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Earthfiles story on Tom Sheppard

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posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:57 PM
I'm usually not one myself for creating new threads but I was curious if anyone else had read one of the latest story headlines over at Linda Howes site Earthfiles. The story featuring an interview and drawings from memory by Tom Sheppard of photo's he apparently saw of aliens after his buddy broke into the vault to classified material....

I thought it was an interesting story and wanted to direct others to it if you hadn't read about it yet. Part 2 hasn't been put up.
Anyone have any thoughts about it?

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 11:46 PM
.....the drawings he made from memory of the photo's he saw were interesting to say the least. I have trouble understanding how his buddy messed around to get into the vault but apparently in part 2 there will be information presented about what happened after his superiors found out someone had been in the vault.
Interesting also to note Sheppard claims he saw TOP SECRET/MAJIC on the back of the photo's. He said he remembered seeing it because MAJIC was spelled with a J which stuck with him.
Of course this could all easily be another former military person trying to create a story based off elements of other stories...but I'm interested in what part 2 reveals.

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