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Haunebus and Vrils

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posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 06:57 PM
Vril 6

both pre WW2.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 08:02 AM
Nice pics, I remember seeing these. I'm sure someone will post the blueprint schematics, etc. we've seen too. Only thing is, these are likely forced perspective photos. (using a smaller object in the foreground but making it appear larger).

But, its an interesting what if? The Allies could have captured prototypes, etc. But one has to ask, if the Germans developed antigravity, and could make these things fly, wouldn't they have USED them in recorded encounters? Wouldn't the Allies (now over half a century later) have developed their own by now, and be commonplace? Those questions seem to point to it being a hoax.


posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Well, according to Issac Asimov, the first world nation to harness flying saucer technology, and be able to utilize it within a war scenario would dominate the planet. This was evidenced by Germany in WW2, which was on the brink of taking over the planet until the bombing of Dresden. Both of these craft that I have posted look fully functional, as they are stationmed on air force bases. When a design such as that is contrived, it wouldn't be shared with the rest of the world, and would be kept in secret. In fact the design was so far ahead of it's time, that the controlled domain society that we live in today has still not caught up with the existance of the technology, as is not able to be released to the public, for fear that countries like China, South Korea and Iraq would harness it, strap a nuke to it, and turn the west into a pile of ash. Not sure what prototypes you are reffering to or who the allies are, but in any regard a look at ufo pictures through ages, shows evolution, similar to that of military aircraft and even automobiles. A capalist society could not function if 25% of its occupants were using these vessels as transportation items. Were headed toward globalism at a slow but steady pace, so don't expect these to released to the public in your lifetime.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 08:57 AM
The first photo looks like it could be a building.

Perhaps an early VOR navigational aid.

Second photo is quite interesting.

Thanks for posting.

Here's a site with a photo of an early VOR building.
Not quite like the above photo, but there are similarities.

Go here:

Here's a photo of an Australian VOR.
Interesting that they use a square building, but have the typical round roof.

Go here:

The VOR's I've seen in the US have round buildings and a round roof.

(Edited to add VOR sites.)

[edit on 19-9-2005 by Desert Dawg]

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Nice pics, I remember seeing these. I'm sure someone will post the blueprint schematics, etc. we've seen too. Only thing is, these are likely forced perspective photos. (using a smaller object in the foreground but making it appear larger).

But, its an interesting what if? The Allies could have captured prototypes, etc. But one has to ask, if the Germans developed antigravity, and could make these things fly, wouldn't they have USED them in recorded encounters? Wouldn't the Allies (now over half a century later) have developed their own by now, and be commonplace? Those questions seem to point to it being a hoax.

A series of well poised questions
Now the trick would be to find the answers. I have another one to put up here with yours: During the WWII, why were the Germans so facinated with the Antartic region?. If I recall, did they not show very much intrest in the area? I know they were working very hard on the antigravity issue but why or better yet, what was their keen intrest in such an inhospitable region? Does anyone think that they may have found something down there that could or would make their antigravity program work? There are quite a few questions I have about their intrest in the antigravity/Antartic area but has fell on a cold trail.

[edit on 19-9-2005 by FLYIN HIGH]

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
But one has to ask, if the Germans developed antigravity, and could make these things fly, wouldn't they have USED them in recorded encounters? Wouldn't the Allies (now over half a century later) have developed their own by now, and be commonplace? Those questions seem to point to it being a hoax.

I have to agree with Gazrok's arguments here. There is simply no evidence that the Nazis possessed the kind of offensive weapons technology that this site claims they had access to. From the site:

Haunebu gun.

Detail of the Haunebu's gun. The NAZIs tried several methods of mounting guns on their saucers, but the guns made the saucers very unstable. So they ended by giving up on that idea and later used what was called a "PHASER" weapon, which stands for "Phased Energy Rectifier", a weapon that put out a single shaft of concentrated phasic energy that could tore through armor.

Now surely if the Nazis had had access to this kind of energy weapon, they would have used it against the Allied pilots? Since there were no accounts, to my knowledge, of Allied pilots encountering such weapons, it is reasonable to conclude that they did not exist.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
From the site:

Haunebu gun.

Detail of the Haunebu's gun. The NAZIs tried several methods of mounting guns on their saucers, but the guns made the saucers very unstable. So they ended by giving up on that idea and later used what was called a "PHASER" weapon, which stands for "Phased Energy Rectifier", a weapon that put out a single shaft of concentrated phasic energy that could tore through armor.

Now surely if the Nazis had had access to this kind of energy weapon, they would have used it against the Allied pilots? Since there were no accounts, to my knowledge, of Allied pilots encountering such weapons, it is reasonable to conclude that they did not exist.

If they had them and they didn't work on flying saucers and they were so very effective, then they would have mounted the things on tanks and we'd have seen phaserbolts all over the battlefields of Europe. Or they would have mounted them on rail cars (as they did Big Bertha) or caissons and used them as cannon against troops and equpiment.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 07:03 PM
Hello ,
Of Course we Germans build Flying Soucer in Thuringia , the Underground is still intact . We flying over Nebelhorn we still have near a friendly Base .

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