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posted on May, 1 2006 @ 11:35 AM
You know, when I was a kid, May 1 used to still be associated with some old fertility rituals. We used to go an leave little May baskets filled with jelly beans on the front steps of people we knew. There were some may poles around, too. Very colorful.

Then the Commies got hold of it, and during the Cold War we couldn't celebrate it because then everybody'd think you were a commie, and that wasn't cool, since that's who we were supposedly fighting in Korea and Vietnam.

Now the illegal immigrants have decided to take over the holiday. Well, if they can get anything going with it, good for them.

I'd still prefer it going back to jelly beans and may poles.

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 05:52 PM
Yes, I rather liked the idea of dancing around the maypole as a child, growing up in the United States. Since the majority of immigrants protesting are from Mexico, May 1 not only was a timely day to follow up on recent rallies but happened to coincide with the Mexican national holiday of Labor Day; the United States national holiday of Labor Day is the first Monday of September. Now, certain people are trying to make connections to the Communist May Day celebrations, perhaps to reawaken the old Communist threat.

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 12:39 AM
I wish someone would leave a bowl of jellyeans on my doorstep.


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