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posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 02:11 PM
holy cow Laz i was in my backyard here in Tulsa about an hour ago and pointed out a trail to my roommate and told him about the geo-mag storm was about to hit at 2pm. Hmmmmmmmmmm

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 02:20 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmmm indeed...

busy little jets doing busy little things....
i have noticed that a few seem to circle back into this direction... (as if flying around is their only purpose)

if we get severe EM spikes from today, I wouldn't be surprised...

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 02:21 PM
Hmmmm i just went outside again and there are lots of trails up here it seems the wind is blowing from the southwest.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 02:47 PM
Apparently there is some high altitude water vapor that these are reacting with... has to be for the amount of cover being generated by these...
but visible clouds have to be present for rain seeding to be a possiblilty and there were none.

so what is going on with these cloud building chemtrails...?

BTW, a previous post commented that aircraft at Tinker AFB are probably grounded due to the sun storm and possible problems with navagation... nope... i borrowed some binocs and the jets in the air are AF (awacs and others) they just aren't coming down.... and no new take offs (they probably all took off early this morning).

I hope to god that they don't experience any problems from the X class flare... i am right in the approach path of the landings...

if planes start falling out of the sky after 3:00, just call me gone...

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 03:12 PM
Personally I don't buy into any of the chemtrail theories. But I do find it interesting that they are all over my area today also. This morning the sky was completely cloud free. The news last night said that there wasnt going to be any coulds for a three state radious. I'm in central texas, Austin area. Earlier today I counted 13 individual trails all perfectly parallel. Now they have all spread around and clouds moved in to make everything partly cloudy.
Banggin what part of texas are you in that you are seeing them?

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 04:07 PM

contrails have stopped and now aircraft are landing at Tinker again... first i have seen all day and the sky is clear again... all of our generated clouds are blowing off to the north.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 06:49 PM
They can't fly in and around the chemtrail clouds when they are powering them up. It screws up their radar and other electronics.

The solar storm effects the jet stream. They have to control the jet stream coming out of the north.

They also use these cloud mass's for removal of pollutants in the atmosphere. Sort of like an electrostatic air cleaner.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 06:57 PM
I can't help but notice that chemtrail sightings always start going up when the weather starts cooling down....hmmm.

I also can't help but noticed that "matrix" structured chemtrails are always near airports...hmmm.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 07:14 PM

Now that you mentioned it, I went outside to see if there are chemtrails here, and fukin a, they are making one right now! There are some older ones that seem to have already disperesed into wide bands. The jet making the current chemtrail is heading on a Due north course from the south east. Its bright white. I wasnt expecting to see anything, cuz we had some rain and stuff, today is the first clear day weve had in about a few days. The chemtrails all apear over to the south east, toward Mc Chord Air Base. But yep. Chemtrails around Seattle too!

The jet making them now also appears to be traveling upward at a 45 degree angle. The other dispersed chemtrails are hanging over Mt rainier.

They aint no where near as big as the ones in OK, according to your pictures.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 07:57 PM
Just went outside again to check the progress of the Chemtrails here in Seattle. Sure as #, theres a fresh one that is directed south east now, over towards Mt rainier. Its still bring made, because I can vaguely hear the plane, but cant see it, cuz of the trees and hills and mohntains, but I also saw a couple of helicopters in the distance, too far to recognize, but I can hear them. they are over towards FT Lewis/McChord Air Force base. Wonder whats up over there?

Also seen some crop dusters flying around, but theres nothing unusualy about that, as Auburn, where Im at, has a small airfield for small private planes, and theres still alot of agriculture int he area, so its routine for the crop dusters to be spinning about.

Im more curious about the choppers and the white planes.....for comparison, I watched a low flying cargo jet, looked liek a C-140, that was flyting towrds Mc Chord, it was dark grey from the looks of it. It was flying well below the white plane that was making the chemtrail, they crossed from my poerspective, but pbviosly, were very far apart. the white plane kinda looked like a lear jet.

Chem trails all centered south east towards Mt rainer and the two bases, but also are spreading upward towards a North/Northwest pattern.

Any other data from chemtrails elsewhere?

Inicdenetally, Val, the chemtrails really dont show up any more in the cold weather than the hot weather. Saw several mosnter Chemtrails this summer when it was hot and dry. And, I have seen Matrix Chemtrails when I lived a good distance from any major airport, like when I visited Kennewick last month, they ahd some good chemtrails over there.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 07:59 PM
Also spotted chemtrails, even saw the plane making them, definitely a big tanker....more like a b52 because of the engine/wing configuration though.

posted on Oct, 24 2003 @ 08:14 PM
Where ya located, Nerdling?

Near any Air Force bases?

posted on Oct, 25 2003 @ 08:02 PM
Mmmmm....more chemtrails over seattle today, these are bigger than yesterday. Same direction and everything.

Whats odd is that Im noticing increased activity out of Mc Chord airbase. I live close enough to where I can tell when they are coming and going. Wonder whats up?

Fury, have you noticed it too?

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