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Survey results regarding UFO/ET bringing humans spiritual enlightenment.

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posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 09:45 AM
Below is a link to a survey I completed today on World Net Daily (a site in which I have no opinion of one way or another). The following question was asked of respondents:

"Would contact from other planets bring earth's inhabitants spiritual enlightenment?"

I responded with a simple yes. The results of this survey were shocking to me.


The results from this particular survey reveal that most people are not ready for Disclosure. How can that be? I'm sure I'm over-informed regarding UFO's and ET with very progressive ideas about Disclosure, but these survey participants are in the dark ages. If this survey is in any way reflective of the general mindset of the public, then no wonder our government continues to lie and cover up the truth about UFO's.

What do ya'll think? If we sent this survey out to every adult in America, would we get the same results? How would you answer the question?

[edit on 4/15/2006 by highhorse313]

(mod edit to reduce page stretching url to a short link)

[edit on 15-4-2006 by pantha]

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 10:05 AM
This is not shocking - it reflects for me why we've made absolutely NO spiritual progress as a species.

But I will say that I am always amazed at just how large the lowest common denominator really is. Look at the next highest category - no wonder I feel surrounded by ignorance most of the time.

BTW - I would vote

Yes, there's an excellent chance extraterrestrial civilizations would be more spiritually evolved than ours


posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 02:07 PM
I would have voted
Other: Spirituality is an anthropomorphic concept

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 02:37 PM
When the Spanish brought "Spiritual Enlightenment" (as they saw it) from the Old World to the New, was it a good idea?

I sure hope that ET doesn't bring any spiritual enlightnment at the point of a laser wand.

posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
Spirituality is an anthropomorphic concept

Could you elaborate on this Ecto? It's kind of perplexing to me, as I don't attribute any human-like qualities to my spirituality, other than being aware of my own humanity. In fact, my spirituality emphasizes the non-humanness (sic) of God.


posted on Apr, 15 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by NotClever

Originally posted by Ectoterrestrial
Spirituality is an anthropomorphic concept

Could you elaborate on this Ecto? It's kind of perplexing to me, as I don't attribute any human-like qualities to my spirituality, other than being aware of my own humanity. In fact, my spirituality emphasizes the non-humanness (sic) of God.


Sure, I'll try to elaborate:

I believe that our senses, as well as our concepts of 'existence', 'experience', 'memory', 'other', etc, are products of our collective experience as human beings and need not apply to an alien 'intelligence.'

It is possible that the phenomenon of EBE is such that it cannot be reasoned or modelled within our framework of such concepts.

As such 'being', and 'the being outside', and 'greater than' or 'creator of' might have no meaning, making the concept of Deity of null framework to an alien.

Furthermore, even if an alien intelligence had a concept of 'existence', it might not have a concept of 'meaning'. Without a concept of meanng of existence, I would be hardpressed to discuss spirituality. But even in a framework where existance is not for a reason but is an experience, the 'meaning of experience' might have no meaning to an alien. If saucers contain aliens and they are of this distance from our thoughts then the most we might ever learn from them is that they exist.

Basically, I don't assume alien theosophy exists.

At least we can know that there are things we might not ever know.

On the other hand, an ET might be a lot more like us than that, in which case the conversation could be very interesting and enlightening.

[edit on 15-4-2006 by Ectoterrestrial]


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