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Do i have a jaded view of things?

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posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 10:20 AM
After sitting back and observing the health system and the world as it is here are my thoughts so
Before i get flamed here me out.We all pay taxes while where alive to keep society a float but when where ill and dying to the government we are just a number and statistic.What motivation do they have to keep you alive and provide you with ailments when at the end of the day your no longer a use to society.If there really are all this mythical cures for cancer,diabetes etc and we were from a lo socio economic background do you think they would provide us with it. I highly doubt it.

Am i jaded or just seeing things for what they really are?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 12:21 AM
so am i really that jaded with my views on the "politcal ecosystem". There has to be someone out there who can at least see where i am coming from

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 05:10 AM
Jaded - Tired? Nah I would say you are starting to awakening. The problem with this part of it is acceptance. Do people accept the jaded awakening and leave things be or do they see more and decide not to accept, not to become that jaded during awakening.

Many see what you are seeing but decide it is too big to fight against and just hope they are not adversly affected by the economic and political environment. It takes a lot and you are risking a lot if you do speak out and say, Hey this is not right, where are these cures, why are the poor disadvantaged, are we really expendable to you.

The problem lies in education, hasn't anyone noticed the education system and that children are only taught specifics and weeded out early into categories that will stick for life..
you to the go in the welfare basket.

you have a pretty can go into the moviestar basket
you have a brain and your smart well bred... you can go into the university line....
you there..yes you the poor person with a bit of, we have some pretty drugs for you....that will keep you sidetracked till you destroy yourself....
you there...manual labour....

and so on and so on....
its all categorised and neatly packed and the health system is part of it, just enough going on to keep everyone quiet and to go on working for the regime, never enough for the lower "baskets" to get ahead.

You are right, the cure must be known, if an atom can be split, we can send pretty pictures back from Mars and do all those other wonderful things like create babies from two mothers and so on, then of course we can cure cancer, cure aids, hepatitis..oh hang on didn't we make them ourselves.

A little story about hepatitis. Now this is going on study I did ten years ago so my memory may have holes in it..

For centuries man has suffered the effects of hepatitis A. No question there, it is documented back to the Greeks if I remember right.

In world war two thousands of American troops were innoculated against hepatitis A and yellow fever. They are both an interesting read on the two diseases through google.

Anyhows rumours and some stories are that many of these soldiers got sick.

Of course there may be evidence of this but it is the military. I may have a look again later, as I said it is ten years ago when I studied this phenomena.

Around this time and after world war 2 a new disease emerged in the world....Hepatitis B they called it.

Interesting ....however then in the early 1980's a vaccine/cure was found for hepatitis B..... The vaccine Varied from country to country. This was unusual for vaccines.

The people who used this vaccine the most were people liekly to come into contact with the virus. I know, I was vaccinated in 1990 when i worked in a club, as union delegate I helped push to get the vaccines in for staff as we constantly mopped up blood spills and ashtrays, drink glasses. In hindsight well at least we were protected. Drug addicts were other people who were given the vaccine, it wasn't so much given to everyone like it is today.

Next move in the chain comes in the mid eighties to early nineties, a new disease was discovered, they called it Hepatitis C, a far more deadly virus but not as easily transmitted.

But then the curious different parts of the world more and more strains were being reported, say India reported a new disease called hapatitis d and africa reported hepatitis e, then f, g, h and so on...

Is there a link between the different vaccines for hep B that have somehow been the culpits of EFGH?

The timing of all those events is extraordinary if it is just co-incidental.

I am not saying the vaccines directly caused the new strain. I was married to one person with hepatitis C, I have never contracted it and have as you know been innoculated for B. But I am saying somehting is very fishy around the introduction of vaccines and the emergence of new strains.

I haven't looked it up but i can guess they are RNA viruses, capable of mutation.

I am not the only one who has seen this I am sure. The question remains, if I am right, what is known and what isn't known? What is it and is it accidental or a big on purpose. I doubt we will be told, It would go down on the public need to know and need to don't know list.

Same with tuberculosis, another killer, the good old mycobacteria. Don't tell me in fifty years they have not come up with a cure for this bacteria? They are still using treatments from fifty years past, oh wait sorry I forgot, it kills the sick, elderly, weak and aids ridden people....

Sorry about the rant but yeah....sometime I get mad not jaded

[edit on 13-9-2005 by Mayet]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 05:39 AM
and before anyone jumps on me, I am not sure exactly what strain of hepatitis originated in what country. Its been a long time but I will look it up and give some links. If people are interested they can search themselves as well.

Edit....links and info

1942 - Rockefeller's Yellow Fever/ HBV vaccine given to US Army Soldiers and
Allied Troops. 330,000 infected.
1943 - Acute Hepatitis causes a few deaths in the Military
1947 - Rockefeller Manufactures 28 Million Doses of the Yellow Fever/HBV
vaccine by this date. No record of any destroyed. All used?
1947 - Mac Callum (1947): classified viral hepatitis into two types, Viral
hepatitis A - Infectious hepatitis, Viral hepatitis B - Seum hepatitis
1975 - Stated: "Unlikely that immunization against HBV will ever provide
absolute immunity" (Sierra Leone = has one of the highest HCV rates today in
the World today) Some considerations regarding active immunization with
HBsAg. Krugman has demonstrated that injection of heated serum containing
conferred some protection against subsequent challenge with live hepatitis B
virus (HBV). Thus newly imported animals may be incubating HB infection, and
could give rise to false positive results in inactivation trials, unless
quarantined for a four to six month period prior to use. We have therefore
established a laboratory for chimpanzee trials in West Africa, and plan to
utilize only animals captured by trapping and held in strict isolation from
the time of capture. Three chimpanzees who received a massive transfusion of
plasma one year after resisting challenge with aliquots of the same plasma
inoculated intraperitoneally, all developed severe hepatitis, accompanied in
two cases by HBs antigenemia, despite strong anamnestic anti-HBs responses
in all three animals. PMID: 1204972
1988 - HCV Discovered, Chiron group (Choo, Kuo, Houghton) cloned and
identified HCV.
1988 - HDV discovered (found only with HBV)
1989 - HCV isolated
1991 ~ 1992 - Investigators in Japan reported the discovery of a new
hepatitis virus and called it as hepatitis virus F, but failed to be
substantiated in the subsequent research.
1994 - Deka reported an isolation of a virus named HFV (Hepatitis
French[origin] Virus) on intravenous innoculation of stool extract from
sporadic non-A, non-B hepatitis, in New Delhi, India,however, no follow-up
report was noted. (Deka N; et al.:J. Virol; 68:7810~5, 1994)
1995 - Genotype I (1a) found in China near Unit 731 activities and 98% in
Moldova, Russia.

Well above is one link with a timeline along the lines of what I said above. Its nice to know that its been seen in the last few years by more and more people for what it potentially, really is.

[edit on 13-9-2005 by Mayet]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 05:59 AM
Thanks for the reply mate.I 2 sometimes think that this is issue is 2 big to fight and i can only hope that societys worldwide will aweken to what is happening around us.I just have to believe sometimes that after so long as you stated we cand send machines to other worlds but we cant cure disease.I refuse to belive the comments of a certain individuals on these boards over the complexcitiy of the pharmacuetical buisness and that these empires are not in the buisness of hiding "magic bullets".

I also coudnt agree more in regards to your comments on the state of the education systems worldwide.its become more sidetracked by the day.People are getting disected by characterisitics into future career paths instead of being enriched with a social consious.

I have also read of a similar incident in regards to vaccines and the cold war but i will have to look into the details of it.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by tarzan
Thanks for the reply mate.I 2 sometimes think that this is issue is 2 big to fight and i can only hope that societys worldwide will aweken to what is happening around us.I just have to believe sometimes that after so long as you stated we cand send machines to other worlds but we cant cure disease.I refuse to belive the comments of a certain individuals on these boards over the complexcitiy of the pharmacuetical buisness and that these empires are not in the buisness of hiding "magic bullets".

I also coudnt agree more in regards to your comments on the state of the education systems worldwide.its become more sidetracked by the day.People are getting disected by characterisitics into future career paths instead of being enriched with a social consious.

I have also read of a similar incident in regards to vaccines and the cold war but i will have to look into the details of it.
I agree Tarzan. Big drug companies selling lots of medicines = Big profit. There is no incentive for cures because so many are making money off it. The doctors make money to diagnose diseases and probably get kick backs from the drug companies to prescribe certain drugs. If doctors "cured" everyone they too would be out of business. The only one that loses in the equation is the sick patient.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:09 AM
In another instance of a failing medical system,A Dr named phillip holt who for 30 years has been using microwave technology in his treatment for cancer and who has never procalimed he can cure it but has had substantial success nonetheless has had all his work scrutinised by a thrid party group ie" A government group- which claimed his techniques where not only dangerous but were flawed.i have mentioned him on these forums before and the programs which aired the story today have not updated there sites.As soon as more info is available i will link it.

This is really said. In a report eariler in the year they said his treatments cost around $1000 with or without medicare(I can't remember) as opossed to others which doctors and companies no doubt make a fortune in terms of kick backs from drug companies.

[edit on 29-9-2005 by tarzan]

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 07:59 AM
I wouldn't so much say "jaded" as "waking up."

Once you realize that it's all about the money, a lot of things begin to fall into place. Big Pharma doesn't make money off cures, they make money off treatments.


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