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Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?

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posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I was a beleiver, but i want the pictures by this Friday. If they are not there i will just assume they dont exist and this whole thing is a hoax.


The graphic designer is still doing the final touch ups on them.. be patient

haha just kidding. Seriously though I want to see these pictures also.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 02:46 PM

Bill Ryan joins the discussion

Cool! It will be very nice to have Bill here to answer any comments or concerns. Remember, he's waiting just like the rest of us.

I had to edit this, since I got slapped on the wrist for my 1 word response of "cool". I hope this makes up for it. But I lost 20 token points.....huh?

[edit on 15-12-2005 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:10 PM
awsome i wonder what he has to say, man this thread is just getting better and better.

PS. when was it anounced that people will start going into space by comercial companies....vergin

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:21 PM
Thats good news should be interesting!

ATS Guy think it was announced over the last 12 months or so there planning on starting commercial flights around 2010 this is just from memory so I could be out slightly you could always check Virgins website think its summat like

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:27 PM
Hi, Everyone -

This is the real Bill Ryan here - webmaster of the Serpo website. Just joined the forum, and clearly need to spend a couple of hours reading everything that's been written. Happy to help if I can.

I've only just skimmed the postings and no doubt have missed a LOT. But to clarify one or two things, and in no special order ('s fascinating to me how come some things can get distorted so quickly!):

1) No connection with Burisch. (I hear that Burisch is actually a Serpo skeptic.)

2) The Zimbabwean guy in North Wales is a web designer friend who supplied me with the contact form, and is entirely unconnected with any of this.

3) The company in whose name the site is registered is one where I used to work and it was just convenient, as I already had the passwords etc set up - again, no connection (I didn't really want to give my personal home address!).

4) The AF Lt Col, assigned to the Pentagon, who reported the shocked "Yes, all real" reaction of his friend, the AF Col (33 yrs Intel, retired), is solid and reliable, and checks out. I'd been in correspondence with him before - he's straight as a die. We know the name of his retired friend, too, and he also checks out. Needless to say both names are held in confidence. Interestingly, my correspondent has now gone to ground and is no longer responding to messages, although I have his real name and e-mail address.

5) The text on the "Information posted by Anonymous" page is almost exactly copied from Victor Martinez's posts to his private e-mail list, with only extremely minor editing (almost none at all - typos are left uncorrected). Martinez "cuts and pastes" and edits Anonymous's original messages extensively. I've never seen any of the originals. It's possible that errors and distortions have crept in - innocently and inadvertently - through this procedure. Martinez admits he is not a scientist; he is trained in journalism and PR. (This may have been one reason why he was "chosen", of course. But he also may have been picked as the conduit for all this because his list contains just about ALL the major names in UFOlogy - an impressive 'Who's Who' of the field.)

6) I can vouch for Martinez's personal sincerity and integrity.

7) I don't know who Anonymous is (and remember, according to Martinez there are three of them - 85%, 13% and 2%).

8) I'm just as curious and intrigued about this as anyone else is and my only agenda is to get to the truth... whatever it is. I'm trained in math and physics and it's obvious that some of the material needs clarification (or additional data). My personal role is as honest messenger. I have some hypotheses (several) and am collecting data meticulously. I have no idea when the next posting will be, or when and if the promised images will appear. (My hunch is just before Christmas if they appear at all, but maybe they won't show. Let's be patient and see.)

9) To get to the truth, we can benefit from help. If anyone has anything to report or share in confidence, I can be contacted 100% anonymously via the contact form - no name or e-mail address needed. (But an e-mail address will enable a possible valuable dialogue, of course.) I can also be contacted through regular e-mail at [email protected], and welcome communication from anyone.

More later from me, I'm sure - but I'm travelling quite a bit and am also swamped with messages, so I ask all please to be patient. Everything is read carefully, even if I can't immediately reply.

Best wishes to all - Bill

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:39 PM
Welcome to ATS, Bill, and thanks for taking time to join us.

One thing I would like to know is how did the posts from Anonymous start? Was he discovered on a discussion board, or e-mail stream? Or did he initiate contact with Victor directly?

Is he someone who has been in contact with Victor for a while? Or are these the only posts he has ever made?

Thanks for your reply.

[edit on 12/15/2005 by Hal9000]

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Bill Ryan

3) The company in whose name the site is registered is one where I used to work and it was just convenient, as I already had the passwords etc set up - again, no connection (I didn't really want to give my personal home address!).

Do you mean or ?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 03:58 PM
Its a great site lol....

Anyway....My question to you is....
Even though you say you are a messenger, do you believe this?, is this partial disclosure?if so whats your opinions on where this will lead now?

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:22 PM
ok my mix up the Doty/ Ryan comment about who was responsiple for setting up the website.

Honestly after reading the stargate forum and PhysiOrg forum. I have some a few thoughts that there are quite a few people going around saying they are someone they are not

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:24 PM
Hey Bill,

Thanks for joining ATS. It’s nice to have someone who is more in the loop to chat with about this…

My big question for you (and I think a lot of folks have the same question) is Why?

Why web master a site like that when you have absolutely no idea whatsoever what it is, where it came from or where it’s going?

Why not just wait until you have the whole story from your Anonymous sources before posting anything?

How does releasing unverifiable information like this help anybody anywhere with anything?

In short, Why are You doing this in this way?

rock on

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:35 PM
Bill, welcome to ATS.

I hope you find the tone and meter of the conversations here easy enough to follow. You'll be scrutinized at every corner and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Once again, welcome and have fun.


posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:39 PM
Welcome to ATS, Bill. I look forward to learning more details on what's going on with this very confusing, strange, yet captivating series of communications.

Thanks for coming over to talk with us.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 04:49 PM

ok my mix up the Doty/ Ryan comment about who was responsiple for setting up the website.

You were on a roll, we didn't want to interrupt

This is the real Bill Ryan here - webmaster of the Serpo website. Just joined the forum, and clearly need to spend a couple of hours reading everything that's been written. Happy to help if I can.

Welcome Bill! I know everyone here is excited to you have participate in the discussion. We appreciate your time and effort in this "event".

First, who approached you about being part of this project? What were you told as to what was going to transpire?

Second, Has anyone told you what their intended timeline for "disclosure" will be (not when the pictures are coming out -- but from the grand-scale) are we looking at months, years, etc?

Third, are you aware if anyone responsible for the release of this information is employed by the federal government (the executive branch, in particular) or the military? If, for any reason, you cannot or choose not to answer this, we will not draw any inferences from that.

Fourth, if the answer to #3 is no, are you aware of whether any current members of the executive branch of government are aware of the disclosure? Are they in favor of it?

Fifth, do you personally have verification of whether Anonymous or his colleagues are in possession of the "red book". If not, what is so compelling about this story that you are willing to associate yourself and your reputation to it?

Sixth, what reasons could you provide as to why disclosure would take place at the present time?

Last, but not least.... what doubts do you have about all of this? Unless they've paraded a living, breathing eben in front of you, I'm sure that you have at least some doubt. What might those doubts stem from?

Ok... I lied. I have one more question

Please tell us something that makes us believe the following statement is more likely to be false than true:

Hypothetical: Dan Burisch is claiming that he is beginning disclosure of the truth to the world. Dan is telling the truth; but Richard Doty, still working as a disinformation agent of the government, is assisting in the implementation of Project Serpo. Project Serpo which was never a mission to Zeta Reticuli, but is a plan to obfuscate Dan Burisch's truthful disclosure by making it appears false in view of Serpo -- a disinformation campaign under the guise of "official" disclosure.

thanks for your time and effort!

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:30 PM
See this article from the American Chronicle discussing project Serpo. Interestingly, stories such as this are making their way into mainstream news on a more regular basis. At the same time, the mainstream news is starting to back-off from its approach of treating stories of this nature as "fringe" oddities perpetuated by crackpots.

Are we losing our crackpot status?

If there was some truth to it, how would Americans and the rest of humankind react? Would we have open minds and hearts toward friendly visitors? Would we be afraid? Would we feel intimidated if they had more advanced technology and knowledge? Would we hate them because they look different and have different beliefs?

Undoubtedly, it would add more complexity to our view of things. Not only do we have trouble getting along with other countries and other people who are different, now we would really need to be tolerant and open-minded. And, are their other kinds of "visitors" who are not quite so friendly, or even dangerous in some way?

This could explain why our government officials might have thought it wise to keep information like this from the general public.

Oh my! A mainstream news source actually looking at disclosure from a realistic perspective?

I don't care what they say or how they treat us! I'm keeping my foil hat.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:38 PM
Fascinating having you here, Bill.

As you can tell, we are all waiting for the latest developments and cant wait for the pictures!!!

Now that you are here, i doubt if you'll ever leave!!!

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 09:55 PM
I'm new here and joined just to follow this string - can't believe all I've missed!

Centrist - you are by far the most articulate individual I've ever had the privilege of associating with - albeit via this forum!

Mr. Ryan - WELCOME!!! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for your answers to Centrist's questions!

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:10 PM
someone give me the true lowdown on this dan burisch..whats he about???

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:11 PM
At least this is more legit then something dealing with lizard's and nords. Too me this has way more "true" ring to it then most anyhting I've ever heard. It ties up a lot of loose ends.

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:19 PM
Alpha- go to you can find info on him there. also google search turns up quite a bit too. I found different spellings for his last name as well. His academic creds are shady. The Dr. designation seems to be in doubt. Walk carefully

posted on Dec, 15 2005 @ 10:23 PM
Guys, thanks for the warm welcome. I'll tackle your questions one by one. Do prompt me if I've omitted anything... nothing will be intentionally skipped.

1) One thing I would like to know is how did the posts from Anonymous start? Was he discovered on a discussion board, or e-mail stream? Or did he initiate contact with Victor directly?

The latter. It seems Anonymous was a member of Victor Martinez's list before he began posting, and presumably watched and listened for a while before he sent his first message - to Victor. Many of the e-mail addresses are obvious (e.g. [email protected] and the like), but many are just combinations of meaningless digits and letters and we presume it's one of those. Victor knows his e-mail address, of course, but I have no idea what it is.

2) Do you mean or ? I'd never heard of - I took a look, but there appears to be nothing there. I imagine someone's just registered the name.

3) Even though you say you are a messenger, do you believe this? Is this partial disclosure? If so what's your opinions on where this will lead now?

I don't believe it's all bogus. Yes, I suspect right now this is partial disclosure... at least. But some of the information - as any member of this forum will agree - prompts further questions, which have not yet been answered.

Where's it going now? I think it depends on the photos: no photos (their having been promised) means bad news for credibility, as the claims will be shot down by skeptics... with good reason. If the photos appear and seem credible, then we're into a different arena of debate. (When may they appear? Who knows... I have no inside info.)

4) My big question for you (and I think a lot of folks have the same question) is Why? Why web master a site like that when you have absolutely no idea whatsoever what it is, where it came from or where it's going? Why not just wait until you have the whole story from your Anonymous sources before posting anything? How does releasing unverifiable information like this help anybody anywhere with anything? In short, Why are You doing this in this way?

I wanted to help. I was intrigued by the claims and was happy to operate as an honest messenger. No-one asked me to do it - a website seemed to be needed, so I created one. A wider debate was needed, and I felt more people needed to know.

If this is all cleverly choreographed and I'm doing precisely what someone wants me to do, I have no objection to that... especially if it leads to full disclosure later. I'm not wedded to a fixed position and for me the examination of the claims is a matter of intellectual integrity. Let's look at this together and see what we can figure out between us.

The information was coming out in stages and was generating a huge amount of debate on Victor's list, as may be imagined. If it was all going to be released in a known (short) timeframe, there'd have been a good reason to hang fire. But it seemed to be ongoing; even now we don't know if it's all dried up, or whether it'll go on for weeks or months. We wait and see.

Unverifiable information is still data... it can correlate with other known events/ claims, and its publication can prompt further sources to come forward (which has happened). Besides, we wouldn't be having this conversation now... and who knows where that may lead?

5) First, who approached you about being part of this project? What were you told as to what was going to transpire?

No-one approached me (see above), and I had no idea what would happen. I still don't!

6) Second, has anyone told you what their intended timeline for "disclosure" will be (not when the pictures are coming out -- but from the grand-scale) are we looking at months, years, etc?

No - see above. It could be days, weeks or months.

7) Third, are you aware if anyone responsible for the release of this information is employed by the federal government (the executive branch, in particular) or the military? If, for any reason, you cannot or choose not to answer this, we will not draw any inferences from that.

We know that Anonymous is operating on behalf of a group of six personnel from the DIA, three retired and three still currently employed.

8) Fourth, if the answer to #3 is no, are you aware of whether any current members of the executive branch of government are aware of the disclosure? Are they in favor of it?

I'd imagine there are different factions - and levels of awareness/ knowledge. We do know we've “pushed some buttons” in Washington, and this has come from at least two sources. That alone motivates me to continue.

9) Fifth, do you personally have verification of whether Anonymous or his colleagues are in possession of the "red book"? If not, what is so compelling about this story that you are willing to associate yourself and your reputation to it?

We're told they have as their source of information a 3,000 page highly classified report. It's not clear whether they currently have direct access to this, or whether this is (at the other extreme) their best recall of a document viewed over 25 years ago. (The latter could of course account for the lack of sharp facts in the accounts. There are a number of hypotheses as to how the information reaches the e-mails Victor receives.)

What is so compelling for me is that it just may be true. As I explain on the home page of the Serpo site, only if Anonymous is a prankster and all the information is false should everything be rejected. Any other combination of circumstances means all the data should be examined very carefully. And there's a LOT of data to align. It's a complex logic puzzle, and we don't have all the pieces yet.

Re my reputation, I have no fixed position and I have no problem being “wrong” - because I'm not trying to be right about anything. I'm seeking to facilitate all of us looking at this data together to see what may be happening. If it's all false, we all get to have enjoyed the ride, and look forward to the next one. If it's true and verified, it'll change the human race. Risk worth taking? My values and principles say yes, absolutely.

10) What reasons could you provide as to why disclosure would take place at the present time?

Good question. My best guess is that this is the time when a number of key “insider” personnel in the 1960s and 70s are reaching their twilight years and are examining their consciences. It would only take a small proportion of those to get together and take a stand for the truth, so that they can meet their Maker with their heads held high.

11) Last, but not least.... what doubts do you have about all of this? Unless they've paraded a living, breathing Eben in front of you, I'm sure that you have at least some doubt. What might those doubts stem from?

My main concern is about the photos. If, having been promised, they never show, we may as well pack up and go home (whether the claims are true or not!). If they manifest, then there's no immediate problem if they seem credible, and the stakes are raised. If they're poor quality (or, worse, could be easily lampooned), then we may have a new problem.

12) Please tell us something that makes us believe the following statement is more likely to be false than true:

Hypothetical: Dan Burisch is claiming that he is beginning disclosure of the truth to the world. Dan is telling the truth; but Richard Doty, still working as a disinformation agent of the government, is assisting in the implementation of Project Serpo. Project Serpo which was never a mission to Zeta Reticuli, but is a plan to obfuscate Dan Burisch's truthful disclosure by making it appears false in view of Serpo -- a disinformation campaign under the guise of "official" disclosure.

OK, that's easy. Anonymous has never mentioned Burisch. If this was all an anti-Burisch ploy, I'd have imagined that by now Anonymous would have made a statement (as he did about the Santilli film, quite strongly... as you may have seen). Victor is himself an ardent Burisch detractor, so he would have been sure to include any hint of anti-Burisch sentiment from Anonymous. But it's all been squeaky clean.

Many thanks, and do keep the questions coming if I can be of any help.

Best wishes to all,


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