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Senate Hearings on Roberts discusses Forced Microchipping

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posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 08:03 PM
From the Roberts Confirmation hearings - Question on Forced ID Micro-chipping and Privacy -

Biden engaged in a bit of prediction: the Supreme Court will rule in the years ahead on whether microscopic tags can be implanted a person to track his movements.
"Our constitutional journey did not stop then, and it must not stop now. For we will be faced with equally consequential decisions in the 21st Century: can microscopic tags be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement; can patents be issued for the creation of human life; can brain scans be used to determine whether a person is inclined toward criminal or violent behavior?

Judge, I need to know whether you will be a Justice who believes that the constitutional journey must continue to speak to these consequential decisions – or that we’ve gone far enough in protecting against government intrusion into the most personal decisions we make."

“You will rule on that – mark my words” Biden further declared.

Evidence -

He also talked about electronic brain scans to determine guilt or innocence.

...this is straight out of the twilight zone. The book of Revelations...taking the Mark of the Beast...666.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and enslaved, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, except he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18

You will not be able to buy, sell, travel, hold a job, receive benefits or Social nothing without the security offered by the embedded chip in your hand or forehead.

But what would lead the US to require an implanted microchip? What kind of disaster would be required to lead to widespread microchipping? A biological attack? A nuclear attack on a city? No one is going to believe that 270 million US citizens are going to allow themselves to be chipped unless there is some very good reason to do so. Security of identification or to prevent ID or credit fraud will not be enough, it will have to be a widespread disaster. Chipped to prove an innoculation perhaps?

Do you believe it?

It's really OUT IN THE OPEN NOW...

For audio replay of Senator Biden's implanted microchip testimony click the link below and listen:

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 08:11 PM
That's a really progressive (as well as aptly analogous) line of questioning.

He's getting at Robert's position on the "so-called" right to privacy in a manner that should actually make libertarian minded "so called" conservatives think about something much bigger and far reaching than unwanted mastocysts lodged in a total stranger's fallopian tube for a change.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:27 AM
Yea they're just putting it right out there now......davidk67 thx for the alex jones clip of CNN.....people better realize....I don't know what else to's just right out there

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:39 AM
Yep its coming,if i did`nt care about it i would have taken share`s on the chips a year or so ago,but as a Christian would that be classed as insider trading

Edit to add;dont you just love they (the decieved and deciever`s)say now because we are getting closer that its not 666 but 616,yes people its all in our minds nothing going on here move along

[edit on 13-9-2005 by gps777]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 05:15 AM
***But what would lead the US to require an implanted microchip? What kind of disaster would be required to lead to widespread microchipping? A biological attack? A nuclear attack on a city? No one is going to believe that 270 million US citizens are going to allow themselves to be chipped unless there is some very good reason to do so. Security of identification or to prevent ID or credit fraud will not be enough, it will have to be a widespread disaster. Chipped to prove an innoculation perhaps? ***

How about a catagory 4 hurricane that destroys much of the Gulf Coast?
Think about it, IF all the people had microchips they would be much easier to find & reunite with loved ones...
Think of all the children who are seperated from their parents, it would be much easier to find their parents if everyone had a microchip.
I honestly expect them to start microchipping infants shortly after they are born, this would be very helpful in making sure they are not switched at birth or stolen..
IF I were not a christian & knew what the mark was all about I could easily see how beneficial microchipping would be for mankind.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Watchman77

IF I were not a Christian & knew what the mark was all about I could easily see how beneficial microchipping would be for mankind.

You got that right,it has to make sense and it does to me as well,people (the majority) will welcome it in,it has to or it wont happen. A Christian it should`nt really bother,it bothers us as Christians that it does`nt bother you.

Even proof of the Bibles predictions coming true in front of their faces we will still be called paranoid,tin foil hat wears (lol love that one)delusional etc.

The main people who will refuse the mark will be Christians along with criminals terrorists etc we will be segregated separated and or hunted but i will still be doing one of these
well .......on the inside.

But who knows when all this will happen? tomorrow 5 years?10? etc, i only fear for those who accept this mark before they realize Christ is and should have been their Lord.But people should`nt come to Christ out of fear of these things they should come to him because he deserves their praise.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 12:37 PM
Not sure I trust the guy. On one hand he says its not up to judges to make rules yet he turns around and basically praises Roe v Wade which was a rule setting precident. Meet the new boss same as the old boss.

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