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Tracking chips for guest workers: Is this how it starts?

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posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 05:05 AM
Is this how they're going to phase in RFID readers everywhere?

Scott Silverman, Chairman of the Board of VeriChip Corporation, has proposed implanting the company's RFID tracking tags in immigrant and guest workers. He made the statement on national television earlier this week.

Silverman was being interviewed on "Fox & Friends." Responding to the Bush administration's call to know "who is in our country and why they are here," he proposed using VeriChip RFID implants to register workers at the border, and then verify their identities in the workplace. He added, "We have talked to many people in Washington about using it...."

Once the readers are in place, will they be used only by immigrants?

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:03 PM
I just saw this. Unfortunately, this isn't where it starts. It started awhile ago when we allowed our pets and animals to be chipped. It also started when some employers made it manditory for their workers. There are a few other threads on these subjects.

There was also a thread about Wisconsin making it illegal to make chipping manditory and also for a person to be chipped wihtout their knowledge. I think we (Wisconsinites) are on the right track and I think people better start calling their government officials right now before they make it manditory for everyone!

posted on Jun, 1 2006 @ 12:24 PM
I foresee many Christians moving to Wisconsin.

While I'm not worried about going to hell for installing a microchip in myself, I do like my privacy, and many others do too. I hope they don't go down this path.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 03:28 PM
so, do you think that a massive action to put chips on american citizens is about to begin ?

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 03:44 PM
Anybody familiar with the boiling Frog Theory? You put a frog in water. If the water is boiling immediately he'll jump out, but if you just gradually increase the tempature you got the dirty mugger.

posted on Jun, 3 2006 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_Crowley
Anybody familiar with the boiling Frog Theory? You put a frog in water. If the water is boiling immediately he'll jump out, but if you just gradually increase the tempature you got the dirty mugger.

good analogy.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by DrExtravaganza
so, do you think that a massive action to put chips on american citizens is about to begin ?

Without a doubt. I believe it's only a matter of time... even for us folks in Wisconsin.

posted on Jun, 5 2006 @ 05:42 PM
If you think about it the bill in Wisconsin is really symbolic more than anything. Because once the federal gov. gets involved a state law wont help. Here in California by state laws medical marijuana is legal, but the feds can still arrest you.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 01:09 PM
I hear you. I think the only thing we can do is protest and try to pass laws to stop it. But if the 'NWO' wants this then what 'we' want really won't matter. It'll get rammed down our throats whether we like it or not. I also am starting to believe the RFID chip thing could very well be the 'mark of the beast' that the bible prophesizes about and if so, there's nothing we can do... but that's another topic.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 04:28 PM
The mark of the beast is here, it looks like this:

Mainly i see it being used as an excuse to have the presence of RFID readers become commonplace. To train the public (the ones without (or think they are w/o) the chips) to be scanned in their daily life, to not think twice about being scanned. It becomes automatic for everyone.

When they chipped the immigrants, i said nothing, because i wasn't an immigrant.
When they chipped the criminals, i said nothing, because i wasn't a criminal.
When they chipped the kids, i said nothing, because i wasn't a kid.
When they came to chip me, there was nobody left to say anything

I don't mean the entire NWO plan starts with this, i'm speaking of just the chip issue. The NWO has been truckin' along for years now. This is how thry launch the program without much dissent or resistance, under the radar.

posted on Jun, 9 2006 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by DezertSkies
The NWO has been truckin' along for years now. This is how they launch the program without much dissent or resistance, under the radar.

Do you really think there will be no dissent if they start chipping everyone? I tend to disagree, but with the way the general public has been brainwashed I guess you may be correct.

I for one will not take it... nor will my family.

[edit on 9-6-2006 by mecheng]

posted on Jun, 10 2006 @ 03:42 AM
Mechang, you're in Wisconsin? Didn't they juat pass a microchip ban? I'm not getting chipped either. Now what happens when incentives to get chipped are offered? Instead of NATO soldiers enforcing mandatory chipping, they'll do it like the "club card" in the supermarkets. "Members" can buy 2 for $1 but for non members it's $5 each. Not chipped? Go through an extra hour of security at the airport. Oh, you don't have a chip? That'll be a $15 manual procesing fee for that paperwork/credit check.

Just like the cellphone and the credit card, they will slowly make life more inconvenient unless you're chipped, and we all know for lots of americans it's "give me covenience or give me death" so getting a chip so you can buy canned spinach for half price and save time at checkpoints. The "i don't have anything to hide" crowd will be first in line to let the beast stamp 'em, and there's a lot of 'em out there and they'll be lining up around the block.

This is the "trial run" for the infrastructure, chip a few million people, get the scanners in place, andf work out the kinks of real world operations. Once the system is tuned and tested, the convenience factor will be played. Will they replace the "food stamp" card with a chip? We'll probably find out in the not too distant future.

posted on Jun, 11 2006 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by DezertSkies
Mechang, you're in Wisconsin? Didn't they juat pass a microchip ban? I'm not getting chipped either. Now what happens when incentives to get chipped are offered? Instead of NATO soldiers enforcing mandatory chipping, they'll do it like the "club card" in the supermarkets. "Members" can buy 2 for $1 but for non members it's $5 each. Not chipped? Go through an extra hour of security at the airport. Oh, you don't have a chip? That'll be a $15 manual procesing fee for that paperwork/credit check.

Just like the cellphone and the credit card, they will slowly make life more inconvenient unless you're chipped, and we all know for lots of americans it's "give me covenience or give me death" so getting a chip so you can buy canned spinach for half price and save time at checkpoints. The "i don't have anything to hide" crowd will be first in line to let the beast stamp 'em, and there's a lot of 'em out there and they'll be lining up around the block.

This is the "trial run" for the infrastructure, chip a few million people, get the scanners in place, andf work out the kinks of real world operations. Once the system is tuned and tested, the convenience factor will be played. Will they replace the "food stamp" card with a chip? We'll probably find out in the not too distant future.

You have voted DezertSkies for the Way Above Top Secret award.
Well said DezertSkies
, Well said

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