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Kanye West booed and hissed at loudly during the NFL kickoff for saying Bush don't care about black

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posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 09:49 AM

The chart topping hip hop rapper star who used a network hurricane fundraiser to charge "George Bush doesn't care about black people" was loudly and lustily booed during last night's NFL kickoff show.

The appearance of Kanye West, who was beamed into the Boston stadium via remote from Los Angeles, received a strongly negative response from the crowd.

"The boos were thunderous and lasted for much of his number," reports the BOSTON GLOBE.

did this really happened? i didnt watch the whole entire game so i must have missed this booing thing. but if its true it shows most people in the stadium show their opinion on disagreeing.

[edit on 9-9-2005 by deltaboy]

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

The chart topping hip hop rapper star who used a network hurricane fundraiser to charge "George Bush doesn't care about black people" was loudly and lustily booed during last night's NFL kickoff show.

The appearance of Kanye West, who was beamed into the Boston stadium via remote from Los Angeles, received a strongly negative response from the crowd.

"The boos were thunderous and lasted for much of his number," reports the BOSTON GLOBE.

did this really happened? i didnt watch the whole entire game so i must have missed this booing thing. but if its true it shows most people in the stadium show their opinion on disagreeing.

[edit on 9-9-2005 by deltaboy]

I just watched it on tape delay this morning (Taiwan time.) I heard some booing during the pre-game, but they didn't show or even talk about the newest claimaint to race warlordship in American culture.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 08:06 AM
Kanye West's other comments about black being depicted as looters while whites depicted as finders can be explained easily.

A photographer can only describe what he witnesses. The photographer of the black looter witnessed the looting. The other photographer of the white "finder" did not witness the looting so he could not say he was looting.

It was refreshing to hear about the loud booing at the NFL pre-game show.

Usher has recently came out on Kanye West. Many also feel that it was a stunt to sell more records.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:19 AM
Well what makes you think everyone that likes football is a rap fan? Or even remotely anti-bush?

You forget you have all those hardcore followers who don't know anything at all but only think they way they do because its part of their culture.

rednecks dictating redneck norms!

I saw nothing wrong with what he said, and I doubt it'll affect his album sales just something for the media to stew.

remember michael moore getting booed?
lol i didnt hear any boos

i would've booed but i heard none.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 07:59 AM
I watched it.....Kanye came out and the crowd was JUMPING. They stayed hyped up and then BROUGHT IT UP A LEVEL when the next tune started & the singer from Maroon 5 joined him.
I didn't hear a BOO or see, with all the crowd spanning camera shots, any disgruntled folks whatsoever.
More propaganda from Matt"I-wish-I-was-that-APPLICATOR-in-Condi's-purse-rumor-queen" Drudge.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
I watched it.....Kanye came out and the crowd was JUMPING. They stayed hyped up and then BROUGHT IT UP A LEVEL when the next tune started & the singer from Maroon 5 joined him.

Lets face hit he should be bood cause he is a lousy excuse for an artist. I for one am sick and tired of the celebrity political activist on both sides.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:32 PM
ROFLMAO Bout Time.
I watched the game, as well, and he was booed.
Your depiction of otherwise is interesting, nonetheless, is it not?
What I will agree with you on though, is that this is simply sensationalized headline work from Drudge.

As par, and as has been indicated within this topic, like NASCAR, NFL Football is only for "rednecks" and the pro-Bush crowds, huh?

as posted by Lysergic
You forget you have all those hardcore followers who don't know anything at all but only think they way they do because its part of their culture.

rednecks dictating redneck norms!

Pretty 'a' typical that anything and everything has now become political....must be a redneck thang'....


posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:33 AM
I can understand the mob mentality of "loudly" booing some object of derision. George W Bush would be used to that.

But why was Kanye West "lustily" booed?

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:18 PM
Oh yeah he was booed alright...

Turns out alot of people feel George Bush DOES care about black people SPECIFICALLY.

Not that he does NOT care about them specifically as Kanye West asserted.

Why, because they share Bush's social beliefs as their president and / or his religious beliefs as a good christian man.

They boo because THEY DO care specifically about "black people" as a whole, and so must Bush.

The people that booed felt STRONGLY indeed. It was an OUTRAGE for Kanye 2 say this because just like President Bush, they DO care about black people, PASSIONATELY it seems!

Is this a leap in logic?

Or did they boo this crazy thug rapper black-guy for darin to say one word against the good man they support?

oh by the way,

Originally posted by FredT
Lets face hit he should be bood cause he is a lousy excuse for an artist. I for one am sick and tired of the celebrity political activist on both sides.

Lousy excuse for an artist. Is it the melodies he creates? Or his lyrics?

Not your favorite rapper?

I'm wondering cause I'm not sure if your taking a shot at rap music in general.

If so - fine, no big woop.
Just wondering...

Political activists time after time are charlatans and use important issues for selfish personal agendas.

But Kanye surely knew it would not benefit him 2 do so. Few have voiced support. He jeopardized his Pepsi sponsorship. Lotta money potentially lost not to mention being a rapper with the president of the FREE WORLD thinking about you specifically. Wonder what went through Bush's head when he heard that. Not good attention to have on you as a rapper.

Not good at all!

By the way, i'd sacrifice my broadband connection 4 life, 2 have been able to read GWs mind when he first was told what Mr. West had just said!

[edit on 9/14/2005 by theBLESSINGofVISION]

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