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Homeless Man Vying for Governmental Seat

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posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 01:40 AM

Asociated Press
Of all the challenges the homeless face, Michael Padula may be in for his biggest to date. The 50-year-old homeless man living out of a van in a city park wants to run for city council.

The 1995 National Voting Rights Act ruled that homeless persons are entitled to vote even if they do not have a physical residence, Clair said. But for those who lack an actual residence, the question is whether they can be considered residents.

When Padula filed for his candidacy, he listed a garage as his address. Election workers verified it through a landlord who told them that Padula had rented it for a year.

But when city officials this month discovered Padula was living in a windowless garage with no running water, he was evicted. Padula, a registered voter, then filed a new address, the Lake County Health Department across from the park where he parks his van during the day.


I think this man has every right to run for a spot on city council. Just because he doesnt live in a large house with an expensive car or three like most politicians shouldn't exclude him from his right to run for office. He should have the same opportunity as anyone else regardless of his financial situation, it appears he has good intentions and should be given a fair chance IMO.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 04:31 AM
well if he's an american citizen i dont see why not!

it would be a job and it would help him get off the street/out of his van.

let him run! whats the worse that can happen? he'd lose. no loss for him when he doesnt have much now. if he won he'd gain a lot.

it'd would also prove something....even the lowliest of people within society can make it if they try.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 08:51 AM
What was that film???
Sounds very simular to this... i think Eddie Murphey was the homeless guy!!!!

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 09:43 AM
I believe the movie was "Trading Places", asala.

This homeless man shouldn't be stripped of his rights.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 09:46 AM
If the guy is an american citizen he has the right to run for office if he chooses to. I hope he runs and wins. That will teach those corrupt bastard politicians.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
let him run! whats the worse that can happen? he'd lose. no loss for him when he doesnt have much now. if he won he'd gain a lot.

Even if he lost, if he showed the least bit of intelligence in his "campaign", I'm sure the exposure alone could land him a decent job somewhere in the town. He'll have a tough time winning with his lack of influence with town "bigwigs", we all know how that works, but some might think that his lack of contacts, influence, and political schmoozing is a good thing. Regardless, he deserves a chance just like everyone else.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Ocelot
If the guy is an american citizen he has the right to run for office if he chooses to. I hope he runs and wins. That will teach those corrupt bastard politicians.

Amen, thats what America is all about. Out with the corrupt crooks and in with the average citizen who might have other citizens issues in mind. If he is denied an opportunity to run, then things are really bad in this country. I'd vote for him if he showed he knew what he was doing.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 04:24 AM
How can he be denied the right to run? He is a resident of Ohio so he should be able to run.

resident defined by webster is ": living in a place for some length of time"

He is living in Ohio. It wouldnt even matter if he lived in his car or at the park. He still would be "living in a place for some length of time"

If he is not allowed to run I say we make a petition. Get hundreds of thousands of people to sign it and then he will be allowed to run.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 08:16 AM
This kind of story would never happen in France with the actual state of mind...

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 02:50 AM
Where is he going to get money to campaign with? He needs to look nice when giving speaches to big crowds of people.

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
Where is he going to get money to campaign with? He needs to look nice when giving speaches to big crowds of people.

That will probably be his biggest obstacle, but the point isn't whether he wins or not, it's that he has the same opportunity as any other citizen, regardless of his/her financial situation.

It will be extremely difficult for him to win without having much money to campaign and look nice, etc, but he deserves the chance.

posted on Aug, 31 2003 @ 12:08 PM
I agree he should have the right to run. I wouldnt vote on how much money someone had or the way someone looked because it has very little to do with the way he perform in office.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 02:02 PM
If he has a vehicle, then he has a tag. To have a tag, he must have a driver's license, thereby making him an identifiable resident...
He'd fit right in with the governor's race in California, huh? He should run there!

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 02:53 PM
why not let the old bum run, he's not gonna win even if everyone votes him in lol, they just won't let it happen, unless they get to this homeless dude, which they will if he's being highly supported lol

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 02:55 PM
if he was born in america he has every right, but if was an immigrant does he have any?

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 03:01 PM
Depends on the office... Immigrants can run for most every office I can think of, shy of the presidency... If a LEGAL immigrant, certainly one would have rights.... But, at some point the Immigrant must become a citizen to participate in politics... You have to show allegience before you get a say in a state's affairs (or contribute heavily to a campaign, spend a night in the Lincoln bedroom, etc.)

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 03:04 PM
Frankly, i think this country would be so much better if we had people from ALL walks of life in the halls of congress and the senate.

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