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Roberts get well qualified grade from American Bar Association.

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posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 04:09 PM
[url=;_ylt=AlAa3OJHD2tlz0KdzMoiYvNuCM0A;_ylu=X3o'___'BiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl]link[/url ]

WASHINGTON - Supreme Court nominee John Roberts on Wednesday received a "well qualified" rating from the American Bar Association, clearing another hurdle in his path to the nation's highest court

The rating was revealed as the Senate Judiciary Committee announced its plans for Roberts' Sept. 6 confirmation hearings, which include having the nominee questioned by the 18 senators on the panel for almost an hour each.

This is the fourth time the ABA has rated Roberts. He was designated as well qualified in 2001 when nominated to be an appeals court judge in the District of Columbia and again in 2003 when he was re-nominated and confirmed. He had been rated qualified as an appeals court nominee in 1992, but the Senate never took up that nomination.

nobody can stop the nomination now wen u have the ABA willing to approve him. lets see wat others have to say.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
[url=;_ylt=AlAa3OJHD2tlz0KdzMoiYvNuCM0A;_ylu=X3o'___'BiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl]link[/url ]

WASHINGTON - Supreme Court nominee John Roberts on Wednesday received a "well qualified" rating from the American Bar Association, clearing another hurdle in his path to the nation's highest court

The rating was revealed as the Senate Judiciary Committee announced its plans for Roberts' Sept. 6 confirmation hearings, which include having the nominee questioned by the 18 senators on the panel for almost an hour each.

This is the fourth time the ABA has rated Roberts. He was designated as well qualified in 2001 when nominated to be an appeals court judge in the District of Columbia and again in 2003 when he was re-nominated and confirmed. He had been rated qualified as an appeals court nominee in 1992, but the Senate never took up that nomination.

nobody can stop the nomination now wen u have the ABA willing to approve him. lets see wat others have to say.

If memory serves, Robert Bork also got a well qualified rating, and look at what the Democrats did to him.

I am sure some bigoted anti-Catholic Democrat will try to make a case against him, and hopefully the the bigotry will be apparent to the Catholic population in the United States.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by ludahai
I am sure some bigoted anti-Catholic Democrat will try to make a case against him, and hopefully the the bigotry will be apparent to the Catholic population in the United States.

Probably one of them Kennedy's or Kerry's. Sooooo anti-Catholic.

Not like fundamental protestant dominionist Republicans that just LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Catholicism.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Probably one of them Kennedy's or Kerry's. Sooooo anti-Catholic.

Not like fundamental protestant dominionist Republicans that just LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Catholicism.

In my experience, some of the worst anti-Catholic bigots have been elected Democrats.

I will never forget the comments made by former Va-Governor Douglas Wilder in reference to the fact that Clarence Thomas went to a Catholic school, and he isn't even Catholic.

Sure, I have had my run-ins with anti-Catholic fundies, BUT how many anti-Catholic bigots outside of Utah are actually elected?

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