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Robertson: God Says Tsunami Possible For U.S.

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posted on May, 18 2006 @ 04:43 PM
LOL...No caca. Do you think there is a possibility of a storm on the East coast soon? Seeing that the hurricane season is almost here?

So God speaks to him too?

That old man is nothing but a crazy old fart.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Personally I hope Robertson is correct because many people in the US have nothing but contempt for Christians these days. It is about time to teach them a lesson about their sneering and laughing at things that are above them.

Well, I'll be perfectly fine with him sending his god to me, because I find that his god is not most people's god. I saw bring it on.

posted on May, 18 2006 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Personally I hope Robertson is correct because many people in the US have nothing but contempt for Christians these days. It is about time to teach them a lesson about their sneering and laughing at things that are above them.

You are kidding right?
if not, that ranks up there with why some supposed christians are giving others a BAD name right now...

I dont think anyone that snears at Pat, is sneering at God...
that is the problem... Pat makes us all look bad, with his racist and screwy comments...
My church doesn't claim him... and we wish he would retire to the nursing home, where other mentally debilitated people go...

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 03:02 AM
denythestatusqup- i think that it is wrong to hope for death and destruction just so people stop making fun of christians. im a christian myself, and personally people are allowed to have their opinons.

i hope absolutly nothing happens, that way he will continue to lose credibility.
and if something does happen he should use his billions of dollars to help with rescue efforts instead of using his TV to air his segments of "i told you so's"

and on another note: that really isnt much of a prediction considering scientists have been talking about this for the past 2 years and their have been countless shows on in the past 2 months talking about the vary issue of a Tsunami hitting the united states.
Kind Regards,

[edit on 10/01/2004 by DigitalGrl]

posted on May, 20 2006 @ 01:11 PM

Personally I hope Robertson is correct because many people in the US have nothing but contempt for Christians these days. It is about time to teach them a lesson about their sneering and laughing at things that are above them.

tsk tsk... Is this not a bit extreme... whatever happened to the old saying;"sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me?" .It is a very cold mentality that yearns for indiscriminate suffering and death, and in no way resembles the teachings of christ. Poor jesus, some the things that are done and said in his name, must really have him shaking his head that; after two thousand years, people like Pat Robertson are still speaking in his name.

As for Pat Robertson, this guy every now and again just keeps coming up with this stuff and only helps fuel the fires of the movement I have come to call HYPOCHRISTINSANITY -which, mind you IS NOT the majority of christians.
Sure most of us can just tune old PAT out but there are at least a couple million sick S.O.B.'s that look up to him.
Also, didnt pat call for the assassination of Hugo Chavez last year and also said god did katrina to get back at the city of N.O. for all its sins?
Either he really believes what he says or he does it for P.R. Either way its not healthy.
And not for anything but what if the god that talks to him is not god at all but the devil... or just multiple personality dissorder...lmao
anyway thats just my two cents.. keep the change

[edit on 20-5-2006 by TONE23]

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 02:25 PM

Personally I hope Robertson is correct because many people in the US have nothing but contempt for Christians these days. It is about time to teach them a lesson about their sneering and laughing at things that are above them.

Oh man! Sorry, I just had a fit of the giggles after reading this.

Seriously, how can someone say something like that with a straight face? Christians are some sort of oppressed minority? That's the biggest joke I've ever heard.

I'd like someone to explain to me how it is that Christians are oppressed iin our culture? Why? Because they won't allow prayer in public schools? How does that single out christians? Can Muslims or Jews or Buddhists pray in school? Nope. No one can.

Is it because we don't allow the cross or the ten commandments to be placed in public buildings like courthouses? Does this mean you'd be willing to allow an inverted cross, as it's a symbol of the satanic church, to be displayed at your local library? Or how about an Ankh, a pentagram, or other pagan symbols? I didn't think so.

In fact, Christians are completely hypocritical. Take for example The DaVinci Code movie. It's a comercial film, nothing to do with the government, and should be able to say or do whatever it wants. But what do we see in the news? Christian groups protesting it. I'm a Christian, and I feel that Dan Brown has the right to express his opinion in long boring drawn out books that are obvious rip offs of Umberto Eco if he wants to. It's his right, his freedom to express his religious beliefs, just like I believe Pat Robertson has the right to host a boring T.V. show where he sanctimoniously takes credit for things that God does (like the episode where he took credit for a hurricaine missing the east coast of the U.S.) Maybe if these Christians were more open to other opinions, they wouldn't feel so oppressed.

Seriously! What a joke. And then to wish harm on people because you feel oppressed? How can you call yourself a Christian and wish that? Didn't Christ always teach forgiveness, love your enemy, and turn the other cheek? I guess maybe we're reading different versions of the Bible.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Athenion
In fact, Christians are completely hypocritical. Take for example The DaVinci Code movie. It's a comercial film, nothing to do with the government, and should be able to say or do whatever it wants. But what do we see in the news? Christian groups protesting it. I'm a Christian, and I feel that Dan Brown has the right to express his opinion in long boring drawn out books that are obvious rip offs of Umberto Eco if he wants to. It's his right, his freedom to express his religious beliefs, just like I believe Pat Robertson has the right to host a boring T.V. show where he sanctimoniously takes credit for things that God does (like the episode where he took credit for a hurricaine missing the east coast of the U.S.) Maybe if these Christians were more open to other opinions, they wouldn't feel so oppressed.

At the risk of hijacking my own thread, Christians have as much of a right to protest the movie as Hollywierd does to produce it. It's called freedom of speach. Unlike the recent episode of South Park that was yanked due to Tom Cruise not liking the portrayal of Scientology. Or the censorship of a recent cartoon.

I do not care for Pat Robertson. However, he has just a much a right to spew his drival as I do to make fun of it.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 04:14 PM
Whycome every time some crazy Muslim cleric says something, Christians use that as proof Muslims are evil. But every time some crazy Christian cleric says something stupid, or protests at soldiers' funerals, they say, "Oh, he's not really one of us."

Can't the Muslims have their crazies, just like the Christians?

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:57 AM
I guess I wasn't clear on my point. Of course Christians have the right to protest whatever they want.

I'm just saying if they want me to believe they are truly oppressed, and feel like their opinions aren't accepted or allowed, maybe they shouldn't be doing the exact same thing to other people via protesting and attempting to censor whoever disagrees with them.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 09:23 PM
Julian Calendar for May 24th, 2006 = June 6th, 2006 - 06/06/06

For what's worth?

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by promomag
Julian Calendar for May 24th, 2006 = June 6th, 2006 - 06/06/06

For what's worth?

Yes and it ties in with this too:

Interesting stuff. The plot thickens. Time to grab the popcorn and wait it out I guess..

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Athenion
I guess I wasn't clear on my point. Of course Christians have the right to protest whatever they want.

I'm just saying if they want me to believe they are truly oppressed, and feel like their opinions aren't accepted or allowed, maybe they shouldn't be doing the exact same thing to other people via protesting and attempting to censor whoever disagrees with them.

Point taken. IMHO most Christians that feel they are under oppression in the US have no idea what true oppression is.

posted on May, 23 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Im still waiting for him to demand one million dollars for a 900 foot jesus or else gods gonna kill him. Then one of three things will happen.

1. A bunch of guillable idiots will send him money.
2. Everyone will see what a scam artist and snake oil seller he really is
3. God will kill him

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