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Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?

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posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 01:59 PM

This sounds to me like they were told they were going on a 10 year mission that they may never return from, that they'd have to lose their identity, etc., but it wasn't until just before they were originally scheduled to leave that they were told "OH! And by the way, the mission is 37 light years away!"

I would expect that to have been the case as well. And lets try to approach this in-keeping with the time at which it occured... In the 1950's, technology and communications are not what they are today. There was no email, no blackberries, no laptop computers, no cell phones, no internet... none of the stuff we take for granted today. Communication was done by telegram or other forms of tranmission with a constant concern about cold-war era spying by the soviets. Moreover, we didn't have much of a perception about the universe. It's very likely that we met visitors from space before any man ever left our own atmosphere. There was no precendent for "astronaut training" or a mission of this magnitude.

I have no doubt that compartmentalization and disinformation went hand in hand with secrecy and paranoia. There was a clear concern about the U.S. public losing sight of their paranoia over commies, in the event that they went into mass hysteria over aliens... and with the possibility that there were more than one race of aliens visiting the planet, each and every sighting came with a concern over a new threat.

Given these realities of life in the time period in which this whole thing is alleged to have occured, and the fact that the subject matter we're discussing is completely foreign to all of us, I think that the need to keep an open mind goes beyond being understanding and deferential... it means putting aside our preconceived notions about what alien life should be like, what technology we would have gleaned from them, etc.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone considered that we're talking about the possibility that a race exists that may be roughly 10,000 years more advanced than we are technologically?

What if we took an iPod back in time just, say, 200 years and handed it to Ben Franklin. How quickly would the scientists of his day have been able to reverse engineer technology from it? They didn't even have the tools to open one without breaking it. They didn't have a computer to hook it up to. They didn't have electron microscopes that would examine the mask-work on the microprocessors, and they wouldn't have had a clue about transistors.

Yet, some of us are debunking this story because we can't see the technological advancements in our own society that would confirm this story? Hey... we might have gotten tons of great stuff out of Roswell. But what if we don't have the scientific means to analyze it yet and don't even know what the stuff is used for? Two hundred years ago, no one knew anything about gallium or indium arsenide, let alone how to synthesize it into a form to create a microchip. I can only imagine just how humbling it would be for our scientists to encounter technology that's 500, 1000, or 5000 years ahead of us.... like pulling energy from a vacuum, it would seem like voodoo magic and the subject of sci-fi daydreams wouldn't it?

[edit on 2-12-2005 by Centrist]

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Centrist

I can only imagine just how humbling it would be for our scientists to encounter technology that's 500, 1000, or 5000 years ahead of us.... like pulling energy from a vacuum, it would seem like voodoo magic and the subject of sci-fi daydreams wouldn't it?

[edit on 2-12-2005 by Centrist]

There is some "law" based on technological advancements that says it is of exponential growth but of limited returns.

Meaning as you amass more and more knowledge, the steps inbetween each new breakthrough in technology become smaller and smaller. To the point of where you can hypothesis out to the next maybe 100 or even 500 years the next step in technology while currently being unable to produce it because of the lack of an intermediate step that has yet to be refined.

The ancient egyptians did not have computers, but possibly they had the basic idea of electricty. But since their civilization was one of stone and sand they had no need for major advancements in metal foundery. There is a few cases from anitquity where craftsmen had built complex solar clocks and calenders featuring precision movements and marvels of gearing.... but the society as a whole had no need for such things.

But until the dark ages and the age of men of steel and armor and heavy warfare did the craft of metalurgy become a necessity. Founderies were built to smet metal ore and refinements where made to make it harder or stronger and to hold an edge better. With each war and defeat new ideas new weapons a drive to have something superior and the quest for invinciabilty on the battelfield. And alloys were refined and mixtures of metals became the new advance in technology. And metal goods became more plentiful. And when the armor became too strong for a sword to penetrate new weapons had to be invented to overcome it, And then through a passage of Chinese lure, gunpowder became propellant for cannon projectiles and they were refined to be smaller and more manuverable.

we could have made a computer in the 1800's we had electricty, it took someone to create the need for a computer to be devised. They had light switches, they could turn power on and off, someone could have invented a timing device that clicked off and on at a given rate, maybe they could have even discovered the timing of a piece of quartz crystal that when energized provided a perfect ocilation that could be counted.

Someone could have created a simple electrical circuit where you connect so many "holes" on the vertical and so many "holes" on the horizantal axis with jumpers and the resulting multiplication of those two numbers could illuminate a set of light bulbs mounted on a board. Your first calculating machine. The inventory only need to know the result of connecting each number of jumpers on each axis and what the resulting light pattern should be displayed. A simple computer that would give a visual response to the input.

so jump forward to 200 years later, not only do we have 4Ghz cpu's and optical data transmissions we have placed robotic instruments on a far away planet and can drive them around at will and even receive pictures etc

We have lasers and radar and microwave devices, cell phones, data encryption, sonic weapons, electonic jamming, microwave jamming, wireless jamming. and on and on. So now that we have amassed all this information in all sorts of electrical bands and concepts like PDE or Solid Laser or like hyrdogen fuel cells. It is hard to have a giant breakthrough in technology. Advancements come from refinements of base concepts we already posses.

There is only a limited scope of ideas that we currently do not have a working concept for. Some defy our current understanding of the world and therefore block us from finding the solution because we have limited ourselves to what we think only works. Such as anti gravity. I know there is a solution out there its only a matter of time, but the concept is probably so simple that we already possese the tools to make it practical but lack the intermediate step to understanding the mechanics. It could be something as small as we think this ITEM needs to generate some force which is greater then the force of gravity with minimul input energy. When maybe it should be this ITEM needs to USE some force which IS equal to and generated from the force of gravity thereby only needing a small amount of input energy to influence the affect of this force on the ITEM.

We know what "gravitys" affects are but we do not have a clear understanding of what and how it actually operates on us. We can measure its effects but we can not quantify its "power". Its effects are so many lbs per SQ inch in a vector that is pointing to the center of the earth. But I can not feel the energy pushing me down, but if I try and jump up while I am standing on me feet, somehow my feet touch the ground again rather quickly. If however I had some device that deflected this force from acting on me I could jump into the air and continue to move up until such time as my input energy was deplated by my mass velocity and having no further input energy begin to slow down, but if it turned out that the force acting against me was also reduced the further I went up then conceiveably I could continue at the same rate unabbated until I reached the top of the atmosphere, where my lifeless body having no oxygen to sustain itself would float out into space.

like taking a North magnectic magnet and assuming that is gravity, and if my body is also north magnetic when I come close to it I am drawn towards it, however if I am a magnetic diapold device and I turn the current and become a south magnetic body when I come close to the north magnetic I am repelled. Like a mag Lev train. Keep the north and north together and switch the power on one to become a south and what happens

they seperate.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 03:12 PM
He's at it again!

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Who is "Falcon?!" I am reading from the actual debriefing documents. There is no mention of a "Falcon." There is no mention of a "Falcon" on the Briefing Control Access Roster. If you're referring to the 1989 TV special, "UFOs Coverup,... LIVE!" in which a "Falcon" and a "Condor" appeared in shadowed form, they never had accessto the actual "Project SERPO" Report.

Now he's directly confronting people. It shouldn't take long for this whole thing to fall apart... that's if it is a hoax.

Then again, what's he really refuting....

I would guess that whomever Falcon is was spreading DISinformation. Ebens lived on a warm planet, except the northern hemisphere, which was cooler. Some Ebens lived in the cooler climate, but the Ebens could not stand extreme cold.

but since neither of them can prove the other wrong, I get a sense that this may have been a carefully crafted point of contention between the two stories.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 03:41 PM

I wasn't sure where this should go so I posted it here. This has found it's way onto some UFO message boards, and is supposedly an exmaple of alien language. Could it be on the level? Can anyone here decipher it?

If this is ET Speak, then I really think that we, the people of earth, owe it to ourselves to find out what it means.

Some one said that it was ancient sanskrit, and though I can clearly make out the "OM", I'm almost sure that's untrue.

[edit on 2-12-2005 by GrandCourtJester]

[edit on 2-12-2005 by GrandCourtJester]

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 04:45 PM
looks to me like Anon is reading our board and modifying some things. How clever that now he has made the training rooster. Peculiar it is that we here the "TEAM" brought 6 lbs of C4 with them. You know on board a spacecraft whos mechanics and effects on material goods was highly unknown.

Funny how he mentions the use of the communicator and the extensive skills of the linguist team members, being able to comprehend quite a bit and the fact that the communicator was discarded shortly after they arrived because it only contained 500 english words..... humm

And how interesting that he now says human can reproduce the EBEN tones with practice but at times it was hard to remember the sequence of the tones and their meanings.....

Kind of like how we can communicate with dolphins with full understanding today by speaking with them in a series of clicks and tones......

Again apparently a response to a post on our board refering to the fact that humans were unable to reproduce the EBEN tone langauge.

Lets look at this trip again, you have 12 humans and an alien space craft whom which this is our first interaction with after we basically have held one of their own (EBE #1) hostage for a period of 5 years. And yet we sent them with 90,500 lbs of gear and supplies some of which included firearms with less rounds then a soliders daily load out in Iraq and 6 lbs of C4 explosives... Which Composition 4 was only developed around 1963 and I fit it would be okayed for space flight this early on in its development

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
Funny how he mentions the use of the communicator and the extensive skills of the linguist team members, being able to comprehend quite a bit and the fact that the communicator was discarded shortly after they arrived because it only contained 500 english words..... humm

I agree. The first post stated...

Somehow, I never knew this information, but a meeting date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo New Mexico. The Aliens landed and retrieved the bodies of their dead comrades. Information was exchanged. Communication was in English. The aliens had a translation device.

Infomation was exchanged. Hard to do with only 500 words.

"The aliens had a translation device." Not a "limited" translator or anything.

You are correct about the invention of C4 in the early 60's. So they:

1) go on an unknown craft
2) to an unknown place
3) to face unknown danger and unknown diseases (no mention of precautions, space suits, oxygen, etc, etc... How do you communicate the needs of humans to the 10 year babysitters across the galaxy in 500 words?)
4) with marginally trained people (linguists that didn't know the language)
5) and you take an explosive that was fairly new.

The C-3 explosive was very effective, but proved to be too brittle in cold weather. So then you take the next gen version and just go to space for 10 years?

Thank god Windows was not invented then. Can you imagine if you're across the galaxy and get the dreaded blue screen of death? Lame.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 05:16 PM
Nice recap there, I just started laughing at how insane this whole story is.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
Nice recap there, I just started laughing at how insane this whole story is.

Well insane when told or written secondhand to someone. You'd think Anonymous would just release a 1000 or so pages of this "proof" instead and then educate the world?

I don't think its about education though...wag the dog and all that.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 05:24 PM
you about summed it up Zed, you'd think we'd be alot more interested in destroying the aliens or setting up a Mcdonalds on their home planet

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 05:29 PM
You know the strangest part of this whole thing, not to get off topic, but that us "humans" really did come from somewhere else.

we never evolved from the resident "human type" species that was originally on this planet.

And thats the funny part of this whole thing about "aliens". When all along we have always shared a sense of lineage with them....

Who, what, where, when we came here I have no idea. I just know that we are not "earthly" in origin, but rather originated somewhere else "out there".

Why, no clue

By whom, no clue

By what means, as in full human form or by genetic manipulation of the current species, I am going to go with a non-genetic manipulation, a sort of already complete human entity or entities.

Will our "blood line" ever return for us.... who knows, maybe or maybe never.

For what purpose, maybe only for the sole reason to keep another type of species from taking hold on the planet a species more war like and less civil than "mankind" if that could be even possible considering how inhuman man is sometimes.....

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 05:36 PM

You'd think Anonymous would just release a 1000 or so pages of this "proof" instead and then educate the world?

Given that this person speaks of being in possession of books with all this knowledge in them, the only way this will ever be adequately resolved is by releasing the actual books. Copies will not do, that would be like the MJ-12 papers all over again. I don't think it's the facts that will necessary box this person into a corner -- facts are too easily created so as to be unprovable. What will eventually prove this to be a hoax are the references to having access to certain sources which he'll never produce.

For example,

ANONYMOUS: If one reads the "Yellow Book" [the true and correct history of Mankind as relayed by the ETEs] and reads between the lines, one would come away with the thought and clear impression that the Ebens had something to do with Jesus Christ or, possibly, Jesus was one of them.

He'll need to produce this "yellow book" in order to back this up, in addition to the debriefing manual he claims to have in his possession.

Then there's the co-conspirator issue,

My colleagues and I are discussing several different options regarding the release of this information. First, we must obtain proper sanction from past officials. The group called MJ-12 – which wasn't really the group that controlled the information – but for the sake of clarity, we'll just call them "MJ-12." The actual name of the group who controlled, managed and oversaw the Serpo project was called ____ ____.

We're not dealing with an individual here (supposedly)... we're dealing with an organized group that purports to be trying to actually effect our long awaited disclosure!

Then further,

The "DIM" was the Duty Information Manual. It was their "bible," for all of the information they would need. The operations plans, how to excute the plans, emergency action procedures, etc. [The meaning of the "DIM" was supplied by another person, not Anonymous, who had detailed knowledge of the project.]

so we have another person with detailed knowledge of the project contributing in addition to "Anonymous". We're probably going to start needing a scorecard soon... I can sense that we're in for quite a show.

I, for one, will enjoy the show
I'll be in the third row, wearing hip-boots (just in case).

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 06:40 PM
WOW. That is a wonderful story. Let us hope it's more than a story, however. It seems like every couple of months a HUGE ET story comes up like this one. I remember back in June/July when that "Prophet Yahwah" crap dilluted our minds. Everyone was all giddy about that and everyone will be all giddy about this. Someday hopefully one of these "breaking stories" will turn out to be true, not some well-thought out hoax.

If this is true, however, wouldn't the government have shut it down by now? Or does the government have a hand in it?

I don't know, i'm no scientific genius so i can't debate most of this stuff. But it doesn't sound INSANELY outrageous to me.

posted on Dec, 2 2005 @ 11:51 PM
Did anybody post on this? If so, I missed it and apologies for the redundancy.

The Serpo File by Whitley Strieber

I recently had a startling experience when something called "Project Serpo" began to be referenced on the Internet. This material involves the claim that the US sent a group of ambassadors to another planet in the sixties, a story that supposedly inspired the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

In 1988 or 1989, I was at a UFO convention when an elderly man came up to me and said, "I was an ambassador to another planet." I tried to get away, naturally, but he said that he could prove it. He then leaned toward me and seemed to touch my forehead with his lips. As he did this, I heard a voice in my head say, "Serpico." I took this to be the name of a policeman who had been a famous whistle blower in New York. I said, "What does Serpico have to do with it?"

The man laughed and walked away. Frankly, I assumed that he was some sort of ventriloquist and a nut. I forgot about him. So you can imagine my surprise when, a few days ago, a friend brought my attention to a website about alleged ambassadors to another planet, and the information that this program was called "Project Serpo." Was the old man one of these ambassadors, and was the word he said, "Serpo," not "Serpico?" Linda Howe and I both have some information about this, and we will lead off this week's Dreamland by telling what we know. (You will see some references to Linda's material on the Serpo website.)

You can click below to go on this site. I'd love to hear your comments about it, and whether or not you think it's fiction. Personally, I'm divided. Obviously, the connection to the "Serpico" encounter was strange. But ambassadors to another world? Also just a little strange!

Some of you will have information about other worlds from your own memory. How does it relate to the description on the Serpo site? You can write me at [email protected]. Also, if you're a member of our message boards, you're likely to find more information appearing there as well.

found it here.

One of the more interesting things I've read while looking into things on this is that Linda Moulton Howe had a set of interviews in the 1990's which discussed the Ebens and the exchange program. I would be very curious to hear what she has to say about all of this.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
One of the more interesting things I've read while looking into things on this is that Linda Moulton Howe had a set of interviews in the 1990's which discussed the Ebens and the exchange program. I would be very curious to hear what she has to say about all of this.

That's another interesting find. If your not familiar with Linda Howe, here is a little info on her. She is pretty well known in UFO circles and has dabbled in just about everything. She also worked with the SciFi Channel and was involved in a lawsuit against NASA about releasing documents on the Kecksburg UFO crash. I tried to email her regarding the outcome, but never got a reply.

She has her own website also.

And as you can see, she is into a lot of stuff including weather and bird flu. But nothing there on Ebens.

I think you two would get along famously.

I am reminded by this story of the supposed alien landing at Holloman AFB , which was rumored to be the inspiration to the movie "Close Encounters". An exchange was supposed to have taken place, but there was never any solid evidence. I get the feeling this story has the feel of a "Cosmic Journey" type release of info. The story sounds credible, but nothing can be substantiated and some disinfo mixed in. I think Gazrok would be a good resource to consult with on this. Where is he anyways? I would think he would be all over this.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 03:11 AM

And as you can see, she is into a lot of stuff including weather and bird flu. But nothing there on Ebens.

Listen to the Podcast at Whitley Streiber's webpage ( between Linda and Whitley:

First, Linda Howe and Whitley Strieber discuss Project Serpo, the story that has surfaced about possible human ambassadors to another planet

A funny that happens to me suddenly just now as I'm googling around was this "403 Forbidden" Google message

as if "they" are trying to prevent me from "sniffing" further? (or is this real paranoia ('
') I just run a scan and no "virus / adware etc" was found.

This is also an interesting "entry" that I found - somewhat related :


posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by jgbjgbA funny that happens to me suddenly just now as I'm googling around was this "403 Forbidden" Google message as if "they" are trying to prevent me from "sniffing" further? (or is this real paranoia ('
') I just run a scan and no "virus / adware etc" was found.

I have seen that page sometimes when I conect through a proxy, and you only have to type the characters that appear on the image to continue.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Smells like hoax.

Not to mention, the laughable claim that physics would be different in another solar system really hurts the overall credibility.

How on Earth could you possibly know or understand how physics would operate in another solar system, if you are going to go on a website like this you need to open your mind to different possibilities.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:23 AM
I agree jagzz, I'm not a physicist but it sounds logical to me that in another solar system with multiple stars, a different number of planets and different sized planets that the laws would be a little different due to the difference in gravitational pulls. Any physicists out there please correct me if I am wrong, I 'm just theorizing.

As for this site, as fantastic as some of the claims are, and as much as I WANT to believe, I am going to remain very skeptical.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by jagzz

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Smells like hoax.

Not to mention, the laughable claim that physics would be different in another solar system really hurts the overall credibility.

How on Earth could you possibly know or understand how physics would operate in another solar system, if you are going to go on a website like this you need to open your mind to different possibilities.

Well, let's straighten out our verbage here so that we don't get in a cat-fight simply on mis-speaks.

PHYSICS is going to operate in all places the same or the PHYSICS was wrong in the first place. So, it doesn't matter if the solar system has 14 suns, PHYSICS will still apply.

How much a given physical model can be reduced is what is in question here. Kepler's Law is a specialized, simplified reduction of Newton's Laws for a single central attractor acting on an orbiting body. The only argument here is that when you throw two central attractors within the model you must step back to the more general Newtonian laws, and not try to apply the simplified situation of Kepler's Law.

BUT, the PHYSICS still remain the same.

posted on Dec, 3 2005 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by jagzz

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Smells like hoax.

Not to mention, the laughable claim that physics would be different in another solar system really hurts the overall credibility.

if you are going to go on a website like this you need to open your mind to different possibilities.

Jagg... While I have no problem with your questioning S.O.'s assertion what so ever, but you may want to see who you are instructing about "going on websites like this"


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