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Destroying the chip?

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posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Manchurian Candidate, yes you can get the chip out. But if you read Left Behind it"s not so much the chip as the acceptance of it. If you have accepted it you are on the side of evil. You can't undo the choice to receive the chip.
You can run but you can't hide. They can track you with satellites & if need be send in a little, anthrax , ebola, some vaccination proof smallpox to finish you off. How will you know freind from foe, back to the mark of the beast, check the hand or forehead.
Is there time left, if there is I think it's running out.

Hey proud Canadian, Canada's really big right, not like some small isolated island that could be blown out of the water. What about the great white north as a haven for dissidents. It's so cold maybe they'leave escapees alone & maybe all their chemicals wouldn't work so well. It might be the best bet.

[edit on 6-4-2006 by polanksi]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 11:25 AM
Good replies guys...

And yea, Ive been thinking about going to canada for quite some time now...

The only reason I havent is because ive heard that they really frown upon certain types of people... Im young and covered in tattoos... One of my ex girlfriends was french canadian, and she said that she gets a hard time for allowing her lower stomach to show and whatnot out there... But I wouldnt mind going, as if she is any representation of the girls to the north, WOW is all i can say, haha

But how much safer is Canada? If you think about it, it is a cold place that, in the worst of situations, just puts a fence beetween you and the US... would that stop the U.s.?

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 12:49 PM
The thing is Canada is really big. A lot of it is waste land, the whole point is to get away and northern Canada may only be 2nd to Russia. You have to put up with some deprivations but you may survive. The NWO probably wouldn't bother you, it wouldn't be cost effective.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 02:02 PM
Hehe actually Canada's pretty tolerant. Especially British Columbia (where I'm from). I'm sure if the New World Order does come Canada will be involved (all nations will) but I just think people would stand a better chance here than in the States because our landmass is more vast and there's less people etc. Also Canadian authorities are generally less intimidating.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 02:20 PM

Well, whats it like there? I mean the life, the people?

And for the topic...
There HAS to be some way to destroy the chip... Im sure if we knew exactly how it was made, then it would be easier to say how it could be destroyed...

Anyone ever seen the movie Spawn?
There was an implant in a man, on his heart, to where if his heart ever stopped, it would set off tons of bombs...


posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 02:29 PM
I went to college at a D1 school or should I say Hockey was their only D1 sport. I'm Quessing that hockey players may not be representative of all Canadians but they were pretty real. The only difference I could detect was the accent, it's definately the best bet to disappear and escape the Mark and NWO. Sign up now!


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by BlueTileSpook
t I remarked in another post that the FDA has sent a warning to the VeriChip makers that they have concerns about it moving around under the skin, putting patients into MRI machines because of the magnet and a failure of the chip injection device.

lol ? to think that the FDA would really care about us slave workers...

The best solution is picking up a rifle when martial law is declared.


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 01:10 PM
No, but imagine the lawsuits at all the hospitals if they tried to stick people in the MRI machines and such if those same people have been implanted with the device. The hospitals would be crying and filing suit that the FDA was negligent in their oversight of it.

The FDA doesn't seem to know what it wants to do anymore as far as being proactive. They used to delay meds/devices coming to the market so the people and the manufacturers cried out about it. FDA started to ramp up the process, and even now uses "pipelines" to bring the "best" stuff to market first, and then they ran into problems with products like Vioxx and such.


[edit on 4/7/2006 by BlueTileSpook]


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by BlueTileSpook
No, but imagine the lawsuits at all the hospitals if they tried to stick people in the MRI machines and such if those same people have been implanted with the device. The hospitals would be crying and filing suit that the FDA was negligent in their oversight of it.

yeah i can see where you are coming from , i guess what i meant was that it is more like a show , the FDA are only worried about the chips as more a danger to the plans of the "NWO" i guess , not really out of concern for us , although i cannot say that , i am sure there are people working in those labs who really care , just they are being used ...

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 09:20 PM

This is a taste of what is to come.

The Luciferian elite are well on their way.

The first big lie your parents told you was that santa was real. Santa-satan-old nick-st.Nicholas. He who cometh to take away spirituality and replace it with materialism, Here is your toys boys and girls. HO! HO! HO!

posted on Jul, 3 2006 @ 11:57 PM
Theres this bump in my mouth on right side of that line in the middle on the roof of my mouth. It does not bump in the other place on the left side only the right. So what can this be? Its very hard its way back there. Is it a chip? Well if it is it would be pointing up b/c the bump is small and it makes it be pointing up. I doubt its a chip, it could be a bone in the wrong place. But I remember something happened with my mouth when I was a little kid, but I dont remember what happened.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Phre0nBurn
Yes. Or... It could replace the stun gun...
Cops could be 200 feet away, point a gun that reads your chip at you, to load up your profile, and then hit the zap button...

Agh... I hate the government...

Why dont we, as citizens, find a relatively uninhabited island or something, and overthrow it, and make it our own country... haha

I wish there was an island big enough for this...

Lets build one!

Because on this island there would be someone or a goupr of people who would ultimatly try to take over and it would repeat. something like "Lord of the flies" but the point is, that someone always will want power no matter what.

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