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Masons Cydonia

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posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 03:30 PM
I read that the Cydonian complex on Mars has been proven using the laws of sacred geometry.
i googled on to this site.

the facts all seem to be there but its the images that aren't convincing.
NASA deny's its existance making it even more controversial.

If this is place on Mars is a hoax, I think its a Masons hoax.

[edit on 28-1-2006 by spearhead]

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:28 PM
Ok, how do you involve the Mason's ?


posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:40 PM
Leonardo DaVinci was a mason and his Vitruvian Man concept uses the same laws as used to prove Cydonia is real. Only a mason could have seen the relationship and perhaps planned the complex to have so much relevance to the five basic laws.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:45 PM
I see your logic,'s quite a leap. Any proof ?


posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:59 PM
The proof is in the 5 laws.
Pi = 3.1416
Phi= 1.618
Sq. root of 2 = 1.414
Sq. root of 3 = 1.618
Sq. root of 5 = 2.238

the depth that these laws can relate goes far from comprehensable.

As far as i can find the masons know more about these laws then is let on. They can be used in everything show the relationship of everything to everything else. The building blocks of our planet, race, society, down to our buildings. The fact that they can be so closely related to the Cydonian complex shows that if it is not fact then it can only have been created by someone who knows the laws very deeply. A Freemason.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:04 PM
Show the Mason's relationship, please ?
Some equations, and the statement that, The building blocks of our planet, race, society, down to our buildings. The fact that they can be so closely related to the Cydonian complex shows that if it is not fact then it can only have been created by someone who knows the laws very deeply. A Freemason is proof, eludes me.


posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:12 PM
i'm sure you'll find your proof in this maze

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:17 PM
Scanned your proposed site. Rather out there, but looks fun to read. Added to my faves !

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:34 PM
Oh it's true, it's true...It's all true. How did we ever think we could outsmart these internet slouths? What where we thinking?

Well, congratulations, nice deduction. I told Johnson not to let those damn Nasa Noodleheads take pictures of the Martian surface. But does anyone listen to me? No... I suppose we'll be appearing before Congress shortly to admit everything. I guess we should come clean about the whole Lucifer deal while we're at it.

Oh well, we knew we couldn't get away with it forever.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:42 PM
Obviously your ability to conspire is only matched by your ability to use sarcasm to cover that which you do not understand.
Or your just kept in a darker corner than you realise.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:31 PM
The geographic positioning of Cydonia is compared to that of stonehenge and Albury Hill. Are these landmarks places where Freemasons once occupied or met?

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