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Iran purges more reformers.

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posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 07:07 PM

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's government announced Wednesday that 40 ambassadors and senior diplomats, including supporters of warmer ties with the West, will be fired, continuing a purge of reformers as the regime takes an increasingly tough stance at home and abroad.

The diplomatic changes are part of a government shake-up by ultraconservative President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that includes putting Islamic hard-liners in key posts at security agencies. Some Iranians worry the president will bring back strict social policies.

Ahmadinejad has steered the Persian state into a more confrontational stance in its dealings with other nations, particularly in facing suspicions about whether Iran's nuclear program is illicitly trying to develop nuclear weapons, a charge the regime denies.

The president also raised a storm of international criticism last week by calling for Israel to be "wiped off the map."

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced the diplomatic shuffle to parliament. He said that "the missions of more than 40 ambassadors and heads of Iranian diplomatic missions abroad will expire by the end of the year," which is March 20 under the Iranian calendar.

Since winning election in June to succeed reformist President Mohammad Khatami, Ahmadinejad has taken a harder line in negotiations with the European Union over Iran's nuclear program.

looks like we got ourselves a problem here. wonder wats he goin to do next after the purge. dis is probably the beginning of a war between Israel and Iran with the U.S. in the middle.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 07:38 PM
The wrighting is on the wall here.

It is clear Iran does not want to get along with anyone.

Their leadership publically calls for the destruction of other nations.
They refuse to curb their nuclear ambitions.
They don't allow moderates who want to get along with the world in office.

Iran is a problem, and needs to be fixed.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 07:53 PM
As my signature says, we *WILL* attack Iran before the next Presidential election.

And with the situation in Syria (involving the Lebanon fiasco), the middle east is just afew years away from completely falling apart.

I doubt Isreal is going to sit on its hand the way the US did with Iraq between Gulf Wars (otherwise known as WWII 1/2).

With the US economy continuing down the toilet and the Bush administration in more trouble by the month (LeakGate), we have ourselves a real situation here.

Im even changing jobs to a career that would thrive in a stale economy (sorry about being vague about it but I dont want to get into baited-spam issues).

Get ready everyone. I wouldnt want to be a young man right now (draft). I know a 15 year old and 13 year old males who may never see a day of peace during their teen years. Thats unbelievable in the US.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 08:01 PM
Some people are just determined no matter what the evidence.

They "refuse to curb their nuclear ambitions"!?

Jayzuss if ever there were a more ridiculous phrase to use.
No actual evidence of any weapons program or anything but just keep repeating the mantra.

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 08:08 PM

No actual evidence of any weapons program or anything but just keep repeating the mantra.

If we wish hard enough it might come true!

Iran shifts to the right. Woo. Still not really a sign of the coming apocalypse.

To play devils advocate a little you could argue that the US is undergoing a similar transition, replacing relatively liberal UN ambasadors, world bank presidents and and (possibly) supreme court judges with conservative oddballs.

Can anyone tell me why a conservative administration in Iran appointing conservative ministers is actually a problem? Or why it means that war is inevitable? What is it that makes Iran so damn crazy that there likely to behave in a totally different manner to every other nation in the world?

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by sminkeypinkey
Some people are just determined no matter what the evidence.

They "refuse to curb their nuclear ambitions"!?

Jayzuss if ever there were a more ridiculous phrase to use.
No actual evidence of any weapons program or anything but just keep repeating the mantra.

What is rediculous about it Sminkey?

They have thus far REFUSED to stop their nuclear program. Did I specify civilian or military? No!

posted on Nov, 2 2005 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Can anyone tell me why a conservative administration in Iran appointing conservative ministers is actually a problem? Or why it means that war is inevitable? What is it that makes Iran so damn crazy that there likely to behave in a totally different manner to every other nation in the world?

As far as I know, they are the only nation in the world who's leader openly calls for the complete destruction of other countries.

THAT is what the problem is.

If they weren't so G-damn agressive, and talk so much about killing every eFing person, there wouldn't be such a problem.

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