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posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 03:59 AM
I am not religious at all. However I do strongly beleive in the power of Karma and hexes. I generally find that the more good things I try to do, the better things work out for me. Anything that happens to you is relative to a scale. I started thinking this after numerous things. For example, I remember I went to the store to get supplies for everyone back at the house. I ended up with more money than I had started with after I had baught everything . So I bought a pack of ciggerettes. I was being smug, free ciggerettes. I lost them on the way home along with half of my money. I just think that positive and negative nergy work on a scale. So if you're geting # on at the moment don't worry becuse something good should be on the way. AS for hexes: Dont walk over 3 drains, don't put a hat on a bed or look at the back of a mirror.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 06:28 AM
Why is it then that when you help someone out especially at work it only seems to result in causing yourself more work or trouble in the long run?

I try to 'commit' a random act of kindness every day, preferably to someone i have never met before.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 09:55 AM
I have what I like to call "Instant Karma". It's a curse for leading the life I had in the past
I can no longer get away with anything

If I try to sneak out of work by saying my kids are day....sure enough...they really are. Sometimes I think there is a Karma Fairy or something that just sits around waiting for me to step out of line so she can whack me upside the head with my Karma

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 10:02 AM
I find that people who do good things with the expectation that good will come back are often disappointed (because they make it a "bean counting" game.) But if you just like to do kindnesses and don't worry whether or not it comes back, then it always seems to come back.

I have phenominally good luck, by the way. Not "lottery-winning luck" but getting lucky breaks and meeting interesting people.

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
I find that people who do good things with the expectation that good will come back are often disappointed (because they make it a "bean counting" game.) But if you just like to do kindnesses and don't worry whether or not it comes back, then it always seems to come back.

I have phenominally good luck, by the way. Not "lottery-winning luck" but getting lucky breaks and meeting interesting people.

Well yeh, if you are simply doing good deeds to benefit your own karma than it is just self interest as apposed to good nature so I don't know if it works on the karma scale.

I have what I like to call "Instant Karma". It's a curse for leading the life I had in the past
I can no longer get away with anything

LOL. thats a shame. I like the song "instant karma" by john lennon though!

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