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Blair urged to suspend Holocaust day

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posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:45 PM
An advisory group appointed by Tony Blair after the London bombings are proposing to scrap the Jewish Holocaust Memorial Day because it is regarded as offensive to Muslims.
They want to replace it with a Genocide Day that would recognise the mass murder of Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya and Bosnia as well as people of other faiths.

A member of one of the committees, made up of Muslims, said it gave the impression that “western lives have more value than non-western lives”. That perception needed to be changed. “One way of doing that is if the government were to sponsor a national Genocide Memorial Day.

“The very name Holocaust Memorial Day sounds too exclusive to many young Muslims. It sends out the wrong signals: that the lives of one people are to be remembered more than others. It’s a grievance that extremists are able to exploit.”

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

According to the article Holocaust day was set up to create a lasting memorial to the 6m victims of Hitler. It is marked each year on January 27.

I am sure if the muslims want to have a day to commemorate the deaths of Muslims then they can go right ahead, but wouldn't it be ironic if they took over Holocaust day?

This is the hole that you dig when you start to go down the road of political correctness. When are we going to get a memorial day for the ancient Britons who were massacred by the Romans?

I see the last quote above as a veiled threat, if you don't make our young muslims happy, just beware.

[edit on 11-9-2005 by Netchicken]

[edit on 11-9-2005 by Netchicken]

[edit on 27-9-2005 by DJDOHBOY]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:52 PM
They just ask that a genocide day will include all the victims of ethnic clensing, no matter what religion they are from or where it happend, not just the jewish victims of this type of despicable act.

I voted no:bias on this because your opening paragraph starts out with utter biased bullocks. Islamification of England ... Sheesh, what about the Christianisation of law and goverment of the United States of America eventhough its constitution doesn't alow it?

Other from that, I have to ask you? Bush was urged to suspend holocaust day in the UK? Uh, since when does Bush have a say on the UK's do and don't?

[edit on 11/9/05 by thematrix]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:08 PM
I agree, the bias seems inherent; this is no islamification, but a simply gesture which recounts the numerous other variences in society which were pluaged by Hitlers armies, and not just the Jewish peoples. Gypsies and homosexuals alike, not to mention allied soldiers and innocents all suffered during this time, and all should be remember in in tatamount.


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:11 PM
Holocaust Day was established by Blair.

If they (ie: the UK) so wish to suspend it and/or rename it, then so be it. Being political correct and appeasing seems to be the ongoing norm these days anyhow. Keep bending over for the sensitivities of Muslims, or any other racial or ethnic citings, and the use of KY will no longer be needed. Muslims certainly don't care for *your* or others sensitivities do they? After all, its not every day that you get numerous Muslims groups stating that Katrina's devastation in the Gulf States was an act of Allah upon the infidels, do you? No offense there, right? Though the above mention of Katrina was a US incident, it simply gives example of the hypocrisy of mind that some in the Muslim communities thru out this world seem to exhibit in regards to others sensitivities and then their own expressed need for sensitivities, such as this move to not upset the Muslims anymore than they are. Hence the considerations being made to suspend/rename Holocaust Day. Reads like nothing more than Chamberlain-like appeasement.

It would further that any considerations for a national "Victims of Terrorism" Day is out the window too because that would unquestionably be offensive to Muslims as well, eh? [sarcasm].

Genocide Day is a more political correct move, right?
Next thing for consideration in the move towards political correctness and the desire to not offend is what? Think about it...


[edit on 11-9-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:14 PM
I think the name in the headline is wrong.

Blair (not Bush) advisers urge that U.K. cancel Holocaust Day

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:16 PM

Muslims certainly don't care for *your* or others sensitivities do they?

I would suggest retracting this statement, Seekerof. Someone as astute as yourself should not be caught making sub-conscious slips such as this. Muslims certainly do care about the sensitivities of others, my girlfreind is muslim --from Punjab-- and she certainly seems to care about me, a Sikh, a non-Muslim, whose religious and ethnic history was plauged by Muslims invaders.

You're generalizing here, and it's quite shamefull.


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:23 PM
You wish me to remove it for the sake of being political correct or non-offending?
Serves to prove my point, does it not?

We who live in this world live in a world of generalizations, so easily utilized when deemed appropriate and then condemned when not deemed appropriate, all based on the user and reader.

Yours and others feelings and sensitivities aside, I elect to not remove it.


[edit on 11-9-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:29 PM
Despite the motives for making a Genocide Day instead of a Holocaust Day, I really do think it is a good idea. It will be a day to remember the devastating consequences of prejudice and hate that has happened all across the world from the beginning of civilization even until our own day. Plus, if the Genocide Memorial Day is approached the right way, for example how I outlined above, it will be a slap in the face not only to any Muslim extremists who are asking for it (although I am sure it is not only muslim extremists asking for such a day), it will also serve as a reprimand to extremists all over the world, whether it be Christians calling for executions or political extremists who jail their opposition (like when Badnarik and Cobb were arrested for attempting to enter a presidential debate).

Whew, that was a long last sentence!

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:31 PM
Tell me, Seekerof, how exactly is your generalization of Muslims 'appropriate'? More importantly, under what basis of study did you come to such conclusions that Muslims are not acute to the sensitivies of non-muslims?


[edit on 11-9-2005 by Luxifero]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 04:33 PM

You wish me to remove it for the sake of being political correct or non-offending?

To be politically correct? No, no, no, more like for being blatantly untrue. My lady friend is a Muslim, and she cares very much for me, as well as numerous other people here, whether they be Christian, atheist, or any other creed they may have.

I try not to get too personal anymore, but I think it's interesting that you hate Muslims, but then have that "10 steps to fight hate" link in your signature.

[edit on 11-9-2005 by Jamuhn]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Luxifero
They just ask that a genocide day will include all the victims of ethnic clensing, no matter what religion they are from or where it happend, not just the jewish victims of this type of despicable act.

Yes, not all victims were Jews, but all Jews were victims. The tragedy of the Jewish people was unique. Two thirds of all Europe's Jews, including one and a half million children, were murdered.

More than 30 European countries even support Israel's plan urging the United Nations to establish an annual international Holocaust memorial day.

Israel would like to see the world body devote more resources to the subject, including worldwide education programs, encouraging the preservation of Nazi camps and rejecting denials the Holocaust took place.

I do not think Uk will change the day.

[edit on 11-9-2005 by Riwka]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 05:06 PM
I voted yes (2 votes) for the simple fact that ATSNN can be sluggish when it comes to publishing new stories.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 05:16 PM

as posted by Jamuhn
I try not to get too personal anymore, but I think it's interesting that you hate Muslims, but then have that "10 steps to fight hate" link in your signature.

Attack the message, not the messenger, Jamuhn.
Any time that you or anyone else has to drop to actually attacking the indivdual bearer of the message, just as you have done, your position is lost/forfeit.

My message was clear and revolved around the issue of political correctness and appeasement, not attacking someones signature or anything else. There was only one Holocuast, Jamuhn, the Jewish Holocaust. There is no doubt that there have been numerous acts of genocides, but the difference remains as such, there has been only one Jewish Holocaust, Holocaust Day, and to name it to the generalization of Genocide Day is trivializing such.

Now, who is being truly being offended here, The Muslims or the Jewish communities that reside in the UK?


[edit on 11-9-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 05:54 PM
link hominem arguments are pretty effective, as politics have shown. I'm sure you have used some yourself. And when you start speaking in generalizations, you shouldn't be surprised that you will receive a few examples of their falsehood. And perhaps my comments will help you to think about the conflicting views that you have about Muslims and hate.

But apart from that and apart from the whole debate on PC, I think having a Genocide Day in general is a good idea. I'd be happy to elaborate for you, but I have already given a rundown of my points in an above post if you'd care to go over them.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 06:07 PM
i think the koran and other muslim texts is all i need to know islam is evil and only cares for itself.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 07:01 PM
In some respects I agree with this.

We need a day which points out the lives of everyone that died.

Everytime this comes around in College I have to explain to new people that not just Jewish people died in the holocaust.

In fact, in real life outside of my family I've met two people that know what happend to Russian people during this War and what was done to them in camps, yet the T.V. primarily over-here makes it about Jewish people and never mentions the Indian's, Chinese, Russian's, Arabs, etc...

This will help breed hate because their dead are not remembered.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 10:33 PM
I fail to see what the problem is here.

Is the disagreement over the ARTICLE being biased, or the SUBMITTER being biased?

How can the article be biased when its merely reporting facts.
And how can the contributor be biased (who BTW is an awesome individual) when the ATSNN asks for "Your comments, opinions and/or analysis (required)."

Surely then there must be a 3rd reason. That seems to be a reluctance to face what is happening in society and instead replace it with some PC weak kneed justification.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 02:23 AM
Actually the problem is, a vast majority of the people in the U.K. have no country who Hitler killed and have no iea who was involved in WW2.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 05:29 AM

They want to replace it with a Genocide Day that would recognise the mass murder of Muslims in Palestine, Chechnya and Bosnia as well as people of other faiths.

Anyone else feel embarrassed to be human?
We should learn lessons from these atrocities but then move on from them and get on with our lives. To me, the only thing that matters is what is happening now, not who has died in our past, weather it be from natural causes or human atrocity. Squabbling over what murders we should or should not commemorate? Please.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 12:05 PM
British Prime Minister Tony Blair's office said Monday it had no plans to rename Britain's Holocaust Day (AP)

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