the UK, but in fact if you go into it there is nothing the UK government tells you, at least the USA denys it and makes press statements denying it, the UK just says nothing, hardly anything is known about the UKs classiffied military research projects, when lots is known about the US's.

But yes, englands not a free country, they lock you up if you are a threat to them.
Hopefully im moving soon so I wont have to worry for much longer.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 04:04 AM
Blimey, you two really live in a crazy fantasy world, don't you!

Mind you, it's sort of true about being locked up for not fancing girls - Oscar Wilde was imprisoned for homosexuality which long, long ago was indeed illegal. Obviously not so any more (even several members of parliament are homoesexual) ...

[edit on 15-7-2006 by Essan]

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
"one last thing that is really weird is, i know someone in england who they wanted to lock up just because being a male, he was not interested in females. england is supposed to be a society where everyone has a right to live. imagine being male and not being interested in females, and the authorities wanting to either put you in jail or a mental hospital. somehow being male and not interested in females(he has never harmed anyone or himself), but somehow he is a threat to society for just not being straight, weird."

man how messed up is that story. though they like to project that england is a free country.

[edit on 14-7-2006 by andy1033]

Hmmm... this thread gets more and more bizarre. You do know that gay marriages are allowed in the UK right? Not only are you allowed to not 'like' girls, you can choose to marry a boy if you wanted.

I'm not saying you won't be persecuted or ridiculed for your choices, as there always seem to be these bully types of people EVERwhere, who think you should be like them in every aspect, or they feel the need to kick your head in.

But I think the topic of this thread is being 'locked up' for your opinions; which for some reason has now also been expanded to include not liking members of the opposite sex.

On that note - can people please start actually quoting 'real' references and not simply hearsay from a friend's friend? If you have definite examples of people being locked up ad hoc using the Mental Health Act and for reasons such as speaking against the government, religious choice or sexuality, by all means post. I'm not saying to use names if you are protecting someone - although that always helps - but how about articles, quotes, anything that might explain your theory?

Otherwise this thread is just bordering on the silly.

The first ceremonies under the Civil Partnerships Act can take place in Northern Ireland on 19 December, followed by Scotland the next day and England and Wales on 21 December.

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