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And then there is Belconnen

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posted on Oct, 18 2003 @ 09:33 PM
A rumored secret underground base at Belconnen, in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) near Canberra, has joined Area 51 in the USA and the underground base at Corsham, Wiltshire, UK on the ufologists' roster of UFO-related sites.

The base is known as "the Sheep Paddock" and is said to be located beneath an actual pasture in the Great Dividing Range near Canberra. Within the field are several antennae arrays and a small cinderblock security building that houses the elevator to the underground command post. "There are at least three stories underground," one source said. "On the third level, staff members man computer terminals."

Some Belconnen watchers believe that the supposed base will serve as a national command post during civil unrest in Australia caused by Y2K. Others maintain that the base is merely an out-station of the Royal Australian Navy communications center at Lawton.

Interestingly, that portion of the Great Dividing Range is rumored to be undercut by humungous limestone caverns. In his book, MYSTERIOUS AUSTRALIA, Rex Gilroy writes that in 1848 settlers in the area "discovered a great natural limestone archway through one of the bluffs.

Exploring south of here one day, two young men came across a hole in one of the limestone cliffs. Realizing it went deep into the cliffside, they went back to their farmhouse for rags and oil with which to make torches. Lighting these upon their return, they entered a hole which they found sloped down into a large chamber from which another larger hole led off into another chamber, then another and another.

They made a large fire on the cave floor. The flames mounted gradually to reveal the full extent of the cavern--some 200 feet across, rising well over that in height, with a great many formations dripping from the sloping walls." (See MYSTERIOUS AUSTRALIA by Rex Gilroy, NEXUS Publishing, Mapleton, Qnld. 1995, page 58.)


posted on Oct, 19 2003 @ 02:30 PM
Well the Australia has plenty of perfect locations for bases due to all the endless desert and space.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 01:23 AM
I found out something of interest today , The company I work for which shall only be known as " one of, if not THE biggest, military aerospace companies on the planet" have a "representative" at this Belconnen Base...Needless to say I will be making some discrete enquiries in this direction as time goes by furthermore I will be meeting him within the fortnight so it should make for interesting conversation.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 01:27 AM
How deep is this facility and what is the strata like in that area?

I want to compare to other bases that I know about.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 01:41 AM
I know basically nothing about the facility apart from the fact that it exists...I just have to make sure there is no non-disclosure contract signed before the meeting else I am screwed...I have certain clearances, so I guess if I ask the wrong questions I will just get the old Talk to the hand corse the lip is zipped treatment.
I will be asking some questions to the guy but I don't want to appear "to" interested..
They will be redneckish in structure innocent/dumb
e.g. So mate, i hear there are parts of where you work underground?..what they got that for?
In truth, I am not sure what exactly or who to ask ..i have a little time to think about it tho.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 01:36 AM
tell us when ya find something out i'm going down to canberra this christmas so yeah

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 05:22 AM
The site in Belconnen is not near canberra, it is IN canberra and surrounded by suburbs. The description of the site is accurate, there are some large antennae (from memory, 3 large ones, not dishes just tall 'poles' for want of a better word) and small buildings (cant remember whether it was one or more than that.

I cant say i've ever been suspicious of the site, other than what those antennae are really for. It is listed as a Navel Radio Station. Cant say i've ever suspected it of having large underground facilities either. Large numbers of people going in or out would look very suspicious.

I certainly wouldnt think it is a UFO site anything like Area 51. I mean check out where it is:

See the gap labelled "Lawson", it take up the northern half of that. there are houses all around.

Anyway thats my take on it

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 02:50 AM
I live in Belconnen - and these 3 antenna are easily known of by almost every resident in this area.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 05:40 AM
Dude,your photo of the area concerned has a FORBIDDEN text.DOH ! now I WILL have to go have a look.!

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