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Shuttle Atlantis STS 37 - 1991 ( UFO Video )

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posted on Nov, 22 2005 @ 11:22 PM
video of a Spherical UFO passing the space shuttle Discovery
This is a video I found tonight I would like to share. I know this is old but I done a search here and could not find anything on this. Do any of you know if this is real footage or not? If real this is another Nasa clip hard to explain. Still thought it was interesting. What do you think?There are too many Nasa Film clips out there of unexplained objects to come up with logical explanations for all.

Mods: if this has been disscussed please move. If not enjoy.

Sorry about wrong link first time. On the above link just click play video at top of page.

[edit on 22-11-2005 by Harry55]

[edit on 22-11-2005 by Harry55]

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 06:34 AM
I think thats one of the genuine nasa videos that they may of tried to debunk as ice particles can't remember exactly as my laptop can't seem to play the footage.


posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 06:58 AM
Not that it is much about this incident, but I saw somewhere a UFO had taken exactly the same path as Columbia 15 minutes before the shuttle went along that path.. And it was on the day Coumbia was lost as well.

I can't seem to remember that mission number though. It could be helpful.

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 09:05 AM

This video shows a genuine spherical ufo in my opinion.
Here is a recent thread about this footage :

posted on Nov, 23 2005 @ 04:09 PM
You know this has been 15 years since this was filmed and yes I do believe this is actually a ufo filmed by Nasa. Sometimes I think they feel we can not see past our nose. This has happened too many times to say its something differant going on up there. Why are they up there? I do not know. What is the reason they are there? Who knows? I do not. The fact is as far as I am concerned something is happening that most of us are unaware of. Can I prove it? No. All I can do is find and show everyone every bit of evidence possible and let each make thier own conclusion.

Thanks for the replies and to those that do believe and thanks to those that take time to consider. Maybe someday the truth will be there. Also thanks to the folks that keep finding and making available video like this to help us make our case. Harry

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