I am prepared for the people that will say this a hoax but interesting none the less.
A video was realeased, along with a letter, that shows a small part of a bigger video on a site called Kbat746432.info, it was closed down after 2
It circled its way around the usual ufo sites etc, and i think most people do think this a hoax, but theres more to this story.
First off the link to the video, and site where i got this info.
There you will see the video, also the original letter sent and translated is there to see too.
A guy called William Matchen was discussing this on another forum, when he got chatting to a guy called richard, who said he would try and track or
trace this.
Heres what William says.....
"On October 26, a guy named Richard in a forum called "Aliens and UFO's Among Us" said he was going to check
all this out. He traced the site to a domain server, but could not reach them by phone. He then sent a letter to the
email address. But now Richard has disappeared. He has not posted in this forum since he contacted the Russian.
He posted the email address so I wrote a letter myself."
So he did, heres what he wrote.
"I got your contact information off a forum where I am
a member.
I believe Aliens and UFO?s do exist and I believe the
government goes to great lengths to cover up evidence
of them. And like you, I believe the people should
know the truth.
I saw the letter and footage on the kbat746432.info
website and I am very interested to know more about
your situation. Can you give me a physical description
of the Aliens and these experiments and what must be
done to reveal all the footage?
William Matchen"
He didnt expect a reply, but he got one.
As follows......
"Mr. Matchen:
I hope you will be understanding my English.
Last year, me along with my comrades, accomplished miraculous
breakthrough by successfully decoding fragments of data from
"microchip-like" device, which had been recovered from UFO crash
site in the north of Siberian Plateau in year 2000.
Physical makeup of the beings is consisting of pale wrinkled skin
and claw-like hands having three-fingers. They making horrifying
surgical techniques that are contradicting our understanding of
physics, biology, and medical sciences.
Ministers of Russian and US Governments were making protests
concerning secrecy of this evidence. Numerous scientists and chief
officers made resignations from their country's space programs
because of secrecy and fear surrounding the discovery, and sadly a
close colleague of mine was been murdered in this year. By them, my
decision is justified.
We must provoke our governments to make admission of possession of
KBAT746432 disc and release it to the world.
I have enclosed photo from footage as my credential of authority."
That photo can be seen on that link.
William also appeals for any others who might of had contact or information to contact him.
Email is on that link too.
On the email date it seems quite recent, late 2005.
So any comments??
It seems no more communication has been made.