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Trust Us, We're the Government

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posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 04:22 AM
All ya'll are terrorists just for posting on this site. I'm calling TIPS immediately.

I don't know though. If millions of people protesting can't stop a war. If a president can be appointed when he doesn't actually win the election. When 60% of the military say they would fire on Americans if ordered to. When all the money, food and water are controlled by the equivalent of 3rd graders with a magnifing glass and a bug. When reading a story in a newspaper in public brings questions from the FBI. When you have two agencies in the U.S. called the SS (secret service and Wakenhut SS). When 10 top officials of the Army decide to arrest Clinton and wind up dead. When 90%+ of Americans still believe they HAVE to pay wage taxes (aka income taxes). When the water is poisoned. The food poisoned. The air poisoned. When liberating a country means destroying it. When thousands of innocent people die to get one man that's still at large. When all is said and done. what can one do that won't end them up in a pine box?

They sold out the human race but for what exactly?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by phroydnslp
When 90%+ of Americans still believe they HAVE to pay wage taxes (aka income taxes).
I agree with everything you typed but this. I've looked into this too. I have found out that those who have tried to not pay their income taxes wind up in court and lose. Apparently you are required by law to pay your taxes, or else all these people going to jail are nothing but innocents. If by convicting innocent people is a means of giving other people an example, it certainly set one for me.

Well, I also want to point out that Vietnam was severly protested against but not stopped, even leading to some people's death in protest. I don't know about the Spanish-American War, Phillipine War, or Korean War with regards to protests, but I'm certain they existed.

[Edited on 8-9-2003 by heelstone]

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Doesn't quite affect me that way, but arselicker Howard's government is certainly using some of the strategies he's learned so well.

In the past couple of weeks he's wanted to regionalize the Pacific corner as his part of the NWO.

I prefer killing bacteria at their source, before they get a chance to spread! In a global village with such dangerous epidemics, be prepared to call any country your home and stick your nose into its politics at will!

Our government controllers are eventually going to implement what they learned from yours in how to disarm the nation. I hope we don't roll over and wet on ourselves as easily because if we do, it'll all be moot; the rule will become arbitrary and the government tyrannical.

Problem is, if we were to lose all of our control of the nation, if they didn't have to put on a facade for us, the whole world will be in danger.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 07:18 AM
That is about the same thing that I have been saying to people out here,"If we did not have the abilitiy to defend ourselves,they would have no reason to be as nice as they are ",people just look at me like I am nuts.
Things are changing rapidly,not for the better.Seems that the disarming part of the trick may just be less of the plan than the "we'll make farting Illegal" part of the plan,if enough naive people say "if you're a law abiding citizen , you have nothing to worry about",and some of this hokey garbage gets passed,we are all in deep poo-poo.
The biggest lie that is used is that old saying,"it's a changing world",NO!,it's the same as it has always been,same old struggle between the one and the other.

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer
...Dragonrider, concerning your signature...

...Don't you think there may be a danger of *you* being labeled as a terrorist, simply because you asvertise your knowledge of explosives?...

Thats a quote from the movie Armeggedon, when the geologist is undergoing psychological evaluation prior to being put on the shuttle.

If DHS takes that seriously, these guys need an enema to clear out thier minds...

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider If DHS takes that seriously, these guys need an enema to clear out thier minds...

...At least that would be applying the correct treatment to the correct part of the anatomy...

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 09:43 PM
I can know longer trust the American government. We are taught form grade school and threw out high school that we have the best system in the world and every one else in the world should follow our example. Now that I am older and wiser I am coming to realize that this is a load of bull, the government only lets you know what they want you to know and they use the popular media i.e. ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC etc. to spread this misinformation. Leave it to the Bush Adminstration to use fear as a tactic to push an agenda that benefits them and the NWO. Victory for who?

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 09:47 PM
Question: How do we solve the problem of setting up a new constitution for the Iraqi people?

Answer: Let them use the US Constitution! It worked great for us for over 200 years, and hell, we're not using it anymore!

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 09:50 PM
....have the best government in the world,it is just full up with corrupt ass politickians though,overflowing with the bastards.
And we got em outnumbered by the way.
What can you do?.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????

posted on Sep, 8 2003 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
....have the best government in the world,it is just full up with corrupt ass politickians though,overflowing with the bastards.
And we got em outnumbered by the way.
What can you do?.
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????

Here's the current (and futile) options.

1. Join a revolutionist militia
2. Complain on the internet (they won't let you on tv)
3. Public protest
4. Write your elected officials to complain

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 12:34 AM
After thinking about my previous post a little bit more... I have concluded that as long as big business plays an active role in our government there will always be corruption. In America we are capitalist and as soon as somebody finds a way to exploit the system and profit from it they will. For example the building of the railroads which linked the east to the west during the late 1800's was the birth of corporate America getting hand outs from our leaders. The rail companies recieved gaint loans, money for every mile of track built, and 60 acres of land for every mile of track built. The rail companies sold this land which was prime land located next to the railroad for an inflated price. Some people in the interior dept. decided that they should sell the remainig land surrounding the rail road at a lower price to their buddies. Their buddy would then sell the land at an inflated price and give the inside man at the interior dept. a kick back. This is the birth of the modern political scandal.

Present day, President Bush and V.P. Chenny invade Iraq and Afganistan and had out all of the contracts to rebuild these countries to their buddies in the corprate(sp) world. How about trying to fix things at home before trying to fix things else where.

My point is no matter who is in office there is going to be some sort of corrpution. I guess I am a little angry that a Nation that trys to set an example for the world to follow does not do a good job. It reminds me of the saying "Do as I say, not as I do."

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by heelstone
I agree with everything you typed but this. I've looked into this too. I have found out that those who have tried to not pay their income taxes wind up in court and lose. Apparently you are required by law to pay your taxes, or else all these people going to jail are nothing but innocents. If by convicting innocent people is a means of giving other people an example, it certainly set one for me.
[Edited on 8-9-2003 by heelstone]

I'm sure it's not the correct forum but I'll reply to this. I still pay income taxes myself because I am legally bound to do so. When I signed that form when I got my first job it was pretty well over (not to mention the SS number). The issue with these people going to jail is they just refuse to pay. They usually haven't done anything except not pay. There are many cases where the person has won. But only because they understood you have to actually submit paperwork to the government claiming your right to not pay and site the Supreme Court cases that say so. The Fed then has some time to rebuttal your points. If they don't then your points will stand in a court of law. Know the system and you can do whatever you want. The system is full of holes ready for the adept to utilize. The holes are just buried in 67,000 pages of code. Income tax is nothing more than the WWII tax. It's voluntary unless you are a citizen of the United States (not United states). Whenever you sign a W-4, get food stamps or ask for government assistance of any kind you are claiming citizenship under the federal government. It takes a heap of paperwork and a lot of time to get yourself back to a citizen of your respective state. You can't just not pay.

As for me, I'll happily pay my slave tax because I don't have the time nor the patience to deal with human drones in a corrupt system.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 07:28 AM
Ok,how bout this,what can you do that will change things?.
-Joining a militia will just get you killed or tagged as a looney fringe sort of person,and tossed in jail,probably under a section of the PATRIOT Act I might add....

-Complain on the internet?,how much difference do you think that makes,besides,they monitor it,you could still get tagged....

-Public protest?,that has been interpreted to be a terrorist act according to the PATRIOT Act,and besides,they put up cages away from the action now so you can protest in a cage two blocks from where anyone will even see your protest.You gotta get a permit to protest nowadays........

-Write your elected officials ?,get it notarised so they can't ignore it without dishonor.

How about really getting involved,in large enough numbers that cannot be ignored or hauled away in the paddy wagon.
Swamp the legal system with pleadings and suits to have things changed,go argue in the courts yourself,Otherwise they won't notice anybody really gives a damn.
Get everyone together and tell the govt that you are all going on strike for a week unless something changes.
What if EVERYONE got fed up enough to say,No more taxes till we see a change!.
This is all about the legal system,it starts with the passing of legislation to make the things they want to do legal,that's what hitler did,he made it legal for him and his armies to do what they did,by the time anyone noticed ,it was too late.
Is history repeating itself here??.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD
Ok,how bout this,what can you do that will change things?.

That's basically what my thinking has been for a few years. I've gone thru all the senarios and they have all the bases covered.

You are right about us having them outnumbered. We are BILLIONS, they are perhaps thousands. It could even happen with just the number of protesters there were worldwide pre-Gulf War II. But the trick they use there is really really old. Divide and conquer. I'll use a previous example of mine; if people will riot because the football team in the city they live in lost then hope of unity is fairly low. However, you could just make one supersite that hosts all sites that speak truth and search for truth. But then they will just get the CIA to release SoBig.G and shut the internet

So then what can be done? Obviously, something that hasn't been done before. What's that you ask? I have no clue since it hasn't been done before.

Is history repeating itself here??.

Doesn't it always? And since the average human shuts off a short time after high school noone can remember history. And those that lived it don't want to remember it either. So we are left with a minute history that probably isn't even correct since schools are controlled by our benevolent leaders also. If it looks like a trap, smells like a trap and hurts like a trap, it's probably a trap. I think though, WWII was just a test run. Just like SoBig.A-F. Are you ready for the big one?

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 08:31 AM
Beginning to think outside the box,this is a dangerous thing,there are those who would not want anything they do not expect to happen.
This lack of unity is an engineered thing,just about every single thing you can think of,right down to the brand of shampoo you use will be argued by someone because they think theirs is better than yours.
The only thing that the scoundrels will recognize is an act of god,then they will take credit for it themselves.
This is all covered in scripture.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 08:56 AM
Sorry about that whole "thinking outside the box" thing. It seems that's the only place I can think. I'm claustrophobic and "the box" scares me.

As for "those that want" they need not worry of me. I'm a realist. I realize I have 31+ flavors of ice cream but no real choice when it comes to the system I was born in. I work therefore I eat, I eat therefore I work. That is the logical cherio I hail from., sleep, work, repeat till dead. Either way the loop of futility is where the billions reside.

But my shampoo is better than yours! The TV said so. Not only that but my God can beat up your God.

The only thing that the scoundrels will recognize is an act of god,then they will take credit for it themselves.
This is all covered in scripture.

Which scripture though? Bible, Koran, Torah, Aesop's Fables? And who's god? Egyptian, Norse, Greek? And which group will take credit? Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Masons, Anunnaki? Darn if I'm not confused.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 09:37 AM
It is really funny how religious groups argue and fight with one another when the scriptures they go by usually say about the same thing.
Excepting of course some of the newer religions,and some of the darker ones,it seems greed has become a religion also,a very popular one.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 09:43 AM
Speaking of gun control, I firmly believe that the freedom to own guns was designed as the ultimate check and ballance in the constitution. The founders knew that an out of control government was always a possibility.

However, I feel that those days are over. Look at Iraq, look at how easy it was to take over an armed populace, armed with weapons we can no longer own. At this point, were the poop to hit the fan, the best the armed citizen can do is hope that there is video of his death.

The US government is not responsible for the Patriot act, the Victory act and all of the other people control and gun control legislation. The American people demand it. The average citizen values security over freedom. Almost every new home sold is sold with covenants and deed restrictions. Drive through any subdivision. The houses are the same, the lawns are the same, there is nothing out of place, nothing dirty, security out the wazoo. These are the people that vote. People in their private lives are giving up freedom to do as they wish with their property to gain conformity and resale value. They desire the same from their government.

When we point out that Freedom is more desirable than Safety, we are the extremists.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:04 AM
Those people are fighting the same monster we have to fear,and if the public has anything to say about it,which they don't,the war will be lost,and I hope it is,it was based on lies.
Get those guys home and out of danger,they will be of more use to us here,they know the truth or at least they know something is wrong.
Money and resale value won't be of much use if the economy collapses,all of those homes you mention are held in security to the federal reserve,if the fed forecloses on our governments debts,we ALL lose our homes.
The PATRIOT Act and the VICTORY act weren't voted on by anyone outside of congress,they were pushed through when no one was looking,it is the government trying to protect itself,by turning everything into a terrorist act,using the stupid fear of terrorism that has been spread by the media,forget about it,it's all a lie.
All of these current events are orchestrated to keep you from seeing the truth about what is actually going on,they are distractions.
Once the guns are gone,how do we stand up to people who would walk over us?.
Don't be naive.
The only way that this is going to come down to armed confrontation here is if the government brings in foreign troops to disarm the population,that would be the UN.
The UN already has plans for what it will do with america when they gain control of it,it involves moving everyone to certain areas to live,making the rest of the country off limits to the majority to be used by only the elite.
Really,look it up,it's called re-wilding,it's already happening here now.....
Never give anything up that you think may be useful to you later.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by uNBaLaNCeD And we got em outnumbered by the way.

Gee, I've been saying pretty much the same thing for quite a few months now...
We *do* outnumber them by a ratio of millions-to-one...If we could make sure that *everyone* understands that, then there's *nothing* the government could do to stop being "reformed" out of a career.

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