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Gripe-and then what?

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posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
You need help with a tech question, DON'T LOOK HERE, I just learned how to turn a comp. on a few years ago.

*Looks Amuks way and nods in agreement*

Me either I am taking computer lessons from intrepid and TC.....LOL

posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Amuk

Originally posted by intrepid
You need help with a tech question, DON'T LOOK HERE, I just learned how to turn a comp. on a few years ago.

*Looks Amuks way and nods in agreement*

Me either I am taking computer lessons from intrepid and TC.....LOL

*shakes head and sighs hopelessly*

Poor, poor Amuk.

What am I going to do with you mods?

I'd say maybe Zedd should write a Technical Handbook for the lot of ya, but I'm sure he's isn't any more technically inclined as the rest of ya!!

Ok, well Amuk, (or someone) will you at least bump my original gripe in the mysterious mods only forum in case some mod on their coffee break says "oh, yeah-I can fix that!"

(that could happen, right? right?)

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 11:57 PM
Well, actually, Zed is a computer master of a level that is unknown to ordinary men.
Speak his name notabove a whisper, because if he decides to make your computer disappear whilst you are touching it.....

Seriously, he has tried to teach some of us who are over the hill and computer stupid, but it has never turned out very nice or pretty. :bnghd:

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Well, actually, Zed is a computer master of a level that is unknown to ordinary men.
Speak his name notabove a whisper, because if he decides to make your computer disappear whilst you are touching it.....

Seriously, he has tried to teach some of us who are over the hill and computer stupid, but it has never turned out very nice or pretty. :bnghd:

Well TC you're podcasting these days, so he must have taught you something!

...or maybe Parr deserves that credit


Well, can the Wonderful Wizard of Ours wave his magick wand and make my PROBLEM disappear?!?!?!?!

I know, I know...he's busy like our Overlord...OK, OK...

So I wait...semi-patiently... and a bit paranoid.

...and logout 3 freakin times when I leave!!!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 12:04 AM
Allthe credit for anything good that I do goes totally to Parr. That is my rule. If I screw the pooch, I do that on my own and against her advice.

Did you send him a u2u? While you're at it, send one out to KingLizard, too. Another smart feller.
I have a list of smart people. When you have no clue, you have to have smart friends.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 12:07 AM
I have also illuminated the Bat Signal for the Overlord to see. As soon as he can get into his tights, he'll be right over to help you, I'm sure.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by think2much
Thanks guys/gals

it's good to know who is around and willing. :-)


Though at least TC OPENLY admitted he had no clue and directed me in the right direction-thanks TC!

In the realm of computer knowledge, I rank toward the level of TC and Amuk.

Although, I am proud of the fact I could completely UN-install Norton from my computer...well, except for one strange file that crops up every now and then.

But, yeah the spirit is indeed willing to try and if unable, look for someone with more knowledge

Ummm, TC, weren't we supposed to keep quiet about that coup

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:43 AM
I can read the minds of the membership as more and more of the staff admits to having little to no computer knowledge, "Why in the world did Simon hire these morons?"

The answer is that he has a soft spot in his heart for lovable dolts, and most of us fit the description.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Allthe credit for anything good that I do goes totally to Parr. That is my rule. If I screw the pooch, I do that on my own and against her advice.

yes, screwing pooches is generally not advisable by anyone TC

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Did you send him a u2u? While you're at it, send one out to KingLizard, too. Another smart feller.

Ah Mr Mojo Rising-I haven't tried him yet but his avatar stuck with me for some dang reason the other night and I blew it off as naught...maybe it was a *sign*

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I have also illuminated the Bat Signal for the Overlord to see. As soon as he can get into his tights, he'll be right over to help you, I'm sure.


Ok, I do appreciate your help TC...and I do realize those tecnically inclined, and able have more pressing issues for their superhero-ness than my personal privacy on the site...but since it's MY privacy at stake I'm rather diligent about wanting to fix this problem and can not imgaine I am the ONLY one it affects.

but I understand the big guns aren't aimed at small targets and I'm trying to be patient! Honest!!!

[edit on 29-1-2006 by think2much]

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Originally posted by think2much
Thanks guys/gals

it's good to know who is around and willing. :-)


In the realm of computer knowledge, I rank toward the level of TC and Amuk.

Oh this is a sad commentary on the state of techincal help here!

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
But, yeah the spirit is indeed willing to try and if unable, look for someone with more knowledge

Seriously though, thanks.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I can read the minds of the membership as more and more of the staff admits to having little to no computer knowledge, "Why in the world did Simon hire these morons?"

The answer is that he has a soft spot in his heart for lovable dolts, and most of us fit the description.

What? You people get PAID?

OK, TC, I want 10% of your, everyone's pay until this is problem is's only fair!!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:44 PM
You got it. As a matter of fact, I'm going to send you my entire paycheck, since you've been so patient and I've been of no use in this matter.

You will see that I am overpaid!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:44 PM
...and make it retroactive to the date I hit gripe!

and pay me interest on the retroactive pay!

and you can deposit into my paypal account

or just pay me in points!

I get 10% of every mod and admins points! yeah, thats it!!!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:51 PM
Just a suggestion, but, you could try asking here :

He does say (then):

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
This feature is not yet functioning for logging out, so if you must log-out (on a public computer) you'll need to logout from each site until it's running (it should be working later tonight).

So maybe he got sidetracked/busy before it was done, or maybe it "broke".

Good question though.

[edit on 1/29/06 by redmage]

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by redmage
Just a suggestion, but, you could try asking here :

Thanks I checked the thread-a few people had some trouble getting logged on in all 3 sites, back in Oct/Nov but no mention of problems logging off mentioned...I'll just keep holding my breathe here until SO or someone can help me out rather than chasing him all over the boards-but thanks!!

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 07:30 AM
I also didn't know if I should mention this-if it would be helpful or not, but on very rare occassions when I logout of ATS, it *DOES* log me off of PTS/BTS


(Big but here)
(notice the one t-don't let your minds wander)

It has *ONLY* happened about 3 times since I first griped about this.

The first time I was like-hey it's fixed! But then when I came back with the intent on reporting it the next day-again the problem remained when I tested it...same when another time I didn't have to logout all 3 time when I wanted to report all was well...again it was NOT...

last night...1:15am EST I logout of ATS and lo and behold I was logged out of ATS/BTS/PTS again!!...WHOO-HOO!

This morning...I'm not...I Log out of ATS and I'm still logged in at PTS/BTS

Now I realize this makes it a more "intermittant" problem, but really it's few and far in between that it works to sign me out of all 3...very doesn't that imply it's not my computer/settings etc since I ahven't changed anything to make that occassional difference.

and I do realize the ability to sign in to all 3 is a HUGE accomplishment in itself, bringing much joy to the masses and I wouldn't have it reversed for anytihng, so know that I'm no ingrate that I do not have to sign in to each site since I do visit them all that said...

I'll wait patiently

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